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David Pawson was widely regarded as one of the finest Bible teachers of our generation. This is a collection of tributes from around the world of David’s friends. It contains personal stories of their friendships with David as well as how David’s teaching ministry had impacted them and others in the churches in their countries. In these tributes, we see different aspects of David that are not as well known but that have endeared him to his friends. What they say about David Pawson: His life and ministry were well lived and stand as an outstanding example in our day when such things are rare. Along with thousands of others, I thank the Lord for having known David and for the seeds of biblical truth he sowed into my life. Peter Tsukahira A gentle and generous spiritual giant. Dr Daniel Ho I consider him to be one of the finest teachers of the Word of God in our generation. Pastor Yang Tuck Yoong We celebrate his Bible teaching and many OM leaders and others listened way back when they were on tapes that went around the world. The greatest thing I celebrate is that he persevered through many difficulties and challenges. ONLY heaven will tell the story. George Verwer He avoids religious and theological jargon and understates his sharp intellect and scholarship . . . he is only intent on communicating biblical truth and glorifying Christ, not himself . . . his teaching style is gentle yet uncompromising: You are welcome to challenge him, but make sure you have studied all the scripture on the subject before you do. Justice Dr Philip Pillai Whether the angels in heaven will be ready for such a man, I don’t know. I can’t imagine they would have met too many people as passionate about truth as David, nor as gifted in communicating it. Dr Ian Stackhouse
David Pawson was widely regarded as one of the finest Bible teachers of our generation. This is a collection of tributes from around the world of David's friends. It contains personal stories of their friendships with David as well as how David's teaching ministry had impacted them and others in the churches in their countries. In these tributes, we see different aspects of David that are not as well known but that have endeared him to his friends. What they say about David Pawson: His life and ministry were well lived and stand as an outstanding example in our day when such things are rare. Along with thousands of others, I thank the Lord for having known David and for the seeds of biblical truth he sowed into my life. Peter Tsukahira A gentle and generous spiritual giant. Dr Daniel Ho I consider him to be one of the finest teachers of the Word of God in our generation. Pastor Yang Tuck Yoong We celebrate his Bible teaching and many OM leaders and others listened way back when they were on tapes that went around the world. The greatest thing I celebrate is that he persevered through many difficulties and challenges. ONLY heaven will tell the story. George Verwer He avoids religious and theological jargon and understates his sharp intellect and scholarship . . . he is only intent on communicating biblical truth and glorifying Christ, not himself . . . his teaching style is gentle yet uncompromising: You are welcome to challenge him, but make sure you have studied all the scripture on the subject before you do. Justice Dr Philip Pillai Whether the angels in heaven will be ready for such a man, I don't know. I can't imagine they would have met too many people as passionate about truth as David, nor as gifted in communicating it. Dr Ian Stackhouse
In this book, the author addresses a number of key (but widely neglected) topics: The Return of Christ to this Earth; the Punishment of Hell; The Reward of heaven. Ministers, preachers and believers throughout the world will find this a profoundly challenging and informative study of what the Bible actually teaches on these vital matters, and many will discover some surprising truths.
No one is able to keep all of the laws of the Old Testament - all of the time, not even the holy men of the Old Testament - Moses, King David and others. Jesus himself said that even if you only look at a woman lustfully you have already committed adultery in your heart. Priests and those in leadership within the Church have often been guilty of misusing the laws of Moses by teaching and demanding strict, literal or even excessive conformity to the Old Testament Law. Such practice puts one under the law, and even places the law above the gospel. In his letter to the Galatians Paul teaches that to be a Christian you do not need to be circumcised and that an over emphasis on keeping the laws, including keeping the Sabbath results in legalism and ultimately brings God's Wrath. The opposite of legalism is license - doing whatever you want whenever you want and that you are only responsible to yourself rather than a higher authority. This also brings God's wrath. In this book David Pawson explains how through Christ's death and resurrection, we have been released from the legalism of the Old Testament Laws (which no one is able to keep all of the time), not to do the opposite which will result in sin by doing whatever we please, whenever we want, but through Christ we have been given true liberty ...the liberty to choose not to sin, by walking in the Spirit.
