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12 True Crime Stories of Murder & MayhemEighth Book of the True Crime Case Histories Series (2022)True crime books are not like other genres. I like make certain the reader knows what they're getting into. Real true crime is not CSI. It's exponentially more horrible. True crime fans who have been reading these books for years already know this. Even television documentaries will skip over the truly gruesome parts of crime stories. In my books, I don't skip over the details no matter how disturbing they may be. My intent is to give the reader a better glimpse into the mind of the killer.There are twelve stories in this volume of True Crime Case Histories. One particular story in this volume was sent to me by several readers in the Michigan area. The news of a young woman's savage death in 2018 was front-page news in Michigan, but the rest of the world may not have heard the story yet.A sampling of the stories include:In this volume, you'll read some stories that take place as recently as a few years ago while others date back as far as the 1930s. There's the story of a young Russian immigrant who came to the United States seeking the exciting lifestyle he'd seen on television, only to be stabbed, set on fire, and left to die in the desert by his own friends.There's also the story of a brawny railway worker who couldn't control his steroid-fueled rage. After killing two people and being sentenced to life in prison, he continued his rage behind bars.There's the story of a young woman who was abducted while sunbathing along the Ohio River. A witness across the river saw the abduction in progress and identified the abductor, but after more than twenty-five years, the girl's mother still searches for answers.Some stories made major news headlines, like that of the awkward farm boy from British Columbia who preyed upon desperate prostitutes, killing as many as forty-nine women while leaving almost no trace of their remains.
12 Disturbing True Crime Stories of Murder, Deception, and MayhemVolume Nine of the True Crime Case Histories Series (2022)Readers Love This Series - Over 4,300 Five-Star Ratings on Amazon & GoodreadsIn my books, I do my best to find stories you may not have heard of. To do this I count on my readers to send me stories that may have gone forgotten and aren't found all over the internet.You'll read the story of five-year-old Stephanie Hebert, who walked only three houses down her quiet suburban sidewalk and disappeared forever. Her case went cold for forty years before other children from her neighborhood came forward in their adulthood with information leading to the killer.There's the story of the sadistic mother who viewed her children only as the spawn of their demon father, torturing them for their entire short lives.Another story tells the disheartening tale of a toddler's skeleton found in a suitcase on a rural roadside. Motorcyclists discovered her mother's skeleton more than 600 miles away. Five years had passed, with no one even realizing they were missing.There's also the heartbreaking story of a single mom, drowning in debt, that did the unthinkable for insurance money.Many of the stories in this book feature women killers, three of which took the time to meticulously dismember their victims-a task that can take great strength. Another woman manipulated her two teenage boys into killing for her. Yet another woman staged an elaborate hoax to get rid of her loving husband rather than go through the agony of a messy divorce.You'll also read of a sadistic group of up to twelve killers that took joy in abducting and torturing young men in Australia. Sadly, only one of the mysterious group has been brought to justice.Plus many more disturbing stories.The stories in this volume are shocking and exhibit human behavior at its absolute worst. Pure evil. However, these things really happen in the world. We may never understand what goes on in a killer's mind, but at least we can be better informed.
