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In today's uncertain world, storms will arise that test your faith in a loving heavenly Father. At times, the winds and waves of the world's deceptions will roll in and seek to erode your confidence in God. Without a firm foundation in the truth of God's Word, you may be tempted to go off course and accept less than God's best for you. However, when you hear Jesus' words, receive them, and put them into practice, you will construct a life the torrents cannot shake, "because it was well built" (Luke 6:48). The Purple Book will help you understand foundational truths that God wants you to hear on topics such as sin, salvation, spiritual gifts, prayer, worship, generosity, and evangelism. It will show you how the Bible is "God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16). It will help you understand that the faith you hold has true power to change lives and transform nations. It will give you a solid foundation the enemy cannot dismantle—and a heart shaped by knowledge of God's Word.
Are you tired of the devil wreaking havoc in your life? Too many times have we allowed the devil to trick us, to deceive us, even to cause us to doubt the truth of God's Word! If you are tired of giving the devil the victory, the power, even the room to have his way in your life, author Cheryl Jeffries reveals tools that will equip every believer in 10 Ways to Beat the Devil at His Own Game. It is time that we stop being on the defensive and take an offensive approach! We can tie the hands of the enemy, rendering him impotent in our lives, by utilizing the tools that God has given us as believers. 10 Ways to Beat the Devil at His Own Game is a manual that will further equip every believer in beating the devil at his own destructive game.
Engaging the Culture will inspire a greater understanding and participation in the Great Commission by Christians of all ages empowering people to engage their world with the "Good News" right where they are. Most American Christians are unable to explain their faith to a non-believer. Studies have shown, seventy percent of Christian young people fall away from their faith once they enter college. Right now, the Christian church has an unprecedented opportunity to be right where the action is. It's time to speak up. The gospel not only confronts us spiritually with the cross but also equips us practically for its cause. Jesus started it, Paul and subsequent generations continued it, and it is now left to us to finish it. In God's eyes, sharing our faith has never been, nor shall ever be just an option. One day we will stand before God for our generation. Engaging the Culture examines the biblical mandate for evangelism, identifying the common challenges people face sharing their faith while equipping the reader to be ready to give an answer to the skeptic or Bible critic with confidence, clarity and compassion.
People who are in trouble must discern the source of the problem. A correct assessment of the problem's origins is the first step toward responding well and resolving the situation. Is the issue explainable by natural causes? If not, it is likely that the believer is under spiritual attack. The Believer's Guide to Spiritual Warfare is a practical guide to overcoming the forces of the world, the flesh, and the devil that come against believers' personal lives, families, vocations, and ministries. The Holy Spirit is ready and willing to free Christians from spiritual attack, and this essential handbook will help readers access that power. They will learn to discern the source of an attack, free themselves and others from spiritual bondage, and pray effectively to protect their homes, businesses, churches, and ministries from the forces of evil. The Believer's Guide to Spiritual Warfare goes beyond theory to equip believers with simple, effective tools and techniques for winning victory.
Have you ever stopped to consider that Jesus Christ used the same tools each day as a carpenter wood, a hammer and nails--that were used to crucify him? Knowing that he would die on the cross, how did he cope with this reality? What can you learn from him to deal effectively with the stresses you face every day? In a brief but powerful read, the authors share insights and real life stories from a cross section of Christians. These stories not only allow Christians and non-Christians to more fully appreciate what Christ did on Calvary, but also model how to use the spiritual tools Jesus employed to deal successfully with the rigors of modern life and walk more closely with the Master Carpenter.
For every person who draws strength and direction from the Bible, there are many more who struggle with it. Some call it a long book with fine print and obscure meaning. Some call it a mystery, a chore to read, or an undecipherable puzzle. The good news is you can easily solve this problem. With over 300,000 sold, this revised and expanded edition of Living by the Book will remove the barriers that keep Scripture from transforming your life. In a simple, step-by-step fashion, the authors explain how to glean truth from Scripture. It is practical, readable, and applicable. By following its easy-to-apply principles, you'll soon find yourself drawing great nourishment from the Word—and enjoying the process! The Living by the Book Workbook is the perfect compliment to provide practical application of lessons.
What If You Could Change the World without Changing Your Daily Routine? When you’ve been transformed by God’s love, you can’t help but want others to experience the same grace and freedom. But how do you share it without scaring them away or offending them? For most Christians, “evangelism” is an intimidating word that suggests handing out tracts to strangers or doing other awkward things. But what if there was a more organic, more authentic way to share your faith with your friends, neighbors, and coworkers? Dave and Jon Ferguson have found five simple, straightforward practices that will allow any believer to do just that. And by consistently living them out, you can affect not just individual lives but your entire neighborhood and community—one person at a time.
Who is God? What is the Holy Spirit? Angels, aren't they the curly haired baby's on cards? Seriously are demons real? Does Satan wear red, have horns, carry a pitch fork and throw parties in Hell? This book will answer these questions while teaching the truth about Spiritual Warfare.