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Before Tuesday, September 11th 2001, I would have asked every tourist, business person or student abroad to read this book. Today I believe every traveler needs this book. In the wake of global terrorism, people more than ever before, must be aware of every situation, every surrounding when leaving their home. This book is intended to educate and provide added measures of protection when you and your family travel. The world will not let terrorists prevent travel, but now more than ever, it is about awareness. This book provides useful information for preparing for travel, planning tips while traveling and living abroad. In view of the atrocities that fell before us, everyone must be aware of the security measures possible and implement the measures necessary to protect you and your family.
This practical guide for Americans and other international travelers addresses matters of safety, health, shopping and driving abroad, and incorporates recent guidelines and changes in air travel including airport rules and procedures.
Constraining the mobility of terrorists is one of the most effective weapons in the War on Terror. Limiting their movements markedly diminishes terrorists' ability to attack the United States, our interests abroad, or our allies. As both the 9/11 Commission noted in its main report and the 9/11 Commission staff noted in its separate monograph on terrorist travel, constraining the mobility of terrorists should be a key focus of the US Government's counterterrorism initiatives over the coming years. In light of the Commission's findings, Congress required the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) to submit this National Strategy To Combat Terrorist Travel (NSCTT) pursuant to Section 7201 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (IRTPA). The 9/11 terrorist attacks highlighted the need to improve the monitoring and control of the domestic and international travel systems as a means to constrain terrorist mobility. Since then, the US Government has made considerable progress toward achieving this objective. The post-9/11 security environment consists of strengthened travel document security, enhanced screening of all visitors to the United States, improved information-sharing relationships with foreign partners, and increased vigilance of the American people and our allies in the War on Terror. Our foreign partners have also made progress in strengthening border security and providing terrorist-related information to the United States in a timely and efficient manner. The terrorist enemies we face remain determined, patient, and adaptable. While new security measures are making terrorist travel more difficult, terrorists and illicit travel facilitators are continually seeking new ways to exploit perceived weaknesses in travel security: Terrorists seek to defeat travel and border systems by using illicit travel networks, including professional human smugglers. As legal entry into the United States becomes more difficult, terrorists increasingly may seek ways to exploit what they perceive as weaknesses in US and foreign border control operations. Further progress inhibiting terrorist mobility and suppressing the illicit travel industry will require sustained bilateral and multilateral international cooperation, including coordinated law enforcement, intelligence, and diplomatic initiatives. The goal of the NSCTT is to fight terrorist travel globally. The NSCTT identifies eight key steps necessary to achieve that goal. 1. Identify known or suspected terrorists. 2. Ensure broad data sharing across the US Government and with partner nations. 3. Screen travelers effectively both before reaching and at ports of entry into the United States. 4. Build partner capacity to limit and screen for terrorist travel. 5. Detect and apprehend terrorists who intend to enter, or who may have entered, the United States. 6. Dismantle infrastructures and networks that facilitate terrorist travel. 7. Strengthen travel and document security at home and abroad to ensure that terrorists cannot acquire documentation through legal or illicit means. 8. Collect, analyze and disseminate all terrorist travel information to key consumers across the counterterrorism and law enforcement communities.
Finally, the answer to the question people have asked since 9/11: How DID the terrorists enter the United States?"" Before 19 hijackers could commit the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, they passed through U.S. border security 68 times. In all, they had 25 contacts with consular officers and 43 contacts with immigration and customs authorities -- none of whom suspected they were al Qaeda operatives. This book includes the complete staff report called ""tantalizing and important"" and represents important investigative work by the staff, providing substantial information and analysis not fully represented in The 9/11 Commission Report. Now for the first time in book form, this report includes o full color digital images of the travel documents used by the 9/11 hijackers o A chronology of the 9/11 terrorist travel operation and the hijackers' contacts with U.S. border officials oComplete, highly descriptive endnotes oDetailedappendices ""
Finally, the answer to the question people have asked since 9/11: How DID the terrorists enter the United States?"" Before 19 hijackers could commit the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, they passed through U.S. border security 68 times. In all, they had 25 contacts with consular officers and 43 contacts with immigration and customs authorities -- none of whom suspected they were al Qaeda operatives. This book includes the complete staff report called ""tantalizing and important"" and represents important investigative work by the staff, providing substantial information and analysis not fully represented in The 9/11 Commission Report. Now for the first time in book form, this report includes o full color digital images of the travel documents used by the 9/11 hijackers o A chronology of the 9/11 terrorist travel operation and the hijackers' contacts with U.S. border officials oComplete, highly descriptive endnotes oDetailedappendices""
The report addresses the urgent and growing threat of terrorist travel by Americans to Syria and Iraq. Despite the government’s efforts to control this travel, hundreds of Americans have attempted to reach the conflict zones to join the jihadists. Using numerous briefings, interviews, site visits, and document analysis, the Task Force makes thirty-two key findings dealing with government strategy, identification of terrorists, and disruption of foreign fighter travel, including: Key Finding 1: The United States lacks a comprehensive strategy for combating terrorist and foreign fighter travel. Key Finding 14: State and local law enforcement personnel continue to express concern that they are not provided with the appropriate security clearances to assist with counterterrorism challenges. Key Finding 25: “Broken travel” and other evasive tactics are making it harder to track foreign fighters. Key Finding 29: Gaping security weaknesses overseas—especially in Europe—are putting the U.S. homeland in danger by making it easier for aspiring foreign fighters to migrate to terrorist hotspots and for jihadists to return to the West. Introductory remarks by security experts accompany the text and place these findings and recommendations in their proper context, explaining the critical need for effective strategy in combating terrorist travel from the United States.
The age of carefree travel is over. The threats of criminal acts and of terrorism, both internationally and domestically, are an all-too-common reality. Last year saw more than fourteen thousand terrorist incidents across the globe—it’s no wonder that people are frightened when they are away from home. The Terrorism Survival Guide: 201 Travel Tips on How Not to Become a Victim can help take away that fear. The book is an easy-to read pocket guide with hundreds of tips that help take away the worry of business and vacation travels. These tips are designed for everyone and cover a wide range of topics: Staying safe at airports How to protect your luggage “Low profile” tourism Traveling with children What to do if captured In addition to travel tips, the book gives contact information for US embassies and consulates worldwide, US Customs information, State Department terrorism updates, and TSA guidelines. The Terrorism Survival Guide will make you a wiser, smarter, and safer traveler.
The Oklahoma City bombing, intentional crashing of airliners on September 11, 2001, and anthrax attacks in the fall of 2001 have made Americans acutely aware of the impacts of terrorism. These events and continued threats of terrorism have raised questions about the impact on the psychological health of the nation and how well the public health infrastructure is able to meet the psychological needs that will likely result. Preparing for the Psychological Consequences of Terrorism highlights some of the critical issues in responding to the psychological needs that result from terrorism and provides possible options for intervention. The committee offers an example for a public health strategy that may serve as a base from which plans to prevent and respond to the psychological consequences of a variety of terrorism events can be formulated. The report includes recommendations for the training and education of service providers, ensuring appropriate guidelines for the protection of service providers, and developing public health surveillance for preevent, event, and postevent factors related to psychological consequences.