Eight True Crime Stories of Murder & Mayhem First Book of the True Crime Case Histories Series (2019) A quick word of warning. The true crime short stories within this book are unimaginably gruesome. Most news stories, television crime shows and true crime documentaries tend to leave out the most horrible details about murder cases simply because they are too extreme for the general public. I have done my best to include full details of these stories no matter how sickening they may be. In these true crime stories you'll find that truth really is more strange and vastly more disturbing than fiction. In my first book as a true crime author I've started with a few of the stories that have haunted me for some time. Some of these stories are unbelievable in their brutality while others are astounding in the stupidity of the killers. You'll find a story of a religious evangelical christian who would rather strangle his wife and two young boys than lose his prominent job with the church. Then there's the story of a man that fills his wife's orifices with grease so she will be flammable from the inside. There's the story of the small-town doctor that goes through the unbelievable lengths of performing surgery on himself to avoid going to jail for raping his patients. Plus there're more stories of Serial Killers terrorizing cities and crime scenes that bring investigators and seasoned police to tears. This collection of stories are from all around the globe and have no common thread between them other than that they are both thought provoking and disturbing. The stories included in this anthology are dark and creepy and will leave you with a new understanding of just how fragile the human mind can be. The stories include: Fred Grabbe, James Patterson Smith, Dr. John Schneeberger, Chris Coleman, Michelle Bica, Mary Bell, Graham Dwyer, Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris (The Toolbox Killers). Scroll up to get your copy
LARGE PRINT EDITION36 Disturbing True Crime Stories of Murder and DeceptionReaders Love This Series - Over 7,000 Five-Star Ratings on Amazon & GoodreadsThree Book Collection: Volumes 10, 11, and 12 of the True Crime Case Histories Series (2022)(This series can be read in any order.)
36 Disturbing True Crime Stories of Murder and Deception Three Book Collection: Volumes 10, 11, and 12 of the True Crime Case Histories Series *** This series can be read in any order *** If you're a fan of true crime, you're undoubtedly familiar with the big-name cases: Ted Bundy, BTK, David Berkowitz, Christopher Watts, Diane Downs, Casey Anthony, Jeffrey Dahmer, Jodi Arias, Ed Gein, etc. The list of well-known, notorious cases throughout history is seemingly endless. Books, websites, podcasts, streaming television series, and magazines are filled with their abhorrent tales of mayhem. They're some of the most foul killers the world has ever known. In my books, I do my best to find stories you may not have heard of. To do this, I count on my readers to send me stories that may have gone forgotten and aren't found all over the internet. In this collection, you'll find 36 True Crime stories from the last 100 years. Many of which you may never have heard of. A sampling of the stories includes: The Crossword Murder - A young East German boy walked to the cinema to meet friends but disappeared somewhere along the snow-packed sidewalks. When his body was later found, the only clue investigators had was a crossword puzzle filled out with green ink. A Sad Holiday Season - In the north of England, a sixteen-year-old girl disappeared after Christmas shopping with her friend. A massive manhunt led police to a serial killer who lived just blocks away from her home. The Leg Thing - A young man of seventeen who derived immense pleasure from the sound of someone else's bones breaking. The Ice Cream Killer - In another story, a female ice cream shop owner, who had felt the urge to kill since she was a child, acted on her impulse and kept her victim's dismembered bodies hidden in the cellar of her ice cream shop. Hidden Betrayals - A successful interior designer uncovers a shocking betrayal when she learns that someone she trusted her entire life has secretly amassed a collection of her intimate photos, prompting her to take drastic measures to ensure he pays the ultimate price for his actions. A Perfect Holiday - After her partner is sent to prison for molesting her eldest daughter, a mother will do anything to keep her two youngest children from being taken by social services. Room 3109 - A wealthy and privileged British Investment Banker, in a cocaine-fueled rage, lured young women to his opulent Hong Kong hi-rise apartment only to brutally torture and kill them while he videotaped the mayhem. The Girl Scout - When a seven-year-old girl disappears from her upstairs bedroom in the middle of the night, a small community realizes they have a devious predator in their midst. Plus, many more disturbing stories. You are about to read several more stories in this volume that are shocking and disturbing, but they're also true. These things really do happen in the world. The stories paint a picture of human depravity that many would prefer to remain hidden. However, it is only by dragging evil into the light that we can begin to understand its terrible allure. Scroll up to get your copy.
