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Unlike other books written on "toxic leaders," this book takes issue with the predominant view that "toxic leaders are bad" and destructive to their companies. Rather, the author argues that even highly productive leaders have some toxic qualities central to their success story. The book redirects the conversation about toxicity in a more productive direction, as toxic leaders are not just viewed as villains and liabilities, but are also considered as potential assets, innovators, and rebels. Working on the premise that "toxicity is a fact of company life," the book provides organizations with a model and blueprint on the advantages to be gained from skillful anticipation, control, and handling of troubled and difficult leaders. In contrast to dysfunctional organizations that ignore toxicity or dwell on the perceived destructive impact of toxic leaders, successful companies come up with resourceful, innovative strategies for turning seeming deficits into opportunities.
Toxic leaders, both political, like Slobodan Milosevic, and corporate, like Enron's Ken Lay, have always been with us, and many books have been written to explain what makes them tick. Here leadership scholar Jean Lipman-Blumen explains what makes the followers tick, exploring why people will tolerate--and remain loyal to--leaders who are destructive to their organizations, their employees, or their nations. Why do we knowingly follow, seldom unseat, frequently prefer, and sometimes even create toxic leaders? Lipman-Blumen argues that these leaders appeal to our deepest needs, playing on our anxieties and fears, on our yearnings for security, high self-esteem, and significance, and on our desire for noble enterprises and immortality. She also explores how followers inadvertently keep themselves in line by a set of insidious control myths that they internalize. For example, the belief that the leader must necessarily be in a position to "know more" than the followers often stills their objections. In addition, outside forces--such as economic depressions, political upheavals, or a crisis in a company--can increase our anxiety and our longing for charismatic leaders. Lipman-Blumen shows how followers can learn critical lessons for the future and survive in the meantime. She discusses how to confront, reform, undermine, blow the whistle on, or oust a toxic leader. And she suggests how we can diminish our need for strong leaders, identify "reluctant leaders" among competent followers, and even nurture the leader within ourselves. Toxic leaders charm, manipulate, mistreat, weaken, and ultimately devastate their followers. The Allure of Toxic Leaders tells us how to recognize these leaders before it's too late.
This book derives from my struggle to make sense of the experiences HR professionals generously shared with me, as well as my own experience surviving a toxic leader. In this book, I share these stories and a systemic research-based perspective on toxic leadership, recognizing that the problem of a toxic workplace is never encapsulated in the leader alone. I argue throughout the book, that it is crucial and urgent that we not only learn about toxic leadership, but act to end it.
"A study of toxic leadership in the U.S. military and an examination of ways to better the command structure through a revamp of the way leaders are trained and treated"--
Surviving Toxic Leadership with Gratefulness, is the result of my struggle to make sense of the experiences HR professionals generously shared with me, as well as my own nearly decade long experience with a toxic leader. In this book, I share gori details along with a systemic research-based perspective on toxic leadership, recognizing that the problem of a toxic workplace is never encapsulated in the leader alone. I argue throughout the book, that it is crucial and urgent that we not only learn about toxic leadership, but act to end it. Toxic leaders and those who enable them must be held accountable, and victims must be given the tools to become survivors.As you read this book, I hope you will find a connection between your own experiences and those that I and my research participants struggled with and ultimately survived. If you are reading this as a person who is currently experiencing toxicity in the workplace, or as someone who has recently escaped a toxic leader, I hope that the stories in this book will be affirming and comforting. You are not alone. If you are reading this as a person who is sympathetic to the problems of workplace toxicity and has the power to instigate change, either in your workplace or with a friend or family member who is victim to a toxic leader, these stories may be a useful reference.
