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Designed for children aged 2-6, the Torat Imecha series teaches the Parsha on a level even the youngest of children can relate to. Join Menachem, Temima, Noam, and Ahuva as they visit the farm, knock over lego towers, and go to weddings....and learn about the Parsha at the same time! Replete with pictures and full of color, the Torat Imecha series is perfect for young children. Torat Imecha contains stories that pre-schoolers can relate to, breaking down the Parsha stories into concepts they can understand. What a great first taste of Torah!
The Nach Yomi Companion comprises the daily synopses that have appeared online as part of the Orthodox Union´s Nach Yomi ( Each and every chapter of the Books of the Prophets, from Joshua through The Twelve Prophets, is clearly summarized, incorporating the thoughts of Chazal, Rashi, the Radak and others. With this handy volume, written in clear and engaging language, readers can get an overview of the Prophets, decipher troubling passages, or prepare themselves for further, more in-depth study.
Judaism is primarily a religion of actions rather than beliefs. When the Jewish people accepted God's covenant, they committed themselves first to obedience and practice, and then to striving to understand the message implicit in the Torah. In Understanding Judaism: The Basics of Deed and Creed, a perfect textbook for independent and classroom study, Rabbi Benjamin Blech presents a comprehensive explication of the Jewish faith. What does it meant to be a Jew? How does religion affect the ways in which Jewish people think and act? What are the basic concepts of Judaism? This volume answers these vital questions.
From angels and the afterlife to suffering and Divine providence, The God Book addresses all things spiritual through classic works of Jewish philosophy. Works summarized include the Rambams Moreh Nevuchim (Guide for the Perplexed), Ramchals Derech Hashem (Way of God), ibn Pakudas Chovos HaLevavos (Duties of the Heart) and Hilchos Deios from the Rambams Mishneh Torah.
The Tzniyus Book presents not only explanations for, but also the Biblical and Talmudic sources of traditional practices of dress and comportment among observant Jews. If a person has an idea what's what, but may not be sure why, The Tzniyus Book lays it out in a down-to-earth, contemporary fashion.
What is the right to privacy in halacha? When can DNA be used as halachic evidence? How should we treat members of the community who were convicted of crimes? Why can't one steal a kidney to save his life? Is it permitted to kill a terrorist who has been neutralized? Will the imminent arrival of genetically modified meat and fish present a kashrus crisis? -- In addition, the book includes interviews of leading poskim on many of the subjects discussed, including Rav Dovid Cohen, Rav Moshe Heinemann, Rav Doniel Neustadt, Rav Moshe Sternbuch, Rav Asher Weiss, and Rav Mordechai Willig.--
Echoes of Sinai completes a five-volume work on the weekly Torah portion, published jointly by Gefen Publishing House and the OU.
Rabbi Abramowitz is a Judaic treasure and I know that you will love his new book of Jewish answers to questions we all have.- Rabbi Steven Burg, CEO, Aish HaTorahNot every single question out there has an answer that we can grasp, but if the answer is out there, Rabbi Abramowitz likely will have it.- Allison Josephs, Founder, Jew in the CityRabbi Jack Abramowitz is a virtuoso of Torah teaching. He conveys Torah concepts that require years to master in language that is understandable and enjoyable. - Rabbi Gil Student, Editor-in-Chief, Torahmusings.comFor two decades, Rabbi Jack Abramowitz has been the answer man for a number of Jewish organizations. Now, some of his substantive yet down-to-earth Q&A are collected in print for the first time. Ask Rabbi Jack includes material from the Jew in the City website along with several never-before-seen exchanges. Topics include Tanach, mitzvot, halacha, Jewish philosophy and much more, including timely questions regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.