Eight True Crime Stories of Murder & Mayhem First Book of the True Crime Case Histories Series (2019) A quick word of warning. The true crime short stories within this book are unimaginably gruesome. Most news stories, television crime shows and true crime documentaries tend to leave out the most horrible details about murder cases simply because they are too extreme for the general public. I have done my best to include full details of these stories no matter how sickening they may be. In these true crime stories you'll find that truth really is more strange and vastly more disturbing than fiction. In my first book as a true crime author I've started with a few of the stories that have haunted me for some time. Some of these stories are unbelievable in their brutality while others are astounding in the stupidity of the killers. You'll find a story of a religious evangelical christian who would rather strangle his wife and two young boys than lose his prominent job with the church. Then there's the story of a man that fills his wife's orifices with grease so she will be flammable from the inside. There's the story of the small-town doctor that goes through the unbelievable lengths of performing surgery on himself to avoid going to jail for raping his patients. Plus there're more stories of Serial Killers terrorizing cities and crime scenes that bring investigators and seasoned police to tears. This collection of stories are from all around the globe and have no common thread between them other than that they are both thought provoking and disturbing. The stories included in this anthology are dark and creepy and will leave you with a new understanding of just how fragile the human mind can be. The stories include: Fred Grabbe, James Patterson Smith, Dr. John Schneeberger, Chris Coleman, Michelle Bica, Mary Bell, Graham Dwyer, Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris (The Toolbox Killers). Scroll up to get your copy True Crime Case Histories Volume 2 is coming September 2019 featuring 12 more short stories of; True Crime, Murder & Mayhem, Serial Killer Biographies, and True Murder Case Files
12 True Crime Stories of Murder & MayhemSeventh Book of the True Crime Case Histories Series (2021) If you're familiar with the previous books in the True Crime Case Histories series, you already know that I start each book with a brief warning. Real true crime is not for everyone. The stories in this book represent humanity at its absolute worst. Pure evil. Television crime shows and news articles often skip the gruesome parts of true crime stories. The real details are just too grisly for the average viewer or reader. In my books, however, I do my best to include the details, regardless of how unsettling they may be. Each story requires hours of research. I search through old newspaper articles, court documents, police reports, autopsy results, and first-hand descriptions. Some of the specifics can be disconcerting. I choose to include the details not to shock, but to give the reader a deeper view into the mind of the killer. Although it's unlikely any of us will understand the motives of a diabolical monster, the level of depravity will keep you turning pages. That being said, if you are overly squeamish about the details of true crime, this book may not be for you. If you're okay with it... then let's begin. Volume 7 features: Longer stories, more photos, a bonus chapter, and an online appendix with additional photos, videos, and documents. Volume 7 of True Crime Case Histories features twelve new stories from the past fifty years. A sampling of the stories include: You'll read about a law enforcement officer that took advantage of the trust associated with his uniform. His brutal reign of terror lasted eight years. It took the bravery of two young women that escaped his grasp to bring him down. There's the story of the recent law school graduate with a crush on his neighbor. Rather than asking her out on a date, he stalked and spied on his classmate, eventually taking her life. There's also the heartbreaking story of a single mom, drowning in debt, that did the unthinkable for insurance money. Seven of the stories in this book feature women killers, two of which took the time to meticulously dismember their victims-a task that can take great strength. Another woman manipulated her two teenage boys into killing for her. Yet another woman staged an elaborate hoax to get rid of her loving husband rather than go through the agony of a messy divorce. You'll also read of a sadistic group of up to twelve killers that took joy in abducting and torturing young men in Australia. Sadly, only one of the mysterious group has been brought to justice. Plus many more disturbing stories. The twelve stories in this volume are shocking and disturbing, but they're true. These things really happen in the world. We may never understand why killers do what they do, but at least we can be better informed. You may have heard of a few of the stories in this volume, but there are several I'm almost certain you haven't. Scroll up to get your copy True Crime Case Histories Volume 8 is due out December 2021 and will feature 12 more short stories of; True Crime, Murder & Mayhem, Serial Killer Biographies, and True Murder Case Files.
