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"To remain indifferent to good fortune or to adversity by accepting it all from the hand of God without questioning, not to ask for things to be done as we would like them but as God wishes, to make the intention of all our prayers that God's will should be perfectly accomplished in ourselves and in all creatures is to find the secret of happiness and content."
One of the most painful experiences of a Catholic parent is to watch your children grow lukewarm in the Faith or walk away from it entirely. It can lead to feelings of abandonment and despair and turn conversations that were once easygoing into painful occasions of testiness and discord. In this riveting book, EWTN Radio personalities Jerry Usher and Debbie Georgianni present deeply moving stories from listeners whose loved ones have left the Catholic Church. They are stories of heartache and sacrifice, but also hope and redemption. You'll discover how families have coped — successfully and unsuccessfully — with the fallen-away loved ones, prayed for their return, and worked with the grace of God to reach out and touch their hearts. You'll learn how they placed their fears and anxieties at the foot of the Cross and implored God with constancy, deep compassion, and unwavering fervor.
This second volume of Swami Nijananda's Commentary on Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence, is a reflection on the writings of Blessed Claude de la Colombiere, S.J.. This volume continues the discussion of the belief that nothing happens to us in life unless God wills it so. Swami Nijananda leads an illustrious discussion of a process that turns stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
God is to be found in the simplest of our daily activities and especially through total surrender to whatever is His will for each of us. That is the message of this 18th-century inspirational classic by Jean-Pierre de Caussade. Its encouragement to ""live in the present moment,"" accepting everyday obstacles with faith, humility and love, has guided generations of believers to holiness and spiritual peace. This special volume of the famous spiritual treatise also includes the many insightful letters of Father de Caussade on the practice of self-abandonment. These numerous letters provide a great additional source of wisdom and practical guidance for how to grow in abandonment and to deepen our union with God in our daily lives. De Caussade shows that this practice of self-abandonment to God's will is the key to attaining true peace and virtue, and that it is readily available to all people - from beginners to those well advanced in the spiritual life. He also shows how to determine what God's will is for us. He reveals that it is not extraordinary feats that God expects for our growth in holiness, but rather heroic attention to every detail in our lives and humble acceptance of our daily lot in life as coming from His hand. The rich spiritual lessons in this book have stood the test of time, offering real and practical assistance to all people because its message is simple and clear, one that the reader will find to be a rare treasure of inspiration and direction to be referred to again and again.
Your Undergraduate Psychology Project: A Student Guide has been designed with the needs of the student in mind. Packed with hints and tips, and written in a simple, informal style, this ‘second supervisor’ is designed to ease students further into the world of research. The second edition has been completely revised and updated with new material on focus groups and ethics and a new section entitled How to Lose Marks Instantly Structured chronologically around planning a project, carrying it out, and then writing it up. Gives practical advice on how to deal with day-to-day problems such as software failures or uncommunicative interviewees. Written in consultation with a number of experienced academics and students of psychology.
TREATING OF THE Will of God St. Thomas, following St. Augustine, teaches that it is the cause of all that exists. The Psalmist tells us that “all that the Lord wills He does in heaven and on earth, in the seas and in all the deeps.” Again in the Book of the Apocalypse it is written: “Worthy art thou, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for thou hast created all things, and because of thy will they existed and were created.” Aeterna Press
TRUSTFUL SURRENDER TO DIVINE PROVIDENCE REVEREND JEAN BAPTISTE SAINT-JURE AND SAINT CLAUDE LA COLOMBIÈRE — A Classic! — Includes Illustrations by Gustave Dore — Includes an Active Index, Table of Contents, Active Linked Endnotes and NCX Navigation Publisher: Available in Paperback: ISBN-13: 978-1-78379-277-1 In what does the sanctification of man and his perfection consist? “Some” says St. Francis of Sales “place it in austerity, others in giving to charity, others in frequenting the sacraments, others in prayer. But for my part I know no other perfection than loving God with all one’s heart. Without this love all the virtues are only a heap of stones.” The truth of this cannot be doubted. The Scriptures are full of it. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, thy whole soul and thy whole mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment Our Lord tells us. And St. Paul: “Above all these things have charity, which is the bond of perfection.” PUBLISHER: CATHOLIC WAY PUBLISHING
We were made for love, and love requires trust. In Jesus I Trust in You: A 30-Day Personal Retreat with the Litany of Trust, Sr. Faustina Maria Pia, S.V., learn what it means to place our trust in Jesus—no matter the circumstances. In this powerful invitation to a loving, trusting relationship with our Lord, you will pray with the Litany of Trust to overcome every obstacle to peace.
Among advocates of the Catholic Faith, none is more respected or more beloved today than Father George Rutler, whose wise and witty books command a worldwide audience of loyal readers delighted by his clear, compelling catechesis. These carefully chosen extracts from Father Rutler's writings highlight the range and brilliance of the enlightened thinking that has made Father such a treasured icon. Here, in what amounts to a distillation of a lifetime's work, are all of the qualities that admirers of Father Rutler have come to prize: his deep and consistent faith, his incisive sense of history, his sharp wit, his pastoral solicitude for the spiritual well-being of his readers, and his ebullient dedication to the salvation of souls. In our day, many Catholic apologists have dwelt on the essential joy of Our Lord and Savior and His care for our eternal happiness, but none have do