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The Tunisian Labor Market in an Era of Transition is a comprehensive examination of the central labor market issues facing this key Arab country. It includes contributions on the size, structure, and evolution of the labor force, the characteristics of labor demand, employment policies and regulations, and unemployment. Further chapters explore the wage formation process, gender differences in the labor market, the returns to education, child labor and schooling, and the trends and patterns of international migration from Tunisia. The Tunisian Labor Market in an Era of Transition is an essential reference on how youth employment, gender disparities, and informality contributed to political and social unrest in North African societies, and on the effect of migration flows from North Africa to Europe.
The "European Yearbook" promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the OECD. The series offers a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date overview of the member states of each organisation. This special anniversary volume celebrates 60 years of publication of the Yearbook, and its contents differs from that of the regular volumes therefore. It offers a selection of the most important articles, dealing with European cooperation and integration, to appear in the Yearbook during its 60 years of publication. These are of particular interest not only because they provide a unique historical snapshot of the many successes (and occasional failures) in the field of European integration but also because they discuss the ideals and aims that lay behind these efforts, many of which still resonate today as Europe confronts questions about its political destiny and ideal shape. This volume contains articles in English and French."
The "European Yearbook" promotes the scientific study of European organisations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. In addition, a number of articles on topics of general interest are included in each volume. A general index by subject and name, and a cumulative index of all the articles which have appeared in the "Yearbook," are included in every volume and provide direct access to the "Yearbook's" subject matter. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year's relevant publications. This is an indispensable work of reference for anyone dealing with the European institutions.
Des pays du monde entier se sont lancés dans de grandes évaluations nationales ou ont participé pour la première fois à de grandes évaluations régionales ou internationales dans le but d’améliorer leur systèmed’éducation. Lorsque les évaluations sont bien conçues, les informations crédibles qu’elles f ournissent au sujet de la performance des élèves peuvent contribuer à mieux répartir les ressources entre les établissements et à améliorer la qualité de l’enseignement et le rendement de l’apprentissage. Les services de la Banque mondiale ont rédigé le présent Manuel pour les évaluations à grande échelle des acquis scolaires dans le but de proposer un guide complet à ceux qui veulent en apprendre davantage sur la conception et l’administration de ce type d’évaluations et sur l’analyse et l’utilisation de leurs résultats. Cet ouvrage répond à des questions que se posent souvent les équipes chargées de grandes évaluations et les responsables politiques qui souhaitent prendre des décisions les concernant en toute connaissance de cause. Chaque chapitre aborde une étape du processus d’évaluation, prodigue des conseils, propose des orientations et donne des exemples de ce qui se fait dans des pays. Par ailleurs, cet ouvrage décrit les nouvelles tendances qui se dessinent dans les grandes évaluations et donne des informations à jour sur de grandes évaluations régionales et internationales. DIRK HASTEDT, Directeur exécutif de l’Association internationale pour l’évaluation du rendement scolaire (IEA) « Ce qu’il y a d’unique dans cet ouvrage, c’est qu’en plus de passer des spécifications techniques en revue, il donne des exemples de la façon dont des pays du monde entier administrent des évaluations à grande échelle, en tirent des enseignements et en utilisent les résultats. En ce sens, ce Manuel pour les évaluations à grande échelle des acquis scolaires est un excellent guide pratique à consulter pour obtenir une vue d’ensemble des grandes évaluations et mieux comprendre comment et pourquoi les administrer. » SILVIA MONTOYA, Directrice de l’Institut de statistique de l’UNESCO (ISU) « C’est l’ouvrage idéal pour les responsables d’évaluations scolaires à la recherche d’informations complètes, mais lisibles, sur le sujet. Il est extrêmement bien rédigé et parfaitement structuré, de sorte qu’il est facile à consulter et que tous les aspects y sont décrits clairement et avec concision. C’est l’ouvrage de référence par excellence pour tous ceux qui veulent explorer les étapes à enchaîner pour mener une grande évaluation, d’autant qu’il foisonne d’exemples sur toutes les grandes évaluations internationales. » ANDREAS SCHLEICHER, Directeur de la Direction de l’éducation et des compétences et conseiller spécial du Secrétaire général, chargé de la politique de l’éducation, de l’Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) « De nombreux pays ont décidé