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Gives Knox notice of ordnance and stores he has sent. Lists quantities of items on their way to Knox.
Mentions doubts George Washington expressed in a previous letter regarding the upcoming campaign (initially the campaign was to be against the British in New York, but Washington revised these plans to launch the Siege of Yorktown). Discusses arrangements [Knox] made with General [Ezekiel] Cornell, a Continental Congressman, to obtain supplies.
Sending Knox an extract of a letter he has received from the Board of War, regarding funds for Knox. The Board states that it has petitioned Congress for the funds Knox needs for military stores and transportation, but has not yet received the funds. Worries that their previous plans must now be altered due to British reinforcements at Charlestown, Augustine and New York. Discusses where military stores should be sent in this case, preferring the East to the South. Docketed by Samuel Shaw, Knox's aide.
Replies to a letter he received from Washington on the same day. Refers to another letter Washington enclosed, from General [Ezekiel] Cornell. Cornell's letter referred to lead and cartridge expected to arrive from Boston, Massachusetts, and Providence, Rhode Island. Further discusses gathering ammunition from other states, noting the demands from the southward and westward so great as to claim the utmost economy... Notes that General Duportail applied to the Quartermaster General for [artillery gun] platforms. Knox's retained draft.
Knox writes to his wife from Philipsburgh (present-day Sleepy Hollow, New York). ... I have never found any absence from [Lucy] so truly insupportable as the present. I am alone amidst a croud [sic], and unhappy without my companion. Bemoans the War: ...vile I call it because it is a War upon the affections of humanity. It has deprived us of the right enjoyment of six years, long years of our Life-- a period infinitely too long to be engrossed by other objects than the business of Love. Discusses a recent reconnaissance mission to assess the British force in New York City with optimism, stating that many of the British troops in the vicinity will soon depart for Virginia. Reports that some of the Marquis de Lafayette's troops, led by General Anthony Wayne, had a recent encounter with the British under Lord Cornwallis (Knox is possibly referring to the engagement at Green Spring plantation 6 July 1781). Refers to General Nathanael Greene's May-June 1781 Siege of Ninety-Six, and praises Greene's actions in the south: His conduct has exhibited him a great man, and established his reputation beyond the powers of malice to injure it lastingly. Mentions arranging a place for Lucy to stay at a Dr. [Darbys] house. Possibly discussing slaves or servants, asks, whether you are pleas'd with your [Servant]. I want to know whether I can get Cato, you will exchange him for William... Lacks closing and possibly the address leaf.
Lists ordnance and military stores necessary for the campaign of 1781 according to type and number needed. Also includes a list of artillery necessary for a siege and a note concerning the making and cost of gun carriages. Written in a Park of Artillery. Written and signed for Knox by Samuel Shaw.
Indicates that French ships are about to dispatch with official accounts of the Battle of Yorktown. Knox feels he should tell Jay what has occurred because an official account from Congress may not be immediately forthcoming. Although the British had less forces in America than in 1776 or 1777, the Continental Army was compelled to attack Yorktown or consider the southern states lost. The Comte de Grasse was of similar opinion, and plans to attack New York were abandoned in favor of a siege of Yorktown. A detailed, chronological explanation of the Allied forces' actions between 27 September 1781 and 19 October 1781 follows in the clerical copy, Knox's original indicates that the text should replicate that in a letter to John Adams (see GLC02437.01251 and GLC02437.01252). A postscript indicates that George Washington sent Jay authenticated copies of Lord Cornwallis' capitulation. This copy of this letter is the original and GLC02437.01254 is a handwritten clerical copy made by Judge William Jay on 25 August 1856. Concluding paragraph, beginning This important affair, the closing salutation, Knox's signature, and the postscript are in Shaw's hand.
Discusses a meeting with the French army and navy and General Daniel Morgan's victory over General Banastre Tarleton, the Kill-Devil of Cornwallis' Army, at the battle of Cowpens, South Carolina, 17 January 1781.
Thanks him and Mrs. Biddle for their kindness to Mrs. Knox and their young daughter while in Philadelphia. Comments that Biddle's knowledge of his orders during the siege will excuse his inability to write frequently. Stresses his interest in ensuring that American battalions are filled with troops. Describes the recent illness and death of Mr. Custis, George Washington's stepson, while he was at camp with Washington as an aide. Mentions that General and Mrs. Washington were present for his last gasp. He is waiting for General and Mrs. Washington and Mrs. Custis to arrive, but Mrs. Knox seems inclined to go to Philadelphia to lye-in, but we cannot determine on the matter untill Mrs. Washington arrives. Asks Biddle to inquire into lodgings in Philadelphia for Mrs. Knox for three months, and stresses his desire to make her comfortable, regardless of price. Mentions Nathanael Greene and Tilghman, possibly Tench Tilghman, George Washington's aide-de-camp. Struck note on the left side of first page.
Later copy. Discusses the status of troops throughout the New England states and a victory at Cowpens, South Carolina.