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"Combat operations and movements at night became increasingly prevalent as the war in the East dragged on. Initially untrained for such combat, the German Army developed night combat tactics and techniques out of necessity"--Publisher's website.
Summary: In the past few decades the significance of combat operations during night has greatly increased. A cursory review of history reveals that darkness id usually the ally of weaker forces fighting stronger and technologically superior ones. Contemporary military thought advocates total proficiency in night fighting.
"Night operations call for disciplined, cool, self-reliant troops." principles of night combat With the on-set of the Cold War the pool of hard won knowledge gained by the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front was invaluable and had to be collected and systematically recycled to the US and British forces as quickly and as thoroughly as possible. The extensive interview programme eventually appeared as the German Report Series and today they represent a fascinating glimpse from the operational and tactical viewpoint of the war in the east at the sharp end. Featured is a detailed report on the principles of Russian and German night combat tactics, and an in-depth training manual written from the German point of view. This is an absorbing account of night combat methods drawn exclusively from original wartime reports, and is essential reading for anyone interested in discovering rare and vital information on the combat experience on the Eastern Front from primary sources.
Topics include: - Human Factors - Training for Night Combat - Equipment for Night Combat - Conducting a Firefight at Night - Combat Methods & Tactics The night belongs to us. The night always has always had something eerie about it. But darkness can also provide protection and a tactical advantage. Night combat presents special challenges for all Soldiers, but it can be mastered with and without the most modern technologies. Because darkness can also be your friend, both in attack and defense. Every modern Soldier should be capable of fighting at night - "Night Combat" explains how to prepare for engage in battle during darkness, and how to emerge victorious. Hermann CONRAD is an active special operations forces soldier and instructor in a Tier 1 unit with more than 20 years of SF experience in training and operations - with night fighting skills as a particular necessity. Christian VÄTH founded Light Infantry International in 2023 to establish new standards in the training of light infantry forces. Night combat plays a central role in his training system. English translation by Lawrence HOLSWORTH-a former parachute infantry Sergeant in the US Army 82nd Airborne Division, with expertise in several infantry weapons systems and well-trained in the conduct of night operations (usually without the aid of modern night vision devices).
The genesis of this book can be traced to two specific assignments, the author's Air Force-Navy officer exchange duty in F-14s and his tour on the staff in the Special Management Organization for low-altitude navigation and targeting infrared for nigh (LANTIRN). From his experiences with the Navy, he gained an appreciation for how well the services can work together if we can overcome the challenges to joint operations. The author's experiences since then with Marine and Army personnel convinced him that the same discipline, pride, and expertise run through any warrior, regardless of what color uniform he or she wears or what service insignia is painted on the side of the airplane. This ingrained devotion to duty, properly directed toward mission accomplishment, can override any sense of interservice rivalry and greatly increase the sum total of military power through joint operations. This inherent capability is limited, though, because of a lack of an in-depth aware of each other's capabilities and limitations. Following this exposure to the possibilities of joint operation, the author's tour in the LANTIRN office at Headquarters TAC convinced him that future air warfare must include night combat. He felt that the tactical capability provided by the emerging night technology was too great to be neglected. Each of the armed services had or was developing the technology for night warfare, but there was no formal program to develop or train for joint night tactics or operations. When offered the opportunity to compete for the PACAF command-sponsored research fellowship at AUCADRE, he saw this as an opportunity to point out what he considered an oversight and propose a solution to the issue. Although this book was started well before the events of Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm, the author was gratified to see his initial assumptions validated. Joint operations, including joint night operations, are a critically important part of modern war. The success of Operation Desert Storm was the result of joint development and training efforts during the months of Desert Shield. Continuous efforts must be made to ensure a future capability. This report has a proposed training method for ensuring that capability.
This book briefly examines the history of joint air operations and some night air operations from World War II through Operation Desert Storm. Colonel McLean focuses on the need for increased training for joint operations at night. He describes a hypothetical contingency in Korea to illustrate some of the challenges of conducting joint night operations. He offers recommendations for a building-block approach to improve training in our joint night air warfare capability.