d’administrer des évaluations internationales pour comparer la qualité, l’équité et l’efficience de leur système d’éducation à des normes de référence. Mais retirent-ils vraiment de leurs efforts de planification, d’administration et d’analyse de quoi aider les élèves à mieux apprendre, les enseignants à mieux enseigner et les établissements à travailler plus efficacement ? Ce Manuel pour les évaluations à grande échelle des acquis scolaires aidera les responsables politiques et leurs équipes techniques à répondre à ces questions. » ANDREI VOLKOV, Directeur de l’Institut de stratégie publique, École de gestion de Moscou SKOLKOVO « En 2008, c’est en grande partie dans l’objectif d’améliorer la qualité de l’enseignement fondamental que le Fonds fiduciaire de l’assistance russe à l’éducation pour le développement (READ) a été créé. Le Fonds continue de donner l’exemple, c’est d’ailleurs la plus grande initiative russe visant à promouvoir l’évaluation des acquis scolaires. Les approches conçues à l’aide du Fonds, que ce soit celles visant à renforcer les capacités institutionnelles et spécialisées ou à orienter les réformes de l’éducation, ont prouvé leur efficacité dans de nombreux pays. Le Manuel pour les évaluations à grande échelle des acquis scolaires rassemble sous un format pratique les meilleures études de cas au sujet des évaluations à grande échelle. Cet ouvrage a un atout particulièrement important, celui de proposer un système intégré de renforcement des capacités, de sorte que c’est un guide pratique, facile à utiliser dans des contextes culturels différents. Nous espérons que cet ouvrage contribuera à faire connaître largement l’expérience collective rassemblée par le Fonds et nous rapprochera de la réalisation de l’objectif relatif à l’éducation dans le Programme de développement durable. »
The economic and social prospects are daunting for the 89 million out-of-school youth who comprise nearly half of all youth in Sub-Saharan Africa. Within the next decade, when this cohort becomes the core of the labor market, an estimated 40 million more youth will drop out, and will face an uncertain future with limited work and life skills. Furthermore, out-of-school youth often are 'policy orphans,' positioned between sectors with little data, low implementation capacity, lack of interest in long-term sustainability of programs, insufficient funds, and little coordination across the different government agencies. This report provides a diagnostic analysis of the state of out-of-school youth in Sub-Saharan Africa, focusing on the 12- to 24-year-old cohort. This report also examines the decision path youth take as they progress through the education system and the factors that explain youth's school and work choices. It finds that individual and household characteristics, social norms, and characteristics of the school system all matter in understanding why youth drop out and remain out of school. In particular, six key factors characterize out-of-school youth: (i) most out-of-school youth drop out before secondary school; (ii) early marriage for female youth and (iii) rural residence increase the likelihood of being out of school; (iv) parental education level and (v) the number of working adults are important household factors; and (vi) lack of school access and low educational quality are binding supply-side constraints. Policy discussions on out-of-school youth are framed by these six key factors along with three entry points for intervention: retention, remediation, and integration. This report also reviews policies and programs in place for out-of-school youth across the continent. Ultimately, this report aims to inform public discussion, policy formulation, and development practitioners' actions working with youth in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Amidst epidemics of youth alienation and cultural polarization, community-based artistic practices are sprouting up around the world as antidotes to policies of austerity and social exclusion. Rejecting the radical individualism of the neoliberal era, many artistic projects promote collectivity and togetherness in navigating challenges and constructing shared futures. The Art of Collectivity is about how one such creative social program deployed this approach in service of a post-neoliberal vision. Focusing on a national social circus initiative launched by a newly elected Ecuadorean government to help actualize its “citizens' revolution,” the book explores the intersection between global cultural politics, participatory arts, collective health, and social transformation. The authors include scholars and practitioners of community arts, humanities, social sciences, and health sciences from the Global North and Global South. Sensitive to hierarchical binaries such as research/practice, north/south, and art/science, they work together to provide a multifaceted analysis of the way cultural politics shape policy, pedagogy, and aesthetic sensibilities, as well as their socio-cultural and health-related effects. The largest study of social circus to date, combining detailed quantitative, qualitative, and arts-based research, The Art of Collectivity is a timely contribution to the study of cultural policies, critical pedagogies, collective art-making, and community development.
