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Advanced research reference examining the closed and open quantum systems Control of Quantum Systems: Theory and Methods provides an insight into the modern approaches to control of quantum systems evolution, with a focus on both closed and open (dissipative) quantum systems. The topic is timely covering the newest research in the field, and presents and summarizes practical methods and addresses the more theoretical aspects of control, which are of high current interest, but which are not covered at this level in other text books. The quantum control theory and methods written in the book are the results of combination of macro-control theory and microscopic quantum system features. As the development of the nanotechnology progresses, the quantum control theory and methods proposed today are expected to be useful in real quantum systems within five years. The progress of the quantum control theory and methods will promote the progress and development of quantum information, quantum computing, and quantum communication. Equips readers with the potential theories and advanced methods to solve existing problems in quantum optics/information/computing, mesoscopic systems, spin systems, superconducting devices, nano-mechanical devices, precision metrology. Ideal for researchers, academics and engineers in quantum engineering, quantum computing, quantum information, quantum communication, quantum physics, and quantum chemistry, whose research interests are quantum systems control.
This book presents state-of-the-art research on quantum hybridization, manipulation, and measurement in the context of hybrid quantum systems. It covers a broad range of experimental and theoretical topics relevant to quantum hybridization, manipulation, and measurement technologies, including a magnetic field sensor based on spin qubits in diamond NV centers, coherently coupled superconductor qubits, novel coherent couplings between electron and nuclear spin, photons and phonons, and coherent coupling of atoms and photons. Each topic is concisely described by an expert at the forefront of the field, helping readers quickly catch up on the latest advances in fundamental sciences and technologies of hybrid quantum systems, while also providing an essential overview.
Quantum information science involves the use of precise control over quantum systems to explore new technologies. However, as quantum systems are scaled up they require an ever deeper understanding of many-body physics to achieve the required degree of control. Current experiments are entering a regime which requires active control of a mesoscopic number of coupled quantum systems or quantum bits (qubits). This thesis describes several approaches to this goal and shows how mesoscopic quantum systems can be controlled and utilized for quantum information tasks.
Integrated quantum hybrid devices, built from classical dielectric nanostructures and individual quantum systems, promise to provide a scalable platform to study and exploit the laws of quantum physics. On the one hand, there are novel applications, such as efficient computation, secure communication, and measurements with unreached accuracy. On th
During the last few years cavity-optomechanics has emerged as a new field of research. This highly interdisciplinary field studies the interaction between micro and nano mechanical systems and light. Possible applications range from novel high-bandwidth mechanical sensing devices through the generation of squeezed optical or mechanical states to even tests of quantum theory itself. This is one of the first books in this relatively young field. It is aimed at scientists, engineers and students who want to obtain a concise introduction to the state of the art in the field of cavity optomechanics. It is valuable to researchers in nano science, quantum optics, quantum information, gravitational wave detection and other cutting edge fields. Possible applications include biological sensing, frequency comb applications, silicon photonics etc. The technical content will be accessible to those who have familiarity with basic undergraduate physics.
The field of atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) science underpins many technologies and continues to progress at an exciting pace for both scientific discoveries and technological innovations. AMO physics studies the fundamental building blocks of functioning matter to help advance the understanding of the universe. It is a foundational discipline within the physical sciences, relating to atoms and their constituents, to molecules, and to light at the quantum level. AMO physics combines fundamental research with practical application, coupling fundamental scientific discovery to rapidly evolving technological advances, innovation and commercialization. Due to the wide-reaching intellectual, societal, and economical impact of AMO, it is important to review recent advances and future opportunities in AMO physics. Manipulating Quantum Systems: An Assessment of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics in the United States assesses opportunities in AMO science and technology over the coming decade. Key topics in this report include tools made of light; emerging phenomena from few- to many-body systems; the foundations of quantum information science and technologies; quantum dynamics in the time and frequency domains; precision and the nature of the universe, and the broader impact of AMO science.
Quantum information science is a rapidly growing research area for that it provides new insights to the fundamentals of quantum mechanics and offers a platform for the architecture of novel quantum technologies. The successfulness and practicality of this important scientific field rely on the controllability of a quantum system subject to a realistic noisy environment. The environment always leads to unintended dynamics of the system, and thus destroys its coherence and limits its applications. It is therefore important to understand these decoherence mechanisms from first principles, in order to minimize, or even remove, its adverse effect on the quantum system. The study of this open quantum system problem is usually based on some effective paradigms, where the environment is assumed to be "large", such that it can affect the quantum system without any back action. However, due to the demand for a high precision in quantum computation, such an approximate framework becomes questionable. We provide a new theoretical approach to treat this type of open quantum system problem, including the correlated dynamics between the system and the environment, by using a diagrammatic technique in the same spirit as the Keldysh non-equilibrium Green's function. In this formalism, both the environment and the photonic control are quantized. The dynamics of the system can be evaluated accurately for a time scale of small decoherence, but arbitrary quantum control, relevant to the need for quantum technologies. This offers a way of precise quantum noise calculations. We find how fundamental quantum correlations between the quantum control and quantum environment can arise, and are missing in the existing Master equation approximations. On the other hand, the study of the environment not only provides a better understanding of the decoherence, it also allows applicable designs of quantum operations between different qubit systems. In particular, we engineer a new protocol to entangle two qubits at a distance by projection measurements of their environments, the resonance fluorescence photons. We find exceptional improvements on the probability of success and the rate of entanglement based on the multiphoton environment approach, in comparison with the existing single photon entanglement scheme.