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The IASS (International Association for Scandinavian Studies) is the international organization for the research of Nordic literature, culture and linguistics. Since 1956 the IASS conference has been organized every other year. In 2016, the 31th IASS conference took place in Groningen (Netherlands). This 2016 conference revolved around the 21st century as an era characterized by dynamics with different implications. These ongoing global transitions are reflected in the humanities; the dichotomy between centre and periphery has invaded the literary discourse. In many small language areas, more translated literature is being published than literature written in the national language. This implies that cultural mediators play a major role in the production of literature. Their efforts are made visible in a transnational approach to the history of literature.
Travelling Ideas in the Long Nineteenth Century is about how ideas travel on the waves of cultural transfer. The volume focuses in particular on the exchange of ideas, knowledge and culture between the Nordic countries and continental Europe. It includes reflections on travelling and transmitting ideas through various forms, and takes a step further in scrutinising how new theories in literary, cultural and historical studies, as well as new methods, are influencing research in the field of cultural transfer and transmission. In the first part of the volume, the authors examine the export and import of ideas through literature in translation, travel letters, international education strategies and the establishment of artists' colonies. Attention is paid to how writers, artists and cultural transmitters used their cross-border mobility in transferring ideas and how they were connected to each other in new contact zones. The second part is dedicated to new research approaches, such as the use of digital instruments, and research on the strategies and politics behind translated literature. Here, translation bibliographies and the bibliographical data of national libraries, which today are often accessible in digital form, come under scrutiny. These sources are valuable objects of study in the mining of translation flows.
This book examines the legal frameworks for integration provided by the EC Treaty, the Free Trade Agreement between Sweden and the EC concluded in 1972, the European Agreement between Poland and the Community and the European Economic Areas (EEA). The book not only compares the operation of four types of legal framework for integration but also, with the assistance of comparisons, explores underlying problems in the integration of the European Community and Third States in Europe. In the case of many countries of the former Soviet Union, notably Russia, membership of the Union does not appear to offer a feasible basis for their participation in the European integration process, and so the construction of a mutually acceptable legal framework for close relations between such countries and the Community arguably constitutes one of the most serious and pressing problems to be tackled by Union Integration Law. The book is written for teachers and students of advanced courses in EU Law as well as for policy makers, officials and practitioners in the private sector whose work concerns relations between the Community and Third states.
The term Innovative Green Public Procurement (IGGP) comprise all public procurement activities, which seek to stimulate eco-innovation through demands and interaction with suppliers and other stakeholders with the purpose of improving the environmental performance of products and services. The eco-innovative potentials for three selected product groups are investigated through desk studies and a series of interviews with key stakeholders in the Nordic countries. The purpose was to form a picture of the potential benefits that can be achieved in the Nordic countries through IGPP. The report includes: - Identification of the eco-innovative potential of each product group - Relevant incentives for stimulating eco-innovation through public procurement - Barriers for exploiting the eco-innovation potential - Input to strategies for innovative green public procurement.
This book provides a response to the unexpected challenges imposed on every aspect of today’s maritime business. All chapters of this book are concerned with the single challenge facing the maritime business world – that is, uncertainty. Each chapter deals with a specific area of the maritime business community in an effort to better understand the complicated markets, to seek for a solution of economic or financial sustainability under the pressure of climate changes, to discuss technology as an option for the future, and finally to show how to utilise the big data set for better informed decision- and policymaking that used to be unfeasible in terms of scale and capacity. It is hoped that all those endeavours are considered as the first small step towards practically transforming the industry in line with Schumpeter (1943) as well as academically changing a paradigm of thinking and scientific discovery in line with Kuhn (2012), so that the maritime industry is better informed and prepared, and can greatly contributing to human lives.
Hauptbeschreibung An dieser Festschrift zu Ehren Bernd Henningsens, des Vorreiters der politik- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Nordeuropaforschung in Deutschland und langjnhrigen Direktors des Nordeuropa-Instituts an der Humboldt-Universitnt zu Berlin, haben 25 Kollegen, Weggefnhrten und Schler aus sieben Lnndern mitgewirkt. Die vertretenen Aufsntze greifen Facetten von Henningsens Interessen und Fragestellungen in den Feldern politischer Kultur, Geschichtspolitik und Wissenschaftsorganisation auf und demonstrieren anhand von Beispielen aus den skandinavischen Lnndern und den anderen Ostseeanrainern deren anhaltende Relevanz. Der reprnsentativ gestaltete Band wird von einer Vita Henningsens und einem Schriftenverzeichnis abgerundet"
First released in 2007, the bestselling Transport Revolutions argued that land transport in the first half of the 21st century will feature at least two revolutions. One will involve the use of electric drives rather than internal combustion engines. Another will involve powering many of these drives directly from the electric grid - as trains and trolley buses are powered today - rather than from on-board fuel. Now available for the first time in paperback and updated with the most recent data, it sets out the challenges to our growing dependence on transport fuelled by low-priced oil. These challenges include an early peak in world oil production and profound climate change resulting in part from oil use. It proposes responses to ensure effective, secure movement of people and goods in ways that make the best use of renewable sources of energy while minimizing environmental impacts. Synthesizing engineering, economics, environment, organization, policy and technology in a detailed yet highly readable style, Transport Revolutions is essential reading for anyone working, studying or interested in transport and the environment.
The transport sector is a major source of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. This study estimates the potential of digitalized mobility solutions, such as Mobility as a Service (MaaS), to reduce emissions and vehicle kilometers travelled in the Nordic countries. Also, to assess the potential future impact of MaaS, modelling is done to project road transport’s energy consumption, CO2 emissions and total costs in the Nordic countries up to 2050. There are still several barriers to the wider adoption of shared mobility services. We present ways to overcome these barriers with incentives and policy instruments to substitute car ownership, and specify what different actors can do to accelerate this change. Finally we present policy recommendations on how to reduce the dependence on car ownership, reduce the vehicle kilometers driven, and stimulate the demand for greener mobility services.