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Medical care in nineteenth-century China was spectacularly pluralistic: herbalists, shamans, bone-setters, midwives, priests, and a few medical missionaries from the West all competed for patients. This book examines the dichotomy between "Western" and "Chinese" medicine, showing how it has been greatly exaggerated. As missionaries went to lengths to make their medicine more acceptable to Chinese patients, modernizers of Chinese medicine worked to become more "scientific" by eradicating superstition and creating modern institutions. Andrews challenges the supposed superiority of Western medicine in China while showing how "traditional" Chinese medicine was deliberately created in the image of a modern scientific practice.
The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Medicine is an extensive, interdisciplinary guide to the nature of traditional medicine and healing in the Chinese cultural region, and its plural epistemologies. Established experts and the next generation of scholars interpret the ways in which Chinese medicine has been understood and portrayed from the beginning of the empire (third century BCE) to the globalisation of Chinese products and practices in the present day, taking in subjects from ancient medical writings to therapeutic movement, to talismans for healing and traditional medicines that have inspired global solutions to contemporary epidemics. The volume is divided into seven parts: Longue Durée and Formation of Institutions and Traditions Sickness and Healing Food and Sex Spiritual and Orthodox Religious Practices The World of Sinographic Medicine Wider Diasporas Negotiating Modernity This handbook therefore introduces the broad range of ideas and techniques that comprise pre-modern medicine in China, and the historiographical and ethnographic approaches that have illuminated them. It will prove a useful resource to students and scholars of Chinese studies, and the history of medicine and anthropology. It will also be of interest to practitioners, patients and specialists wishing to refresh their knowledge with the latest developments in the field. The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license
In the late Nineteenth-century, the Japanese embarked on a program of westernization in the hope of building a strong and modern nation. Science, technology and medicine played an important part, showing European nations that Japan was a world power worthy of respect. It has been acknowledged that state policy was important in the development of industries but how well-organized was the state and how close were government-business relations? The book seeks to answer these questions and others. The first part deals with the role of science and medicine in creating a healthy nation. The second part of the book is devoted to examining the role of technology, and business-state relations in building a modern nation.
Das vorliegende Buch ist das Ergebnis einer mehrjahrigen wissenschaftli chen Auseinandersetzung mit der lnselwelt des Siidpazifiks. Die zugrunde liegenden F orschungen fanden in den Jahren 1992 bis 1995 in Fidschi und den umgebenden lnselstaaten statt und miindeten in einer Dissertation mit dem Titel "taukei und vulagi -Ursachen politi scher lnstabilitat in Fidschi; Kulturwandel, ethnische Kontlikte und die Bedeutung des Hauptlingswesens: die fidschianische Perspektive". Zusatzliches Material wurde 1996 und 1997 vor Ort erhoben und findet hier seine Beriicksichtigung. Die jiingsten Ent wicklungen in Zusammenhang mit der lmplementierung einer neuen Ver fassung fUr Fidschi und die Wiederaufnahme Fidschis in den British Commonwealth of Nations werden angesprochen und bilden den SchluB punkt dieser Arbeit, deren Schwerpunkt einer umfassenden Darstellung hi storischer Ereignisse und Entwicklungen und daraus resultierender Konse quenzen fUr die rezente Situation Fidschis gewidmet ist. Ausgangspunkt fUr die intensive Beschaftigung mit der Region war mein Interesse fUr politische und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen in ehemals ko lonisierten Staaten vor dem jeweiligen soziokulturellen und soziookonomi schen Hintergrund, unter Beriicksichtigung der Konsequenzen kolonialer EintluBnahme und der einzelnen Phasen der Dekolonisation. Die Ergebnisse zweier Forschungsaufenthalte in Fidschi im Jahr 1992 und 1993 dienten bereits im Jahr 1993 als Grundlage fUr eine Diplomarbeit mit dem Titel: "Ethnische Heterogenitat in Fidschi als Erbe britischer Kolonial politik und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Fidschianervon 1858 bis heute."
