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A collection of prayers primarily drawn from the Christian tradition, but also includes those from Jewish, Hindu, Islamic, Buddhist, African, Meso-American, Sikh, and Native American traditions.
This is a letter from Imam Ahmad i (may Allah have mercy on him). The treatise by Imam ibn Hanbal, the Imam of the Hanbali school of juristic reasoning, renowned for his steep knowledge, was written several hundred years ago to the inhabitants of a town where the Imam stayed for a period of time. It contains a full and clear description of the prayer and includes detailed observations of the mistakes, which Imam Ahmad observed during his time in that town. It was and remains an invaluable work for all Muslims. Detailing as it does many common errors made during prayers, some of which are serious enough to invalidate the act of worship.
If man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, then Johann Starck has provided a bread basket for the Church with his Prayer-Book. This book of daily prayers, hymns, poetry, and devotions presents in every syllable the Bread that has come down from heaven. Written as daily nourishment in the Word of God, this book also lends itself to meditation and prayer during many of life's peculiar situations. Professor Dau describes Starck well when he writes, "Starck loved nothing sensational, nothing that was for mere display in matters of religion. Christian life, to him, was real and earnest, to be conducted in a sober mind. He was always bent on its practical applications to every pursuit and action, and on enlisting really the whole of a person in the service of the Master." When Christians nourish their souls daily with meditation upon the Word of God and the Sacraments, faith is strengthened. The Bread of Life fills hearts and minds, and Christ finds expression in the world through Christian life and speech. A contemporary pastor said it best when he said "Starck gives Christians a daily helping of meditation in God's Word, and leads them to satisfaction in their vocational tasks."
When asked by his barber and good friend, Peter Beskendorf, for some practical guidance on how to prepare oneself for prayer, Luther responded by writing this brief treatise, first published in the spring of 1535. After 500 years, his instruction continues to offer words of spiritual nurture for us today.
This year, many are asking, "How is the Reformation relevant for today?" These prayers, arranged by author and subject, will open a window into the personal faith and spirituality of those on the front lines of that great upheaval in the church and culture.