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This text examines the theory of reincarnation which has played a part in the religions, myths and folklore of many races and cultures. From Tibetan Buddhists to Hollywood film stars, from Haitian witch-doctors to Tory wives, belief in reincarnation exists, even if the evidence is far from concrete.
Cases of responsive xenoglossy thus add to the evidence concerning the survival of human personality after death.
Have you lived before?Suddenly the idea of reincarnation has produced a wave of resonance in modern society and struck a chord. This book documents the growing public acceptance of the possibility that all of us will live again after we finish our present 'go-around' on the planet Earth. The ancient concept of reincarnation and past lives has not only re-emerged into our modern consciousness, but seems to have become a more natural and accepted part of our world view.Some studies show that twenty-five percent of people in modern western countries now agree that reincarnation is not only possible, but a reality. The implications of this are enormous.Imagine a population that has been released from the fear of death. Suddenly, we have all the time in the world - eternity, in fact! Life now takes on a new dimension of meaning. We realize that this is not all there is and we also understand that we are more than our physical bodies and because we are more than our physical bodies, we can access that which is beyond the physical. Our potential is virtually unlimited.Freedom from the fear of death is a kind of universal freedom that can flow across all aspects of life and living. Knowing that we are not mere physical lumps of biological matter, but indestructible souls constructed of pure consciousness is a magnificent vision for humanity.Knowing that we are 'souls' means that we can live out our lives from that basic understanding. It is the ultimate empowerment. No doubt many will remain sceptical about the possibility of reincarnation. But it seems this is a concept and a phenomenon that is not going away. Those amazing headlines in the media just keep coming. Every day more people - average, ordinary everyday people - are discovering that they have an undeniable connection to something larger, something infinite and something absolutely amazing.Table of Contents Bentreshyt - A Priestess of Isis The Reawakening of Marty Martyn Past Lives on Other Planets The Interesting Case of Sherrie Lea Laird and Marilyn Life on Mars Group Reincarnation The Druze The Genius Connection The Science of Reincarnation
She consistently remembered her former life in minute detail from the earliest age. She was so insistenel that a major investigation was conducted by an impartial committee. Even Mahatma Gandhi became involved and encouraged examination of the case. The results were published and submitted to scientists for analysis. No one was able to disprove the evidence and it was declared valid. This was not a case obtained through the use of hypnosis or any other means. Shanti Devi also reveals the extremely vivid memories of her experiences after death, the period between her lives, and her return to a physical body.
James Leininger was just two years old when he began having disturbing nightmares that would not stop. He screamed out in the night: 'Plane on fire! Little man can't get out!' While nightmares are common among children, what happened next shocked those around him... James began to reveal details of planes and war tragedies that no two-year-old boy could know. His desperate parents were at a loss to help him until he said three things: 'Corsair', 'Natoma' and 'Jack Larsen'. From these tantalising clues, James's parents travelled thousands of miles and spent many long years piecing together these facts to try and find an answer that could end his torment. Finally, despite his mother's fears and his father's staunch Christian beliefs, they found only one possibility to the endless coincidences that surrounded every detail in James's life – that their son was reliving the past life of a World War II fighter pilot. Their touching story is one that will challenge sceptics and confirm the beliefs of those who already believe in life after death.
The Sky Diaries is the remarkable true story of guardian angels, reincarnation, and one family’s journey through multiple lifetimes. It’s a tale unlike anything you’ve heard before – a saga filled with otherworldly synchronicity, signs from the afterlife, and a child so precious her fate was written in the stars. What if life after death is only the beginning? What if we come back to one another time and time again? What if a child’s past life memories hold the key to unlock the truth about reincarnation? As you’ll see, a family’s love never ends. From one life to the next, it merely changes forms.
Dr. Tucker, in a follow-up to his book Life Before Life, explores American cases of young children who report memories of previous lives in the New York Times bestseller, Return to Life. A first-person account of Jim Tucker's experiences with a number of extraordinary children with memories of past lives, Return to Life focuses mostly on American cases, presenting each family's story and describing his investigation. His goal is to determine what happened—what the child has said, how the parents have reacted, whether the child's statements match the life of a particular deceased person, and whether the child could have learned such information through normal means. Tucker has found cases that provide persuasive evidence that some children do, in fact, possess memories of previous lives. Among others, readers will meet a boy who describes a previous life on a small island. When Tucker takes him to that island, he finds that some details eerily match the boy's statements and some do not. Another boy points to a photograph from the 1930s and says he used to be one of the men in it. Once the laborious efforts to identify that man are successful, many of the child's numerous memories are found to match the details of his life. Soon after his second birthday, a third boy begins expressing memories of being a World War II pilot who is eventually identified. Thought-provoking and captivating, Return to Life urges its readers to think about life and death and reincarnation, and reflect about their own consciousness and spirituality.
Accounts and evidence of reincarnation from around the world presented in a clear and easy-to-follow journalistic style with a Ripley's-believe-it-or-not overtone that makes for a perspective changing read.
Kim Deitch made his name as an “underground” cartoonist — a contemporary of Spiegelman, Crumb, et. al. — but over the last three decades has simply been one of the most vital graphic novelists the medium has to offer, including acknowledged classics such as The Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Alias the Cat, and The Search for Smilin’ Ed. His new graphic novel, Reincarnation Stories, feels like the apotheosis of his career, an ambitiously sprawling tour de force exploring the concept of reincarnation. When Deitch was four years old, he began having memories of a time when he wore glasses. The problem was, he had never actually worn glasses. Then, one day, young Deitch is sitting outside his apartment building when an elderly man approaches him, excited. “Is it possible? Sid! SID PINCUS! Good God, man! You’ve changed. You’re smaller! And where are your glasses?” From here, Deitch weaves a dizzying path of reincarnation stories that spans the past, present, and future of human history, with appearances by Frank Sinatra, monkey gods, a forgotten cowboy star of the silver screen, a tribe of Native Americans that successfully resettled on the moon, and a parallel reality where Deitch himself is the megasuccessful creator of a series of kids books about a superhero called Young Avatar, who helps marginalized souls lead better lives and in his secret identity works as a carpenter. Did we mention Deitch’s spiritual nemesis (an incarnation of Judas Iscariot), Waldo the Cat? Deitch’s storytelling mastery has never been more fully on display that this rich tapestry of a graphic novel, certain to be a staple on 2019 “Best of ” year-end lists.
Has your child lived before? In this fascinating, controversial, and groundbreaking book, Carol Bowman reveals overwhelming evidence of past life memories in children. Not only are such experiences real, they are far more common than most people realize. Bowman's extraordinary investigation was sparked when her young son, Chase, described his own past-life death on a Civil War battlefield--an account so accurate it was authenticated by an expert historian. Even more astonishing, Chase's chronic eczema and phobia of loud noises completely disappeared after he had the memory. Inspired by Chase's dramatic healing, Bowman compiled dozens of cases and wrote this comprehensive study to explain how very young children remember their past lives, spontaneously and naturally. In Children's Past Lives, she tells how to distinguish between a true past life memory and a fantasy, offers practical advice to parents on how to respond to a past life memory, and shows how to foster the spiritual and healing benefits of these experiences. Perhaps the most moving, convincing, and best-documented evidence yet for life after death, Children's Past Lives will stand alongside the classics of Betty J. Eadie, Raymond Moody, and Brian Weiss in its power to comfort, uplift, and transform our thinking about life after death