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Two closely related questions receive distinctively theological answers in this study: What is truth? and How can we tell whether what we have said is true? Bruce Marshall proposes that the Christian community's identification of God as the Trinity serves as the key to a theologically adequate treatment of these questions. Professor Marshall argues on trinitarian grounds that the Christian way of identifying God ought to have unrestricted primacy when it comes to the justification of belief, and he proposes a trinitarian way of reshaping the concept of truth. Direct engagement with the current philosophical debate about truth, meaning and belief (in Quine and others) suggests that a trinitarian account of epistemic justification and truth is also more philosophically compelling than the approaches generally favoured in modern theology, as exemplified by Schleiermacher, Ritschl, Rahner and others. Marshall offers a contemporary way of conceiving of the Christian God as 'the truth'.
This book is about the problem of truth: what truth is, and how we can tell whether what we have said is true. Bruce Marshall approaches this problem from the standpoint of Christian theology, and especially that of the doctrine of the Trinity. The book offers a full-scale theological account of what truth is and whether Christians have adequate grounds for regarding their beliefs as true. Unlike most theological discussions of these issues, the book is also extensively engaged with the modern philosophical debate about truth and belief.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In this formula that Christians recite as though on autopilot lie the secrets for healing our world, rekindling our visionary imagination, and manifesting the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. It’s an astonishing claim, but one that is supported by Cynthia Bourgeault’s exploration of Trinitarian theology—and by her bold work in further articulating the deep truth it contains. She looks to the ancient concept in light of the ideas of G. I. Gurdjieff and Jacob Boehme to reveal the Trinity as the "hidden driveshaft" within Christianity: the compassionate expression of the Uncreated Reality in creation.
This book is about the problem of truth: what truth is, and how we can tell whether what we have said is true. Marshall approaches this from the standpoint of Christian theology. Unlike most such theological discussions, the book is engaged with the modern philosophical debate about truth and belief.
Throughout the centuries people have had a difficult time grasping the doctrine of the Trinity. Churches have split and dissenters have been executed over the mysterious concept of one God, three Persons. But did you know that the word Trinity never appears in the Bible? So why do we think of God this way? And how did so much disagreement arise over a concept that is not even mentioned in Scripture? A better understanding of the triune nature of God will enrich our experience of and relationship with Him. In this book Jack Hayford uses passages from both Old and New Testaments and searches out many of the names of God to clear away confusion and misunderstanding about the Trinity. As this gifted pastor explores the Scriptures, you will be moved into a deeper and more intimate knowledge of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Book jacket.
In a world where more & more people believe that truth is relative it is crucial to come to an accurate interpretation of what the Bible teaches about the unchanging nature of God. Questions & answers will help you quickly grasp the importance of the Trinity including: What is the Trinity? Does the Bible teach the doctrine of the Trinity? What role does each person of the Trinity play? Why is the Trinity a mystery? Is belief in the triune God critical? This book uncovers the rich distinctives of the 3 persons of the Godhead & illuminates the powerful ways God - Father Son & Holy Spirit - works in the lives of believers today.
More than 1,500 years after the foundational church councils, the doctrine of the Trinity is still as central and as puzzling to theologians as ever. Reformed theology has seen increasing calls for the Trinity to live at the center of Christian confession, prompting the need for a fuller biblical and practical understanding of the subject.In recent Reformed thought, Cornelius Van Til and Cornelius Plantinga, Jr. have proposed important trinitarian theologies. Ralph Smith assesses these views and, filling out a Van Tilian perspective with Kuyper's lesser-known covenantal view, he provides a refreshing biblical, historical, and applicable perspective on this key Christian reality.
In -God is One & Christ is All- the original apostle's view of Jesus Christ and his relationship to God is set forth and declared over and against the Trinity dogma. This book thoroughly exposes, in understandable language, the un-biblical nature of the Trinity. The development of the Trinity is called to account for adopting pagan, philosophical and even anti-Christian (Gnostic) views of God and Christ. The concepts underpinning the Trinity are openly listed and dealt with and compared with Biblical concepts. Ultimately, the evidence presented proves conclusively that the Trinity dogma is not a Biblical dogma. Rather, it is a man-made falsehood that is contrary to the Jesus that the apostles admonished all men to believe in for salvation. In particular the Bible clearly describes 1) God's immaterial characteristics, 2) God's descriptive names, 3) God's passion for His people, and 4) God's absolute foreknowledge. The anti-Christians rejected each one of these biblical concepts and replaced them with pagan and philosophical views. Those non-biblical views see God, instead, as 1) having a corporeal nature, 2) being unnamable (or ineffable), 3) incapable of any passion, and 4) that the divine realm is occupied with multiple, pre-existent, divine persons. In developing the Trinity dogma, men such as Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Origen, Athanasius and many others absolutely rejected the simple, biblically described, apostolic view of Christ. The ultimate goal for this book, of course, is to restore believers in Christ to the simple, pure, undiluted faith once delivered by Jesus Christ through his apostles.
What do you do when you’re at the end of your rope? When you’re overwhelmed with anxiety and fear? When your whole world seems to be collapsing? For Christians, there is only one simple yet profound answer: turn to the triune God. Born out of lessons learned during one of the most spiritually challenging periods of his life, Experiencing the Trinity by pastor Joe Thorn contains 50 down-to-earth meditations on God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Overflowing with scriptural truth, pastoral wisdom, and personal honesty, this book reflects on common experiences of doubt, fear, and temptation, pointing readers to the grace that God provides and the strength that he promises.
A Concise Summary of Biblical Truth by John MacArthur Doctrine not only equips you with more knowledge about God, it also shapes your affections toward him and directs your actions for him—but it can be difficult to know where to begin. This concise handbook, developed from John MacArthur's larger work Biblical Doctrine, is an entry point for studying theological topics such as the Bible, the Holy Spirit, the church, and more. As MacArthur walks through the essentials of the Christian faith doctrine by doctrine, he'll not only encourage your heart and mind, but also empower you to proclaim the faith that was "once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 3).