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TO GOD BE THE GLORY is my tribute to the Heavenly Father who has granted me the gift of poetic inspiration-a gift I cherish dearly. I had to stop last year (then 1997) and ask God how He wanted me to use this gift. He answered me by allowing me to create 15 poems in 11 days that I was expected to share with others-which, of course, I did. Without this gift, I could not share with you what a few have had an opportunity to read. Thank You, Lord God. The poems contained in this volume were written as thoughts of God's goodness and mercy, His love and compassion, and His overwhelming grace were made evident to me through my life or the lives of people He brought my way. I would be remiss not to give Him the glory. I can never thank Him enough for the blessing that He has allowed my words to be for the people these poems were presented to or with whom I was allowed to share them. OUR HEAVENLY FATHER has given each of us special gifts. Many of us choose to play around with them, but never use them to enhance His kingdom. He's given everyone of us talents that are uniquely ours. Yes, some of us can draw, sing, dance, write, cook, heal, and/or entertain others. All of us have some God-given gift that has endeared us to someone else, even if it's nothing more than caring and taking care of one's fellow person. Don't waste or take for granted the abilities that God has given you. For if you fail to use them for the good of this world, you will find yourself without them. Share your gifts with others. No matter how insignificant they may appear to be to you, they may prove to be a blessing for someone else to enjoy. God Bless!
I believe that Jesus set an example for us on how to handle adverse situations. When approached in the wilderness by Satan, each time when responding, Jesus began his sentence with "It is written" and quoted Scripture. Modeling myself after Him, I began quoting Scripture when I found myself in adverse situations. I applied Scripture when faced with health concerns for myself, for my son, when reminded of my past, and many other situations. No matter what your situation looks like, we have to learn to say what God says about us. After all, we do have the power of life or death in our tongue (Proverbs 18:21). By our words we can triumph over the enemy. Get in God's Word! The Word of God is our weapon! My prayer is that sharing my testimony will awaken the Spirit within you, increasing your desire to dig deeper into Scripture and develop a closer relationship with God.
Can business activity in itself be morally good and pleasing to God? Sometimes business can seem so shady-manipulating the "bottom line," deceiving the consumer, or gaining promotions because of whom you know. But Wayne Grudem introduces a novel concept: business itself glorifies God when it is conducted in a way that imitates God's character and creation. He shows that all aspects of business, including ownership, profit, money, competition, and borrowing and lending, glorify God because they are reflective of God's nature. Though Grudem isn't naïve about the easy ways these activities can be perverted and used as a means to sin, he knows that Christians can be about the business of business. This biblically based book is a thoughtful guide to imitating God during interactions with customers, coworkers, employees, and other businesses. See how your business, and your life in business, can be dedicated to God's glory.
This informative resource provides a brief history of each hymn in the popular hymnal Glory to God. Written by one of the foremost hymn scholars today, the Companion explains when and why each hymn was written and provides biographical information about the hymn writers. Church leaders will benefit from this book when choosing hymn texts for every worship occasion. Several indexes will be included, making this a valuable reference tool for pastors, worship planners, scholars, and students, as well as an interesting and engaging resource for music lovers.
The new Presbyterian hymnal, Glory to God, will be published in September of 2013 but is now available for pre-order for individuals and congregations. This new book of congregational song will include: Over 800 hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs. Approximately 50% of included hymns will be from the 1990 Presbyterian hymnal. The remaining pieces will come from former Presbyterian hymnals, other denominational songbooks, and individual authors and composers. A musical setting of almost every Sunday lectionary psalm. Music from six different continents. Music covering all major historical and contemporary sacred genres, including approximately thirty-five African American/Gospel hymns. Comprehensive indexes. Glory to God will also contain worship aids and printed liturgies for Sunday services (including baptism and the Lord's Supper) and services for daily prayer. Complete orders of service will include congregational responses, prayers, and creeds. These will be perfect resources for "green" congregations, camps and conference centers, daily prayer services, and time-pressed pastors. The pew edition of Glory to God is available in either of two colors, red and purple, in either of two versions: a Presbyterian edition and an ecumenical edition. The Presbyterian version is Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal and will be stamped with the PC(USA) seal on the spine. The ecumenical version is Glory to God: Hymns, Songs, and Spiritual Songs and will not have the seal. The contents of both editions are identical. "
This book will bless you! Challenge you and convince you that we serve a great God who still answers prayers! Dare to believe Him! From Genesis to Revelation, God's Word literally screams at us to remember, remember, and remember. When I would tell about experiences we had in Africa, people would say "please tell us more." So God began to deal with me. He told me to write it down. In fact, He said "write a book." So I trust this book will stir your heart. If you are a Christian, I hope it will cause you to remember the deliverance and miracles God did for you. If you are not a Christian, I trust you will accept Jesus as Lord of your life. Just say "Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive me of my sins. I believe you died for me. I accept you as my Lord and Savior." He will come into your heart and make you His child. Then begin to trust Him. He'll fight your battles and you will be surprised at the wonderful things he has in store for you. "For He is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Hebrew 13:8). Moses said to the people to remember the day in which you came out of Egypt-out of the house of bondage-for by the strength of God's hand, the Lord brought you out. Guard these memories. Keep them fresh in your hearts. You are to remember what God did for you in the past. Do you have a problem in your home, in your work, or in your family? The only way to face a giant is to do what David did: Remember the lion and the bear. David could only face Goliath without fear by remembering God's faithfulness to him when he killed the lion and the bear. I kept my father's sheep, and there came a lion and a bear who stole a lamb out of the flock. I slew both the lion and the bear and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them (1 Sam. 17:34-36). I am sure this is what David testified to Saul. David knew the danger he was facing, but he remembered his past and he looked Goliath in the face and said, "The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion and the bear, He will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine" (1 Sam. 17:37). You might say that was luck. No, I would say it was God guiding that stone. I would say it was a miracle. I can see Goliath standing with all his armor on, but God knew exactly where that stone would land. Hallelujah. So keep telling your deliverance and miracles to your children. It will build your faith every time you tell it, and it will build their faith. Why do you think there is not much faith in the world today? Because we have failed to remember the deliverances and miracles God has brought us through. Remember-don't let your generation forget. To God be the Glory!