12 True Crime Stories of Murder & MayhemFourth Book of the True Crime Case Histories Series (2020)If you've read the previous volumes of the True Crime Case Histories series, you know that I like to start with a brief word of warning. The stories included in this book are truly depraved and shocking. They are not for the squeamish. Many true crime television shows and news articles often leave out the gruesome details, simply because they may be too much for the average viewer or reader. With my books, I try not to leave out the details no matter how vicious they may have been. My intention is not to shock, but to provide a clear and accurate description of some of the most evil minds of the world. Though the stories are brief, I do my best to include enough detail so that the reader can get a better look into the demented mind of the killer.This volume features twelve of the most incomprehensible stories of the last sixty years. Trying to understand the motivation behind murders like these can be an exercise in futility. But one thing is for sure, - the stories in this volume will keep you turning pages.Volume 4 features: longer stories, more photos, three bonus chapters, and an online appendix with additional photos, videos, and documents.In this book you'll learn about a story that has haunted me since I was a little kid growing up in southwest Washington. I lived a normal American life where I could ride my bike around my small town from dusk till dawn without a care in the world. When I was twelve years old, a boy in my neighborhood just a year older than myself disappeared and was later found murdered. At the time I didn't know many of the details, but after researching the story all these years later and realizing that monsters like Tommy RagA sampling of the additional stories include: The Broomstick Killer: The Texas Penal System failed to protect the people of Texas by releasing a brutal killer of three teenagers. As a result he killed as many as eleven more women.Body in the Bag: A young man obsessed with the macabre listened to the voices in his head when his teenage girlfriend dumped him. Authorities found her eight weeks later stuffed inside a duffel bag.The Copper Gulch Killer: A sixteen-year-old prodigy child is found with five gunshots from three different guns, but police are convinced there was only one killer. Ten years later crime scene evidence is found in an abandoned storage locker.Zack and Addie: A young New Orleans couple are featured in the New York Times when they refused to leave their French Quarter home during Hurricane Katrina. One year later they're both dead with body parts found on the stove and in the fridge.The Incest Killer: Katie Fusco learned she she was adopted when she was eighteen. Within a year she was married to her biological father and pregnant with his child. When authorities force them apart, everybody dies.The Kicevo Monster: The story of the newspaper reporter that kidnapped, tortured, and butchered women that resembled his mother, then wrote stories of the killings in his newspaper articles.Plus five more disturbing stories.The stories in this volume are revolting and disconcerting, but they're true. These things really happen in the world. Though we will never fully understand the criminal mind, at least we can be better informed.Scroll up to get your copyTrue Crime Case Histories Volume 5 is due out August 2020 and will feature 12 more short stories of; True Crime, Murder & Mayhem, Serial Killer Biographies, and True Murder Case Files.
12 Twisted True Crime Stories of Murder and Deception Volume 9 of the True Crime Case Histories Series (2022) Readers Love This Series - Over 7,000 Five-Star Ratings on Amazon & Goodreads If you're a fan of true crime, you're undoubtedly familiar with the big-name cases; Ted Bundy, BTK, David Berkowitz, Christopher Watts, Diane Downs, Casey Anthony, Jeffrey Dahmer, Jodi Arias, Ed Gein, etc. The list of well-known, notorious cases throughout history is seemingly endless. Books, websites, podcasts, streaming television series, and magazines are filled with their abhorrent tales of mayhem. They're some of the most foul killers the world has ever known. In my books, I do my best to find stories you may not have heard of. To do this I count on my readers to send me stories that may have gone forgotten and aren't found all over the internet. Several readers submitted stories found in this volume, including the story of five-year-old Stephanie Hebert, who walked only three houses down her quiet suburban sidewalk and disappeared forever. Her case went cold for forty years before other children from her neighborhood came forward in their adulthood with information leading to the killer. In this volume, you'll find twelve