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This hands-on guidebook provides practical, applied information on design considerations, site planning and understand-ing, plant selection, installation, and maintenance of trees in challenging urban environments.
Dictionary for Managing Trees in Urban Environments is a comprehensive list of terms used in the universal management of urban trees. Many of the terms are from arboricultural science, while others are derived from unproven but commonly applied concepts. Where the existing terminology to describe trees was limited or nonexistent, new terms have been introduced. This dictionary allows for broad application and use by a wide variety of people and conveys in plain language concepts that are sometimes complex. Most major terms have been cross referenced and diagrams have been added for greater understanding. While a number of pertinent botanical terms have been included, those readily found within dictionaries of general plant sciences and botany have been omitted. Dictionary for Managing Trees in Urban Environments promotes a greater understanding of arboriculture and urban forestry, and will assist in the preparation of reports for the management of trees, procedures and planning instruments, such as Tree Management Policies and Tree Management Orders.
“Far-ranging and deeply researched, Urban Forests reveals the beauty and significance of the trees around us.” —Elizabeth Kolbert, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Sixth Extinction “Jonnes extols the many contributions that trees make to city life and celebrates the men and women who stood up for America’s city trees over the past two centuries. . . . An authoritative account.” —Gerard Helferich, The Wall Street Journal “We all know that trees can make streets look prettier. But in her new book Urban Forests, Jill Jonnes explains how they make them safer as well.” —Sara Begley, Time Magazine A celebration of urban trees and the Americans—presidents, plant explorers, visionaries, citizen activists, scientists, nurserymen, and tree nerds—whose arboreal passions have shaped and ornamented the nation’s cities, from Jefferson’s day to the present As nature’s largest and longest-lived creations, trees play an extraordinarily important role in our cities; they are living landmarks that define space, cool the air, soothe our psyches, and connect us to nature and our past. Today, four-fifths of Americans live in or near urban areas, surrounded by millions of trees of hundreds of different species. Despite their ubiquity and familiarity, most of us take trees for granted and know little of their fascinating natural history or remarkable civic virtues. Jill Jonnes’s Urban Forests tells the captivating stories of the founding mothers and fathers of urban forestry, in addition to those arboreal advocates presently using the latest technologies to illuminate the value of trees to public health and to our urban infrastructure. The book examines such questions as the character of American urban forests and the effect that tree-rich landscaping might have on commerce, crime, and human well-being. For amateur botanists, urbanists, environmentalists, and policymakers, Urban Forests will be a revelation of one of the greatest, most productive, and most beautiful of our natural resources.
This multidisciplinary book covers all aspects of planning, designing, establishing and managing forests and trees and forests in and near urban areas, with chapters by experts in forestry, horticulture, landscape ecology, landscape architecture and even plant pathology. Beginning with historical and conceptual basics, the coverage includes policy, design, implementation and management of forestry for urban populations.
A fascinating and beautifully illustrated volume that explains what street trees tell us about humanity’s changing relationship with nature and the city Today, cities around the globe are planting street trees to mitigate the effects of climate change. However, as landscape historian Sonja Dümpelmann explains, this is not a new phenomenon. In her eye-opening work, Dümpelmann shows how New York City and Berlin began systematically planting trees to improve the urban climate during the nineteenth century, presenting the history of the practice within its larger social, cultural, and political contexts. A unique integration of empirical research and theory, Dümpelmann’s richly illustrated work uncovers this important untold story. Street trees—variously regarded as sanitizers, nuisances, upholders of virtue, economic engines, and more—reflect the changing relationship between humans and nonhuman nature in urban environments. Offering valuable insights and frameworks, this authoritative volume will be an important resource for years to come.
Trees in the City provides an introduction to the process of humanizing the cityscape and guide to planting trees in city conditions. This book focuses on four basic concepts. First, trees play an essential role in human's urban life. Second, people must become aware of the environmental, esthetic, social, and political importance of trees. Third, trees need to be integrated with the pattern and function of urban activity. Finally, the design, placement, and maintenance of trees on city streets are the responsibility of everyone in the community. The topics discussed include a short history of trees in the city; environmental and esthetic relation of trees, human, and the city; tree choices and features; and designing a city street—models, problems, and matrixes. This publication is beneficial to landscape architects and individuals interested in tree planting in urban areas.
Urban forests, trees and greenspace are critical in contemporary planning and development of the city. Their study is not only a question of the growth and conservation of green spaces, but also has social, cultural and psychological dimensions. This book brings a perspective of political ecology to the complexities of urban trees and forests through three themes: human agency in urban forests and greenspace; arboreal and greenspace agency in the urban landscape; and actions and interventions in the urban forest. Contributors include leading authorities from North America and Europe from a range of disciplines, including forestry, ecology, geography, landscape design, municipal planning, environmental policy and environmental history.