This open access book maps the youth transitions of descendants of migrants from Turkey living in Amsterdam and Strasbourg, through a comparative mixed-methods research design. As such, it is of interest to discussions in youth sociology, social mobility and second-generation research. The book follows transition trajectories of the second-generation, from school to activity or inactivity in the labour market, to marriage or further study and, deepens our understanding of transitions by unravelling the macro and micro mechanisms behind individual pathways. On the one hand, the author reveals the ongoing significance of distinct macro institutional settings as well as social structures such as social class, ethnicity and gender in shaping the youth transition experience. On the other, she shows that youth transitions are not predestined to social reproduction when institutional and social structures create conditions for the development of resources necessary for social mobility. Therefore, through an examination of how immigrants’ descendants develop forms of capital in their social trajectories, in relation to institutional and social structures, the book advances the theoretical discussion on Bourdieu’s capital theory. Moreover, in times when native-born descendants of immigrants are at the forefront of public debate being subjected to normative integration demands, the book significantly shifts the lens and draws our attention to the daily challenges and realities faced by ethnic minority youth.
Contains research project reports arranged by subject with descriptors from the EUDISED Multilingual Thesaurus.
Youth Transition in a Globalised Marketplace (YTGM) is a study based on the experiences of youth in a number of countries. It deals with the increasingly complex question of youth transition. Galland introduced the notion of transition to adult life as a journey. He believes there are four centrally important thresholds that define the pattern and progress of transition to adulthood. These he defines as completing education/training, entry to employment, leaving home and forming a couple. This book is primarily concerned with the first two, completing education/training and entry to employment. [p.ix, ed].
Perhaps no other challenge preoccupies governments and citizens in the Mediterranean region than the mass unemployment of young people, many of who have invested in higher education in the hope that ability and effort lead to fulfilling lives. Transitions to independent adulthood are, however, frustratingly long drawn-out, and often jeopardised by labour markets that are neither youth-friendly nor meritocratic. While such challenges require structural responses at the macro-economic level, career education and guidance have an important role to play in addressing both the public and private good, and in furthering the social justice agenda. This volume provides a state-of-the-art review of career education and guidance in Southern Europe and the Middle East and North Africa Region, presenting a multi-faceted portrayal of the situation in each country as well as overviews of cross-cutting themes that are especially relevant to context, such as women’s career development in the Arab states, job placement support for refugees, and the impact of faith on livelihood planning. “This book is a major achievement, focusing on a pivotal part of the world.” – Tony Watts, Cambridge, UK “This book challenges career guidance to truly think in a contextual, localised, plural and dialogical way. In providing an opportunity for the South to speak on its own terms it helps renew the field through different ways of thinking and doing career guidance.” – Marcelo Afonso Ribeiro, University of São Paulo, Brazil “This wonderful new book furnishes a way forward in helping people and communities establish practices that will support our natural striving for work that is decent, dignified, and meaningful.” – David L. Blustein, Boston College, USA “This book is packed with fresh ideas based on lucid arguments that draw from a substantial evidence base. This work is essential reading.” – Gideon Arulmani, The Promise Foundation, Bangalore, India “This publication is a must-read for every individual involved in policy, research and practice activities in the career guidance field.” – Rènette du Toit, Independent Research Services, South Africa