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Reproduction of the original. The publishing house Megali specialises in reproducing historical works in large print to make reading easier for people with impaired vision.
All know that children like pictures but we fear very few realize how lasting is the impression they make upon minds and hearts. Pictures that awaken foolish, impure or unkind thoughts have a tendency to poison the mind and destroy the soul forever. On the other hand, the pictures in this book will suggest thoughts of God and heaven and awaken desires to live pure lives which will sooner or later result in the salvation of many of our young readers.-from "Prefatory Note"This fully illustrated 1895 book of religious stories and inspiration for children is chock full of stimulating lessons and pointed tales, including those of: .The Converted Infidel.The Golden Rule Exemplified.The Dying Child's Prayer for Her Drunken Father.The Little Swiss Girl, Who Died to Save Her Father's Life.Little Jennie's Sickness and Death.How Three Sunday School Children Met Their Fate."I'll Never Steal Again-If Father Kills Me for It."Triumphant Death of a Little Child.and many more.SOLOMON BENJAMIN SHAW also wrote The Great Revival in Wales (1905).
S. B. Shaw's 'Children's Book of Touching Incidents and Remarkable Answers to Prayer' is a heartwarming collection of true stories focusing on the pure faith of children and the miraculous responses to their prayers. Written in a simple yet engaging style, the book presents a series of vignettes that inspire readers to reexamine their own beliefs and experiences with spirituality. Shaw's work falls within the genre of spiritual literature, offering a unique perspective on the power of faith in everyday life. The anecdotes within the book are sure to resonate with readers of all ages, providing a sense of wonder and hope in the face of life's challenges. Shaw's approach to storytelling is both tender and thought-provoking, inviting readers to reflect on the mysterious workings of divine intervention in the lives of children and adults alike. The author's deep understanding of the human experience and the complexities of faith shine through in this touching collection, making it a must-read for anyone seeking solace and inspiration in the power of prayer.
This is a reproduction of the original book published in 1893. It is needless to say much by way of preface to this book. It will speak for itself. From the writer's stand-point, none but those "given over to hardness of heart" can read these " Touching Incidents" without having their souls wondrously stirred within them; and none but the willfully unbelieving can say, in view of the " Remarkable Answers to Prayer " herein recorded, that God does not hear and regard the cries of his faithful children. But let it be remembered, that "prayer rises far above a mere form of good words. These, of themselves, are nothing, and may be much worse than nothing. The soul of the reader or utterer must be in them to give them life and power. God hears not my words, He hears me. I rise to Him upon the wings of prayer. I might recite good words forever, but unless my spirit is in them, they are nothing." Yea, nothing but idle words, and mockery before God. The prayer of faith is always prompted by the Holy Spirit, and always receives an answer from the living Father whose Spirit moved its utterance in harmony with His own blessed will. In these pages no place is given to anything that did not appear to be reliable, as well as calculated to do good. Some of the accounts narrated have come within our personal knowledge. Others have been written or furnished expressly for this work. Still others have been selected from the works of well-known authors, or gleaned from the large number of periodicals which came regularly to our office in connection with the periodical that was under our control. Nor has the supply of material by any means been exhausted. We have felt, rather, as did Paul, when, after referring to many of the mighty works wrought through faith in olden times, he said: "And what shall I say more? for the time would fail to tell me of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets; who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions," etc. We pray that through the perusal of these pages, precious souls may be led to the cross and the Savior, and God's children encouraged to trust Him in every hour of need. Your brother, true to God and man, S. B. SHAW.
"[...] There on the side-walk did these two little children ask God to send some one to help them home. The simple and brief prayer being ended, the sick girl was again helped up, and sat on the basket, waiting for the answers to their prayers. Presently Annie saw, far down the street on the opposite side, a man come out from a factory, look around him up and down the street and go back into the factory. "O sister, he has gone in again," said Annie. "Well," said Vanie, "perhaps he is not the one God is going to send. If he is he will come back again." "There he comes again," said Annie. "He walks this way. He seems looking for something. He walks slow, and is without his hat. He puts his hand to his head, as if he did not know what to do. Oh, sister, he has gone in again; what shall we do?"[...]".