Are you ready to lead?Have you ever felt that nagging voice in the back of your mind saying, "You're not cut out for this," or "Who are you to lead a team?"Many women struggle with stepping into a leadership role. Fear, doubt, and worry creeps in and takes control. Leading them to second-guess themselves and not step fully into their role. What if you could experience more confidence and courage to lead your team and get better results?If you're ready to overcome your own toxic stories and create the impact you wish to have in the world, then Transform Your Stories is for you! In this book, you'll learn how to: - Understand what toxic stories are and uncover yours, - Discover the role stories play in your journey, - Identify your stories and how they're holding you back, - Navigate your stories and avoid creating new ones, and- Overcome and transform your toxic stories."The book that'll give you a kick in the pants and then invite you to stay for a cozy, heart-felt dinner. Part encouragement, part study session, with a big splash of deep dive journaling, Ashley will help you dig out the toxic stories you didn't know you had and convince you that you're an awesome leader just waiting to be unearthed." - Brogan Micallef, Content Creator and Strategist
"This research paper investigates how a military organization can identify, rehabilitate, or remove toxic leaders from positions of power. Toxic leaders cultivate a poisonous work environment that affects the overall unit mission effectiveness through destructive behaviors and dysfunctional personality traits. This is an issue that extends beyond the military. Indeed, some research shows that toxic leadership may also negatively affect a company's bottom line. One cannot ignore the danger a toxic leader brings to the team. This lists the challenges of toxic leadership and introduces various methods to mitigate their impact. Transforming toxic leaders may only happen through a deliberate organizational or systemic action. Recognizing, mentoring, and, if all else fails, dismissing toxic leaders will lead to a healthier work environment and may prevent future instances. In the military context, this process starts with revamping the officer, enlisted, and civilian performance review system by extending the promotion timelines. This enables more time for individuals to develop their skillsets and have more documentation currently afforded to ratees. Additionally, 360 leadership feedback systems should be implemented and reflected in annual feedback reports. Lastly, implementing a leadership selection course that pins candidates against their peers in a battery of tests reduce the chances of political gamesmanship in the promotion process. All of these items can mitigate the rise of a toxic leader."--Abstract.
Academic Libraries and Toxic Leadership examines a phenomenon that has yet to be seriously explored. While other so-called feminized professions, such as nursing, have been studied for their tendency to create toxic leadership environments, thus far academic librarianship has not. This book focuses on how to identify a toxic leader in an academic library setting, how to address toxic leadership, and how to work toward eradicating it from the organization. In addition, it discusses which steps can be used to prevent libraries from hiring toxic leaders. Presents original research based on a two-phase study about toxic leadership in academic libraries Demonstrates how to identify toxic leadership in libraries Shows how toxic leadership can manifest itself, providing the reader with steps to eradicate it
Look around your office. Turn on the TV. Incompetent leadership is everywhere, and there's no denying that most of these leaders are men. In this timely and provocative book, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic asks two powerful questions: Why is it so easy for incompetent men to become leaders? And why is it so hard for competent people--especially competent women--to advance? Marshaling decades of rigorous research, Chamorro-Premuzic points out that although men make up a majority of leaders, they underperform when compared with female leaders. In fact, most organizations equate leadership potential with a handful of destructive personality traits, like overconfidence and narcissism. In other words, these traits may help someone get selected for a leadership role, but they backfire once the person has the job. When competent women--and men who don't fit the stereotype--are unfairly overlooked, we all suffer the consequences. The result is a deeply flawed system that rewards arrogance rather than humility, and loudness rather than wisdom. There is a better way. With clarity and verve, Chamorro-Premuzic shows us what it really takes to lead and how new systems and processes can help us put the right people in charge.
Have you ever been bullied at work, micromanaged by a tyrant boss, or worked for a manager who struggled with telling the truth? Have you ever had the misfortune of reporting to an incompetent executive who can't seem to find their way out of a wet paper sack, had to answer to a yes-sir, yes sir, three bags full foreman, or take direction from an egg headed administrator who had no business being in charge? With law enforcement as his backdrop, Steve Neal takes you inside the world of noxious mismanagement, exposing the consequences of toxic supervisory behavior. Straight talk from a tough cop, who offers respectful and artistic leadership tactics, makes Toxic Boss Blues a must read for anyone who has ever tangled with a difficult supervisor.