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This research monograph provides a brief overview of the authors' research in the area of ordered granular media over the last decade. The exposition covers one-dimensional homogeneous and dimer chains in great detail incorporating novel analytical tools and experimental results supporting the analytical and numerical studies. The proposed analytical tools have since been successfully implemented in studying two-dimensional dimers, granular dimers on on-site perturbations, solitary waves in Toda lattices to name a few. The second part of the monograph dwells on weakly coupled homogeneous granular chains from analytical, numerical and experimental perspective exploring the interesting phenomenon of Landau-Zener tunneling in granular media. The final part of the monograph provides a brief introduction to locally resonant acoustic metamaterials incorporating internal rotators and the resulting energy channeling mechanism in unit-cells and in one- and two-dimensional lattices. The monograph provides a comprehensive overview of the research in this interesting domain. However, this exposition is not all exhaustive with regard to equally exciting research by other researchers across the globe, but we provide an exhaustive list of references for the interested readers to further explore in this direction.
In their dense state, granular media can either flow like fluids or behave like solids, when they are jammed. The first part of this thesis deals with the flowing regime. We begin by presenting the non-local rheology and discuss this model with respect to the other ones proposed in the community. In order to probe this model, we perform experimental measurements of the velocity profile in an avalanche flow in a narrow channel. This setup allows to observe both the fluid regime and the creep of the supposedly jammed region, in the depth of the channel. We probe the non-local model on the experimental results. The fit of the theory raises the question of the definition of the boundary conditions on such system. We therefore perform molecular dynamic simulations on an incline plane setup in order to fit the non-local model and measure the free surface boundary condition.The second part of this thesis investigates the elastic properties of jammed granular media weakly confined. Near the rigidity (jamming) transition of the medium, elastic moduli decrease and exhibit different scaling laws in their dependence on the confining pressure. We therefore perform acoustic measurements of compression waves at vanishing pressures, by the mean of parabolic flights. We then revisit the model of inter-particle contacts. This enables to predict the elastic behavior of the medium over a wide range of pressures: from evanescent to high pressures, at which the prediction from the mean field approach using the Hertz contact model has been shown to be valid. Last, we present preliminary results of shear wave propagations.
This edited volume consists of twelve contributions related to the EU Marie Curie Transfer of Knowledge Project Cooperation of Estonian and Norwegian Scienti c Centres within Mathematics and its Applications, CENS-CMA (2005-2009), - der contract MTKD-CT-2004-013909, which ?nanced exchange visits to and from CENS, the Centre for Nonlinear Studies at the Institute of Cybernetics of Tallinn University of Technology in Estonia. Seven contributions describe research highlights of CENS members, two the work of members of CMA, the Centre of Mathematics for Applications,Univ- sity of Oslo, Norway, as the partner institution of CENS in the Marie Curie project, and three the ?eld of work of foreign research fellows, who visited CENS as part of theproject. Thestructureofthebookre?ectsthedistributionofthetopicsaddressed: Part I Waves in Solids Part II Mesoscopic Theory Part III Exploiting the Dissipation Inequality Part IV Waves in Fluids Part V Mathematical Methods The papers are written in a tutorial style, intended for non-specialist researchers and students, where the authors communicate their own experiences in tackling a problem that is currently of interest in the scienti?c community. The goal was to produce a book, which highlights the importance of applied mathematics and which can be used for educational purposes, such as material for a course or a seminar. To ensure the scienti?c quality of the contributions, each paper was carefully - viewed by two international experts. Special thanks go to all authors and referees, without whom making this book would not have been possible.
The nonlinear normal modes of a parametrically excited cantilever beam are constructed by directly applying the method of multiple scales to the governing integral-partial differential equation and associated boundary conditions. The effect of the inertia and curvature nonlin earities and the parametric excitation on the spatial distribution of the deflection is examined. The results are compared with those obtained by using a single-mode discretization. In the absence of linear viscous and quadratic damping, it is shown that there are nonlinear normal modes, as defined by Rosenberg, even in the presence of a principal parametric excitation. Furthermore, the nonlinear mode shape obtained with the direct approach is compared with that obtained with the discretization approach for some values of the excitation frequency. In the single-mode discretization, the spatial distribution of the deflection is assumed a priori to be given by the linear mode shape ¢n, which is parametrically excited, as Equation (41). Thus, the mode shape is not influenced by the nonlinear curvature and nonlinear damping. On the other hand, in the direct approach, the mode shape is not assumed a priori; the nonlinear effects modify the linear mode shape ¢n. Therefore, in the case of large-amplitude oscillations, the single-mode discretization may yield inaccurate mode shapes. References 1. Vakakis, A. F., Manevitch, L. I., Mikhlin, Y. v., Pilipchuk, V. N., and Zevin A. A., Nonnal Modes and Localization in Nonlinear Systems, Wiley, New York, 1996.