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As times have changed in America, so have political parties. This book surveys some of the changes in the Democratic Party. God, however, changes not. His Word is steadfast and true with no shadow of turning. Christians should be changing more into the image of Christ, not the image of the world. Our ways should be His ways and our thoughts His thoughts. As the Body of Christ grows, there should be less and less compromising of the Word. This easy to read book will provoke questions that should be prayerfully answered. It is not my intention to promote one political view over another, but to allow God's view from the Word to be seen clearly. I am neither a democrat nor a republican. I am a Christian and an American! About the Author Dwayne Byerly was born in Powhatan, Virginia. He received the new birth at age nine in the Baptist Church, but fell away from the Lord by the time he was a teenager. He lived a life that was far from holy. He learned the hard way the price of living a compromised Christian life. At the age of 34 he was arrested by the Holy Ghost through the private ministry of his wife, Michelle. After rededicating his life to Jesus Christ, Dwayne began studying the scripture and soon found himself ordained and preaching in his local church prison ministry. Later he took over the leadership of the men's ministry in his church. Recently Dwayne has been sitting under two well seasoned men of God, traveling and working at many conferences across the United States. Dwayne has seen many people saved by the ministry of Jesus Christ through him and now has it on his heart to encourage others to live a life that is uncompromising in the Word of God. As a result, they too can live the bountiful life that is afforded us through Christ Jesus.
If Jesus were alive today, would he: feed the poor - or give tax breaks to the super rich? Comfort the old and infirm - or cut Social Security? Build bridges that unite - or build walls that divide? Make peace - or make war? In the revised edition of this groundbreaking book, noted author and theologian Linda Seger, Th.D., explores what it means to be a Christian and a Democrat - and shows how the two are not mutually exclusive but rather inclusive. She reveals the close relationship between Democratic policy and Jesus' teachings and the many ways in which the values Jesus espouses in the Bible correspond to the values Democrats call their own. The idea that America's real Christians vote strictly Republican crumbles when one studies the platforms of both parties. Jesus Rode a Donkey reminds the reader that Jesus and the prophets had a radical, progressive message that calls individuals and nations to feed the hungry, help the poor, heal the sick, care for the earth, free the oppressed, and love our enemies. The book won the Silver Medal Christian Living Illumination Book Award given for exemplary Christian writing.
Linda Seger, Th.D., explores what it means to be a Christian and a Democrat - and shows how the two are mutually inclusive.
Christian Democratic actors and thinkers have been at the forefront of many of the twentieth century's key political battles - from the construction of the international human rights regime, through the process of European integration and the creation of postwar welfare regimes, to Latin American development policies during the Cold War. Yet their core ideas remain largely unknown, especially in the English-speaking world. Combining conceptual and historical approaches, Carlo Invernizzi Accetti traces the development of this ideology in the thought and writings of some of its key intellectual and political exponents, from the mid-nineteenth century to the present day. In so doing he sheds light on a number of important contemporary issues, from the question of the appropriate place of religion in presumptively 'secular' liberal-democratic regimes, to the normative resources available for building a political response to the recent rise of far-right populism.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, when asked at a press conference about the roots of his political philosophy, responded simply, “I am a Christian and a Democrat.” This is the story of how the first informed the second—how his upbringing in the Episcopal Church and matriculation at the Groton School under legendary educator and minister Endicott Peabody molded Roosevelt into a leader whose politics were fundamentally shaped by the Social Gospel. A work begun by religious historian John Woolverton (1926 2014) and recently completed by James Bratt, A Christian and a Democrat is an engaging analysis of the surprisingly spiritual life of one of the most consequential presidents in US history. Reading Woolverton’s account of FDR’s response to the toxic demagoguery of his day will reassure readers today that a constructive way forward is possible for Christians, for Americans, and for the world.
In this book, Tony Campolo sounds a call for Christians to address controversial issues honestly and courageously, without bowing to political correctness or party lines, acknowledging that the gospel is eminently relevant in today's world.
Where do Christians fit in a two-party political system? The partisan divide that is rending the nation is now tearing apart American churches. On one side are Christian Right activists and other conservatives who believe that a vote for a Democratic presidential candidate is a vote for abortion, sexual immorality, gender confusion, and the loss of religious liberty for Christians. On the other side are politically progressive Christians who are considering leaving the institutional church because of white evangelicalism’s alliance with a Republican Party that they believe is racist, hateful toward immigrants, scornful of the poor, and directly opposed to the principles that Jesus taught. Even while sharing the same pew, these two sides often see the views of the other as hopelessly wrongheaded—even evil. Is there a way to transcend this deep-seated division? The Politics of the Cross draws on history, policy analysis, and biblically grounded theology to show how Christians can protect the unborn, advocate for traditional marriage, promote racial justice, care for the poor, and, above all, honor the gospel by adopting a cross-centered ethic instead of the idolatrous politics of power, fear, or partisanship. As Daniel K. Williams illustrates, both the Republican and Democratic parties are rooted in Christian principles, but both have distorted those principles and mixed them with assumptions that are antithetical to biblical truth. Williams explains how Christians can renounce partisanship and pursue policies that show love for our neighbors to achieve a biblical vision of justice. Nuanced, detailed, and even-handed, The Politics of the Cross tackles the thorny issues that divide Christians politically and offers a path forward with innovative, biblically minded political approaches that might surprise Christians on both the left and the right.
Many democratic citizens, including many Christians, think that separation of religion from the state means the exclusion of religious beliefs from the political process. That view is mistaken. Both democracy and Christian faith, this 2004 book shows, call all Christians to make their beliefs effective in politics. But the discussion here differs from others. Most have trouble relating religion to democratic discussion and debate because they assume that religious differences cannot be publicly debated. Against this majority view, this book argues that Christian faith belongs in politics because it shares with democracy a full commitment to rational pursuit of the truth. The book then develops ideals of justice and the common good Christians should advocate within the democratic process and shows the difference they make for contemporary politics in the United States, focusing specifically on issues of abortion, affirmative action, and economic distribution.
In God's Own Party, Daniel K. Williams presents the first comprehensive history of the Christian Right, uncovering how evangelicals came to see the Republican Party as the vehicle through which they could reclaim America as a Christian nation.
If Jesus were alive today, would he: Feed the poor-or cut free school lunch programs? Comfort the old and infirm-or eliminate Social Security? Turn the other cheek-or invade Iraq? In this groundbreaking book, noted author and theologian Linda Seger, Th.D., explores what it means to be a Christian and a Democrat-and shows how the two are not mutually exclusive (as many Republicans claim), but rather inclusive. She reveals the close relationship between Democratic policy and Jesus's teachings-and the many ways in which the values Jesus espouses in the Bible correspond to the values Democrats call their own. The idea that America's real Christians are all Republicans is just that - an idea, and an indefensible, divisive one at that. Jesus Rode a Donkey is a call to Christians everywhere to remember that Jesus was a liberal, who rode a donkey through the streets of Jerusalem-not an elephant.