assorted true crime stories ranging in date from the 1950s to 2020. There's the story of the sadistic mother who viewed her children only as the spawn of their demon father, torturing them for their entire short lives. You'll also read of the deranged husband and wife team who started their own cult and made it their life's mission to rid the world of witches. Another story tells the disheartening tale of a toddler's skeleton found in a suitcase on the side of the road. Motorcyclists discovered her mother's skeleton more than 600 miles away. Five years had passed, with no one even realizing they were missing. Plus many more disturbing stories. The stories in this volume are shocking and exhibit human behavior at its absolute worst. Pure evil. However, these things really happen in the world. We may never understand what goes on in a killer's mind, but at least we can be better informed. Although we may never really understand what goes on inside the mind of a killer, at least by studying the cases and knowing their backstory, we might gain a little insight into what makes them tick. With any luck, we can learn from the past. Scroll up to get your copy True Crime Case Histories Volume 10 is due out September 2022 and will feature 12 more short stories of; True Crime, Murder & Mayhem, Serial Killer Biographies, and True Murder Case Files. Included in this volume: Theresa Knorr, Robert Knorr, William Knorr, Jason Vendrick Franklin, Stephanie Hebert, John Joubert, Danny Jo Eberle, Christopher Walden, Ricky Stetson, Anna Maria Cardona, Lazaro Figueroa, Charles Schmid, Jermey Gipson, Jessica Thornsberry, Justina Morley, Domenic Coia, Nicholas Coia, Eddie Batzig, Jason Sweeney, Angela Stoltd, Jimmy Sheaffer, Vincent Tabak, Joanna Yeates, Edmund Arne Matthews, Lisa Ann Mather, Daniel Holdom, Karlie Pearce-Stevenson, Khandalyce Pearce-Stevenson, James Carson, Michael Bear, Suzan Bear, Susan Barnes Carson
12 True Crime Stories of Murder & MayhemSixth Book of the True Crime Case Histories Series (2021)As with the previous volumes of True Crime Case Histories, I use this introduction space as a quick word of warning. The stories in this book represent humanity at its absolute worst. Pure evil. Television crime shows and news articles often skip the messy parts of true crime stories. The details are just too much for the average viewer or reader.In my books, however, I don't leave out the details. I go through hours of research for each story. I search through old newspaper articles, court documents, first-hand descriptions, and autopsy reports. In my books I include details not to shock, but to give the reader a deeper look into the twisted mind of the killer. In the end, it's unlikely any of us will understand the motive of the criminals in these books, but the level of depravity will at least keep you turning pages.That being said, if you are overly squeamish with the details of true crime, this book may not be for you. If you're okay with it... then let's proceed.Volume 6 features: longer stories, more photos, a bonus chapter, and an online appendix with additional photos, videos, and documents.Volume 6 of True Crime Case Histories features twelve new stories from the past several decades.A sampling of the stories include: In this book there's the story of a young English man that had plans to become the UK's most notorious serial killer, but couldn't keep his mouth shut after his first kill and bragged to over twenty of his friends.Another story covers a group of four young men who believed they could do anything they wanted because their lord Satan protected them. Satan apparently couldn't protect them from prison.There's the story of a San Diego man who made it his life's mission to help young men avoid a life of crime. His good deeds resulted in his entire family being butchered by a boy he was trying to help.Another killer, a father of eight children, lured women to his boat, raped them, and threw them overboard. Ingenious forensic science was eventually used to catch the killer.One story of a young man that couldn't handle being rejected by his teenage girlfriend was suggested to me by a reader whose daughter had a close-call with the killer.Plus many more disturbing stories.The twelve stories in this volume are shocking and disturbing, but they're true. These things really happen in the world. We may never understand why killers do what they do, but at least we can be better informed. You may have heard of a few of the stories in this volume, but there are several I'm almost certain you haven't.Scroll up to get your copyTrue Crime Case Histories Volume 7 is due out May 2021 and will feature 12 more short stories of; True Crime, Murder & Mayhem, Serial Killer Biographies, and True Murder Case Files.