"Around the world, cities provide plenty of opportunities such as better education, advanced health treatment facilities, better employment, commerce, and trade as compared to rural areas. Therefore, more than half the world's people live and work together in urban communities, and it is projected that by the year 2030, three out of five people will stay in cities. The unrestrained and rapid growth of cities has also brought environmental degradation and causes many serious problems such as worsening of air quality, loss of natural habitat and species diversity, and increased human health risks associated with heat waves, noise and crowding. In most urban areas of developing countries, a variety of harmful air pollutants such as particulate matter, carbon monoxide, nitrogen and sulfur oxides, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are emitted from a variety of sources, mainly the burning of wood, fossil fuels and vehicular emissions, which adversely affects the health of human beings, animals, and other living creatures. In the urban environment, trees provide many economic, social, and environmental benefits to people, such as aesthetic beauty, improvement of property values, erosion prevention, storm water management, noise reduction, mental health development and crime reduction. In addition, trees help cool the air by shading surfaces that otherwise would absorb the sun's energy and then reradiate it out as heat. Trees also cool the ambient air. Urban trees on average reduce air temperatures on summer days by 2-4 °F, although in some circumstances the cooling effect can be even larger. Trees also sequester carbon, helping to mitigate climate change. The efficiency of atmospheric cleansing by trees in congested cities could be improved by planting more trees other than shrubs or herbs. Generally, avenue trees act as living filters to decrease pollution through absorption, accumulation, and detoxification. Trees remove gaseous air pollutants such as ozone, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide mainly by uptake via leaf stomata, although some gases are removed by the plant surface. Once inside the leaf, gaseous air pollutants diffuse into intercellular spaces and may be absorbed by water films to form acids or react with inner leaf surfaces. Though some particles can be absorbed into the tree, most particles settle on the branches, leaves and twigs of plants and are washed out by the rain. Throughout the world, different advanced technologies such as smog-free towers in the Netherlands and adhesive roads for particulate matter in London have been applied. However, these technologies are extremely costly and unaffordable for countries like India and therefore the most eco-friendly and cost-effective way is plantation of tolerant tree species alongside highways, city streets, in parks, and in residential yards"--
Baummanagement im stadtischen Raum ist die wichtigste Grundlage fur zukunftig grunere Stadte. Zu diesem praxisorientierten Ansatz gehoren Auswahl, Pflanzung, Pflege und Schutz von Baumen sowie das gesamte Management des Baumbestands als eine kollektive Ressource. Urban Tree Management versucht, das Bewusstsein fur die positiven Auswirkungen und Vorteile von Baumen im stadtischen Raum und deren Bedeutung fur die Stadtbewohner zu scharfen. Beschrieben werden die Vorzuge und ausfuhrlich die Folgen fur die Lebensqualitat in der Stadt und das Wohlbefinden ihrer Bewohner ? Aspekte, die in Zeiten fortschreitender Urbanisierung zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnen. Inhalte - Grundlagen, Methoden und Werkzeuge des urbanen Baummanagements - aktuelle Informationen zu Urban Forestry und Baumbiologie - positive Effekte und Einsatzmoglichkeiten von Stadtbaumen - Eigenschaften von, Anforderungen an und Auswahlkriterien fur Stadtbaume - Zustand und Probleme von Stadtbaumen - Governance- und Managementaspekte - Programme im Rahmen der Umwelterziehung Urban Tree Management, herausgegeben von dem fuhrenden Experten Dr. Andreas Roloff, ist ein ausgezeichnetes Referenzwerk fur Pflanzenwissenschaftler, Gartenbauer, Dendrologen, Baumpfleger, Forstwissenschaftler, Stadtplaner, Experten fur Parkanlagen und Landschaftsarchitekten. Dieses Praktikerbuch ist eine wichtige Erganzung fur Studierende einschlagiger Fachrichtungen und fur Bibliotheken.
Once considered the antithesis of a verdant and vibrant ecosystem, cities are now being hailed as highly efficient and complex social ecological systems. Emerging from the streets of the post-industrial city are well-tended community gardens, rooftop farms and other viable habitats capable of supporting native flora and fauna. At the forefront of this transformation are the citizens living in the cities themselves. As people around the world increasingly relocate to urban areas, this book discusses how they engage in urban stewardship and what civic participation in the environment means for democracy. Drawing on data collected through a two-year study of volunteer stewards who planted trees as part of the MillionTreesNYC initiative in the United States, this book examines how projects like this can make a difference to the social fabric of a city. It analyses quantitative survey data along with qualitative interview data that enables the volunteers to share their personal stories and motivations for participating, revealing the strong link between environmental stewardship and civic engagement. As city governments in developed countries are investing more and more in green infrastructure campaigns to change the urban landscape, this book sheds light on the social importance of these initiatives and shows how individuals’ efforts to reshape their cities serve to strengthen democracy. It draws out lessons that are highly applicable to global cities and policies on sustainability and civic engagement.