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This book examines the processes at issue in the onset of psychiatric disorders linked to stress in the workplace. Six clinical observations are presented: an acute psychosomatic decompensation (status asthmaticus); a delirious episode; a dementia-like confusional state; a sexuality disorder; two successive decompensations (one in a victim of workplace harassment and one in her aggressor); and a suicide. Each is explored in detail, from aetiology to treatment, bringing into sharp relief the differences between conventional analysis and the interpretation of material in light of the reference to work. These studies have been written by psychoanalysts and may be used as a training resource for practitioners and students alike. For any professional or researcher involved in the world of work, these observations will offer a deeper understanding of this particular work-related mental pathology which characterises the development of our contemporary society.
In nursing education, the classroom and clinical environments are linked, because nurses must apply in clinical practice what they have learned in the classroom, and through other experience. Clinical teaching is a main part of nursing education. Excellent clinical teaching is a skill that can be studied, refined, and continuously improved. Teaching in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) comes with unique challenges given the medical complexity of the patients. Identifying challenges of nurses in the clinical teaching environment could improve training and enhance the quality of its planning and promotion of the nurses. Also, This book providing a certain solution, strategies, and plan of management to overcome these challenges. The book utilized different experiences from multiple perspectives in addition to present the latest evidence on (ICU) clinical teaching and incorporates practical tips and examples
Clinical sociology is a multidisciplinary field that seeks to improve life situations for individuals and groups. This book showcases the art and science of clinical sociology from around the world. It is the first book to present basic clinical sociology diagrams and models in addition to detailed histories of clinical sociology in the United States, Quebec, France, and Japan. A range of interventions are discussed in light of a region’s economic, social, political, and disciplinary history. The book presents illustrative case studies from leaders in the field, and it serves the need of graduate-level courses from around the world.
Today's medical profession sails on a sea of change. Matters of complexity, patient safety, and organizational sustainability challenge the profession and combine to confound resolution efforts. Stress and Performance in Health Care Project Teams is a report of research that examines the issue with a view toward improved performance. The book is a report of action-research intended to transfer gained knowledge to potential users in the trenches. It will leave readers better able to do their jobs, and able to do their jobs better over time.
Colpito da una pallottola in fronte a trentuno anni, durante la terza battaglia dell’Isonzo, Renato Serra non era consapevole del prezioso contributo che il suo approccio avrebbe dato alla nostra letteratura. Di indole pigra, inconcludente, scontroso, restio alle scadenze lavorative, d’animo riservato, scettico verso la comune opinione, Serra resta una delle figure più complesse del Ventesimo secolo. In lui c’è l’assidua ricerca di un’identità non soltanto letteraria, ma principalmente umana, che lo pone in uno stato di permanente disadattamento con la vita e con il mondo. Il suo è uno sguardo limpido e assoluto sulle cose, risolto con l’onesta lucidità intellettuale della ragione che si realizza in un’inesorabile incertezza dei principi capaci di governare le azioni umane. Esame di coscienza di un letterato riproposto in quattro lingue in un’unica edizione, è un discorso aperto sul senso di prendere parte alla guerra, sulla coscienza morale e sulla necessità di essere contemporanei. Abattu d'une balle en plein front à l'âge de trente et un ans lors de la troisième bataille de l'Isonzo, Renato Serra n'avait pas conscience de la précieuse contribution que son approche apporterait à notre littérature. D'un tempérament paresseux, peu concluant, grognon, peu enclin à respecter les délais de travail, réservé dans son esprit, sceptique à l'égard de l'opinion commune, Serra reste l'une des figures les plus complexes du XXe siècle. Il y a chez lui une recherche assidue d'une identité non seulement littéraire, mais avant tout humaine, qui le place dans un état d'inadaptation permanente à la vie et au monde. C'est un regard limpide et absolu sur les choses, résolu avec la lucidité intellectuelle honnête de la raison qui se réalise dans une incertitude inexorable des principes capables de gouverner les actions humaines. L'examen de conscience d'un homme de lettres, réédité en quatre langues dans une seule édition, est un discours ouvert sur le sens de la participation à la guerre, sur la conscience morale et la nécessité d'être contemporain.
As the title Safety or Profit? suggests, health and safety at work needs to be understood in the context of the wider political economy. This book brings together contributions informed by this view from internationally recognized scholars. It reviews the governance of health and safety at work, with special reference to Australia, Canada, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Three main aspects are discussed. The restructuring of the labor market: this is considered with respect to precarious work and to gender issues and their implications for the health and safety of workers. The neoliberal agenda: this is examined with respect to the diminished power of organized labor, decriminalization, and new governance theory, including an examination of how well the health-and-safety-at-work regimes put in place in many industrial societies about forty years ago have fared and how distinctive the recent emphasis on self-regulation in several countries really is. The role of evidence: there is a dearth of evidence-based policy. The book examines how policy on health and safety at work is formulated at both company and state levels. Cases considered include the scant regard paid to evidence by an official inquiry into future strategy in Canada; the lack of evidence-based policy and the reluctance to observe the precautionary principle with respect to work-related cancer in the United Kingdom; and the failure to learn from past mistakes in the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.