The popularity of Confucianism is on the rise, not only in China, but also internationally. Confucian values are praised as the (universal) way, especially in the face of current political, social, and economic crises. The philosopher's legacy has now endured for over 2,500 years, and Confucian ideas have gained recognition as an Eastern alternative to Western concepts. This return to China's very own tradition and values can be seen as symbolizing China's new self-confidence. This volume focuses on the resurgence of Confucianism in order to examine the role played by Confucian ideas in the present and the past, as well as the potential future form of a new Confucian culture. The articles range from the perception of Confucianism in Europe at the time of the Enlightenment to Neo-Confucian debates and approaches. (Series: Chinese History and Society - Berliner China-Hefte - Vol. 41)
Text in English and German. After his deconstructive beginnings in the eighties and nineties, Frank Gehry increasingly practised a very plastic form of architecture. His expressively sculptural cultural buildings, the Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Rhein, his project for the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles and above all the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao (see Opus 32), have shaped the architectural awareness of our period and provided exemplary artistic alternatives to the architectural canon of Modernism. Within Gehry's rapidly growing volume of work the comparatively small energy forum for the Minden-Ravensburg Electricity Company (EMR) plays a particularly striking role insofar as the extraordinarily complex brief -- almost contradictory functions had to be blended in a very cramped space, compelled the architect to use highly differentiated forms and materials. In this way something like a primal model of sculptural building emerged, a massively fissured, subtly lit structure that explains itself inside with amazing naturalness, making visitors gasp with its changing spatial situations as an exhibition and events centre, exploding all conventions as an office building and translating the theme of energy into sensual forms by architectural means as the electricity company's technical distribution centre. The old dictum 'form follows function' acquires a new and radical quality in the architecture of the Energieforum. In addition to the presentation of the energy forum in Bad Oeynhausen this book contains an illustrated survey of all other buildings by Frank Gehry in Europe.
CD and DVD contain audio and video examples.
Includes section "Reviews".
Der vorliegende Band hat zum Ziel, die religiös-kulturellen Dimensionen des Transfers zwischen der katholischen Kirche in Polen und in Deutschland einer kritischen Prüfung zu unterziehen und dabei über die tradierten Grenzen des deutsch-polnischen Dialogs hinauszugehen. In der Geschichte des Zusammenlebens von polnischen und deutschen Katholiken bestätigt sich die These, dass die in ihren Anschauungen und Traditionen verschiedenen Völker eben nicht nur nebeneinander, sondern auch miteinander gelebt haben. Während sich frühere Untersuchungen vor allem auf das konzentrierten, was die deutschen und polnischen Katholiken trennte, beschäftigen sich neuere wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen - auch die Beiträge in diesem Band - eher mit Interaktion und Kooperation. Der vorliegende Band ist in fünf unterschiedliche Kulturtransferprozesse widerspiegelnde Schwerpunkte gegliedert, wobei verschiedene Transfervariationen hier vielfältig überlappen und ineinanderfließen. Analysiert werden die sich auf den Kontrast zwischen Selbst- und Fremdbild beziehenden und konfessionell "gefärbten" Identifikationsmöglichkeiten, die Wirkung von Personen in der Rolle der Kulturvermittler, kulturelle Verflechtungen und Blockierungen kultureller Elemente bei verschiedenen Gruppen (von Jugendlichen oder Frauen über Vertriebenenverbände bis zu Theologen), transnationale Beispiele der Kooperation im kirchlichen Bereich sowie Beispiele der kulturellen Transferprozesse auf dem Gebiet der Literatur und des Zeitungswesens.
Anne Duden’s reputation as one of the most innovative writers of her generation, established in 1982 with the experimental stories in Übergang, was confirmed in 1985 by Das Judasschaf, a novel interweaving an individual’s anguish with the cultural trauma of the German past. In her acclaimed poem cycles Steinschlag (1993) and Hingegend (1999) Duden pushes the limits of language in densely metaphoric evocations of landscapes and places of political and personal remembrance, mixing lament for ruined nature with grotesque comedy, mystic vision with horror. Duden is a distinguished practitioner of short forms. Her essays display the same intense engagement with the visual arts as informs her narrative texts. Her deep interest in music is echoed in the musicality of short prose poems. This volume presents for the first time a comprehensive collection of approaches to Duden's fiction, poetry and essays by international scholars. Topics include: the ethics and aesthetics of Duden’s engagement with German history; her constructions of female subjectivity; her criticism of western dualistic thinking with its devaluation of the body and exploitation of nature; her position within a modernist tradition with roots in the Romantic Age; the visual arts and poetic influences such as Hölderlin and Celan; the dilemmas of translating Duden’s highly individual style. Three essays on Steinschlag constitute the first systematic reading of this difficult, much praised cycle.