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Everyone loves a good ghost story...Either you are a believer or non believer. Inside the pages of this comics are tales from the other side... Don't be afraid...some beings will accompany you while you are reading ...
Halloween is the premiere Horror comics and Magazine you should read... We sometimes met persons not quite like you or me because they have experiences that often defy explanation. It's a world of supernatural, where meaning is obscure but such a world exist. Its phenomena may arise on the mind or from the appearance of an apparition of a person surely dead many years ago or weeks ago. That is what we will explore, because such an experience can happen even to you. Ghost stories is still widespread and popular all over the world. While most of the actions thought to be common among ghosts (chain clanking, cemetery haunting, and so forth) can be found, they are by no means so widespread in the popular ghost stories as we have been led to expect. The ghost who is very like the living is far more common than any other. ... It might be expected that a rational age of science would destroy belief in the ability of the dead to return. I think it works the other way: in an age of scientific miracles anything seems possible. – Louis C Jones
True Philippine Ghost stories Comics presents a nostalgic look at what was great, not so good, and yet very typical of the forbidden true horror graphic novel . These weren't underground publications: they were mass market and their hauntingly eerie covers were seen on every newsstand and kiosk across the Philippines. Adults would recommend the true ghost stories comics to spook teenagers. This true horror graphic novels are used to discourage teenagers from sneaking out at night. Adults who told these stories were as afraid as the children. After all, their parents had told them the same stories for the same reason. Horror strikes deepest when it hits close to home. This collection aims to uncover the haunted places that lurks within the 7,100 Islands of the Philippines. This horror comics were hugely successful, due in part to its uninhibited mix of twisted humor, gory violence, and up-front eroticism; however, what makes them so sought-after today is their technicolor cover illustrations, rendered by the top Filipino Artists. Here is a further collection of well illustrated horror anthology comic strips - a visual feast of outrageous pulp art. Ghost and supernatural events invade millions of lives every day, maybe even yours. And if you don't believe, just know that you don't have to believe in something for it to exist. This anthology makes a great gift for the comics horror fan in your life, perfect for the storyteller that loves to scare others around a campfire, or for anyone who thinks ghosts aren't real-prepare to read some of the most chilling true paranormal stories ever recorded. Read about: 1. ASWANG 2. Mananggal 3. Tikbalang 4. Sigbin 5. Multo 6. Anting-Anting and many more. Witness the Gallery of Terror. Ghost Caught on CAM submitted by our comic book fans all over the Philippines . In this special edition witness the scariest Ghost caught on CAM. SEE real Aswang caught on CAM . To see is to Believe. Be scared . be very afraid of the Dark. The number one Filipino Ghostly tales komiks in the International Market. WARNING: Suggested for MATURE READERS. For 18 years old and up. Contains Violence, Sexual content, nudity, horror, real Ghost caught on CAM. ENGLISH EDITION
The stories you’re about to uncover aren’t some spiritual mumbo jumbo… each one has a compelling truth attached to it ... Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction – And These Stories Would Tell You Why. Have you ever felt a sudden drop in temperature around you? Have you ever experienced a strange, soft voice whispering in your ears? Do you believe that there’s a world beyond our tangible world – things that can only be felt and not seen? If your answer is ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, then you’re not the only one. We are drawn to supernatural stories and mysteries – they have the power to evoke curiosity and widen our perception.
Eerie ... Haunting.... Mysteries.... A must read for Horror Comics fans
There are several haunted locations in the Philippines. This comics and magazine compiled some of the scariest ghost stories and supernatural entities caught on CAM sent by our readers... Don't be scared... you won't be reading this alone... some entities will be accompanying you while you read this book...
This Magazine Is Haunted #13It was the 1950's - the Atomic Age, the Cold War, and just the before the Space Race. Comics books were the education, the entertainment, and -- according to some -- the downfall of America. What a great time! We loved to be scared - still do, it seems - from the comfort of our own home, secure in the knowledge that there's no real danger (or so we think). Nothing could match the imagination, the surprise, and the chilling-of-your-spine like the great horror comics of yesteryear. Now you can enjoy again (or - for the first time) the colorful and scary stories that haven't seen print in many decades! The comic reprints from Golden Age Reprints and UP History and Hobby are reproduced from actual classic comics, and sometimes reflect the imperfection of books that are decades old. These books are constantly updated with the best version available - if you are EVER unhappy with the experience or quality of a book, return the book to us to exchange for another title or the upgrade as new files become available.
Cover Art by Jack Kirby Prepare to be terrified! The tale you are about to read are not for the easily scared or the faint of heart. It's a full blooded ghost story. And introduces again that one intrepid voyager . into the unknown of the paranormal and the supernatural. Always manages to return with a pragmatic explanation of what seems to be the inexplicable. What you see and what you believe is not always the same. It is said that another realm exist where we inhabit. Other worldly beings dwell within this place. And the only way to communicate with them is through carrying out rituals or paranormal communication games. These games are not simple however as playing these pose a huge risk that me scar you for life or worse. Whether you believe in Ghost haunt or not I am sure that you will love and enjoy a good ghost story. Why are we crazy about ghost? And I cannot comprehend why anyone should be scared of them. After all what do ghost do? They haunt that's all. To haunt means to visit or to live in a place. To keep coming back to the mind of someone especially in a way that makes the person sad or upset. What is so scary about that? A hopeful lover hangs around a lot.
YOUR DREAMS – WHAT DO THEY MEAN ? THE MESSAGE RECEIVED IN SLEEP? PEOPLE WILL BE AFFECTED BY DREAMS IN MANY WAYS ..SOME WILL ACT ON THEM AND MAKE IMPORTANT DECISIONS . OTHERS WILL SEE THEM AS MYSTIC SYMBOLS AND GAMBLE ON THEIR MEANING. Featuring: 1. I Talked to My Dead Wife 2. Uncertain futures 3. The Strangling Hands 4. You Sent Us this dreams stories 5.Don't Wake the Sleeper 6. Do You Know 7. Haunted in my Sleep 8 The Moon and You 9. The dreaming Tower 10 The haunted Murderer 11 Odd facts 12. The Man that Saw doom 13. Proof and many more...
Horror anthology comics of ghost, spooks, specters, along with other monsters and creatures that gave us nightmares...Filled with high quality chilling stories and amazing artworks.