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Outline of the transitional national plan of Botswana for the period from 1966 to 1969 - covers social policy, agricultural policy, industrial policy, water supply projects, community development, etc., and includes financial aspects estimates in respect of the various projects.
In Economic Development and Transition, renowned development economist Justin Yifu Lin argues that economic performance in developing countries depends largely on government strategy. If the government plays a facilitating role, enabling firms to exploit the economy's comparative advantages, its economy will develop successfully. However, governments in most developing countries attempt to promote industries that go against their comparative advantages by creating various kinds of distortion to protect nonviable firms in priority industries. Failing to recognize the original intention of many distortions, most governments in transition economies attempt to eliminate those distortions without addressing firms' viability problems, causing economic performance to deteriorate in their transition process. Governments in successful transition economies adopt a pragmatic dual-track approach that encourages firms to enter sectors that were suppressed previously and gives necessary support to firms in priority industries before their viability issue is addressed.
This interdisciplinary study offers a comprehensive analysis of the transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Providing full historical context and drawing on a wide range of literature, this book explores the continuous economic and social transformation of the post-socialist world. While the future is yet to be determined, understanding the present phase of transformation is critical. The book’s core exploration evolves along three pivots of competitive economic structure, institutional change, and social welfare. The main elements include analysis of the emergence of the socialist economic model; its adaptations through the twentieth century; discussion of the 1990s market transition reforms; post-2008 crisis development; and the social and economic diversity in the region today. With an appreciation for country specifics, the book also considers the urgent problems of social policy, poverty, income inequality, and labor migration. Transition Economies will aid students, researchers and policy makers working on the problems of comparative economics, economic development, economic history, economic systems transition, international political economy, as well as specialists in post-Soviet and Central and Eastern European regional studies.
The changing role of the public sector in promoting socio-economic development.
This book is about the social impact of reform in the transitional economies of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Whatever the advantages of adopting a market orientation, and there are many, the countries which have taken this road have had a high price to pay. If one were to ask a Siberian miner or a Ukranian woman selling vegetables in a village market whether the switch from socialism to capitalism was worth the rewards, the question would likely evoke complaints about months of unpaid wages or persistent poverty. The disappearance of the iron rice bowl in China draws praise from the neoclassic economist, looking on from the outside, but for the displaced worker going from city to city in search of employment, the reaction will not be so enthusiastic. In the move from central planning to a market economy, there have been winners and losers. The winners are those in a position to use the changing economic circumstances to their advantage, and those having access to the goods and services of the market. But there are also, among the poor and vulnerable groups, consistent losers in the shuffling of opportunities, rewards, and costs. The problems of people caught in economic reform are acute, whether the emerging economies are shaped by sudden revolution from within as in Eastern Europe and Mongolia, or by international pressure from outside -- frequently at the urging of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) -- as in some African countries, or by the gradualism of socialist market systems like China, Vietnam or Laos. The social consequences of transition are significant, and they form the principal concern and focus of this volume. Its contributors, both authors andeditors, recognize globalization and the technological revolution already in place, and acknowledge the necessity for national economies to take advantage of the new freedoms and opportunities which the twenty first century heralds. But, while endorsing the efforts of countries to liberalize, to build their markets, and share the benefits of a world economy, the book's various authors are primarily concerned with the socioeconomic consequences of transition on the lives of people. The country case studies they present examine that impact.
Over the past few decades, there has been a growing concern about the social and environmental risks which have come along with the progress achieved through a variety of mutually intertwined modernization processes. In recent years these concerns are transformed into a widely-shared sense of urgency, partly due to events such as the various pandemics threatening livestock, and increasing awareness of the risks and realities of climate change, and the energy and food crises. This sense of urgency includes an awareness that our entire social system is in need of fundamental transformation. But like the earlier transition between the 1750's and 1890's from a pre-modern to a modern industrial society, this second transition is also a contested one. Sustainable development is only one of many options. This book addresses the issue on how to understand the dynamics and governance of the second transition dynamics in order to ensure sustainable development. It will be necessary reading for students and scholars with an interest in sustainable development and long-term transformative change.