"In the beginning..." This phrase is often wrongly read as "Once upon a time", as in the opening of a pleasant story or fairy tale, but David Pawson views it as a radical statement indicating that "our universe has not been around forever". Yet despite this, "most people in our world, and most men in history, have believed the opposite, that the universe is eternal". If Genesis was written to provide understanding of our origins and the consequences of the Fall, then why has this book of the Bible in particular inspired so much debate and controversy? And does it conflict with a scientific understanding of the origins of the universe? If God is a God of truth, why do science and Scripture sometimes seem to disagree? For instance, how can we reconcile the problem of references to the days of creation in Genesis with the estimates of billions of years? Can these apparent discrepancies and disagreements be explained? And in a world beset with troubles and threats of pandemics, hunger, inflation, recession, and nuclear war, why is it necessary to consider the origins of the universe and the human race? In this ambitious book, David Pawson tackles these and other challenging questions within the context of the creation versus evolution debate. In arguing that both God's Word and science are compatible, he points out that "the battles are battles of fact, but the warfare is a warfare of faith".
In this companion book to Heaven and Hell, David Pawson continues with the subject of the life to come, which despite being integral to the Christian faith is too often neglected. David considers the biblical teaching on the last things (death, judgment, heaven, and hell) and the challenges posed to the Christian in the modern world. In doing so, he asks penetrating questions such as: What does the Bible teach about resurrection? What happens immediately after death? Did Jesus really go to hell? The book also features interviews with two professionals whose work has brought them face to face with bereavement - a doctor and a funeral director. In response to David's searching questions, they offer candid first-hand accounts and insights about the challenges faced by the Christian in secular work environments and reveal ways in which their faith informs their view of mortality. They also share their observations about the effects of bereavement while revealing how their belief in the life to come provides solace. David also responds to a series of questions from other Christians about the afterlife. In doing so, he goes straight to the heart of the Christian faith, often covering subjects that are overlooked or ignored in churches. Some of his answers may surprise you! This book an invaluable resource for newcomers to the faith and more mature Christians alike.
A razor - sharp evisceration of celebrity culture and literary fame, How I Became a Famous Novelist is a satirical novel masquerading as a tell - all memoir. Sick of life as he knows it, Pete Tarslaw sets out to write a bestselling novel, armed with a formula for success cobbled together from previous bestsellers: he abandons truth, relies heavily on lyrical prose, creates a club with a mysterious mission, includes a murder and invokes ''confusing sadness'' at the end. Once the sales rankings for his novel The Tornado Ashes Club start their meteoric rise - thanks to a Christian evangelist, a recovering teen starlet and Law and Order: Criminal Intent - Tarslaw's inevitable decline looms, and his fall from grace will be nothing short of spectacular. How I Became a Famous Novelist is the hilarious tale of how Pete Tarslaw's ''pile of garbage'' became the most talked about, read, admired and reviled novel in America. It will change everything you think you know - about literature, appearance, truth, beauty, and those people out there who still care about books.
Over half a century of ministry, David Pawson has touched innumerable lives with his honest and uncompromising popular biblical theology. Now in his seventies, he has decided to write what will be one of the most eagerly-received autobiographies of any modern-day Christian leader. Not As Bad As The Truth is Pawson's written legacy to the Church. It will summarise the essence of his 'unorthodox evangelical' theology, including his beliefs on baptism, Israel, salvation, the End Times, male leadership, and divorce and remarriage. It will also discuss with honesty and insight the most significant events of his personal life - childhood and formative years, his failing health, and the blessings and challenges of family life. Pawson's commitment to biblical truth rarely fails to provoke a reaction. His teaching is loved and criticised in equal, passionate measures.
Now including a new chapter: Israel in Galatians'. Over 80% of the promises and prophecies of the Old Testament have been literally fulfilled. It is a simple matter of faith in God's faithfulness to believe that he means what he says, and will do what he says he will do. This study reveals that both the people and the place called 'Israel' have a significant role in God's future plans for world redemption.