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"To Dance With God has been an important book in my life for some time now". -- Bill Moyers Public Affairs Television, Inc.Filled with practical suggestions for celebrations for both families and communities.
Release the Kingdom through Dance! You can experience God’s presence and healing power through dance. Encountering God Through Dance equips believers to worship Jesus in wholehearted devotion—to express love without fear or shame. What people are saying: Encountering God Through Dance is the wonderful journey of a radical lover of God…and a manual for instruction and inspiration. —Bill Johnson, Senior Pastor, Bethel Church This is by far the most refreshing book I have read in a long time. Saara Taina has given her life to a core area of life that is far too marginalized in many churches. —Marc A. Dupont, Mantle of Praise Ministries, Inc. Rarely do you see a book that offers passion, testimonies, and biblical expertise so that others can be fully equipped. —Theresa Dedmon, Director of Prophetic Arts, Bethel Church We have personally experienced the breakthrough power of the dance many, many times in Succat Hallel, our 24/7 worship room that overlooks Mount Zion in Jerusalem. —Rick and Patti Ridings, Succat Hallel The author’s personal journey of devotion through dance has taken her worldwide. She wraps her exciting travels with a solid biblical framework for the importance of dance in the Kingdom of God—on earth, today!
In Daring to Dance with God, Jeff Walling uses biblical insight, fascinating stories, and cutting-edge wisdom to move you into a celebration of life's surprises and a richer relationship with the God of the unexpected. How would you like to step into God's embrace and know him more intimately? How would it feel to be swept away in his strong arms and warm affection? Such visions may seem like impossible dreams, but the incredible fact is that God yearns for deep communion and intimacy with you. God does not intend that your life be paralyzed by fear, duty, or guilt. Rather, he has orchestrated a melody, written just for you, that is full of energy, passion, and exaltation. In Daring to Dance with God, Jeff Walling uses biblical insight, fascinating stories, and cutting-edge wisdom to move you into a celebration of life's surprises and a richer relationship with the God of the unexpected. Open this book and open your life to the daring possibilities of celebrating life at its deepest level through an intimate, expressive relationship with God. He is the lead in this great dance of life…inviting…encouraging…inspiring you to step forward into his waiting embrace. Dare to take a step and dance with God.
The author presents the following themes in this book: 1. Why believe in someone we cannot even see? 2. Where do we find music to dance with the Spirit? 3. What happens when we dance solo without God to lead us? 4. How do we learn to dance with Gods Spirit? 5. Dancing through the Gracegate. 6. Examples of working with pride, faith, truth and obedience . 7. The dance of the prayer warrior is presented, as well as dancing in imago deithe image of God. 8. The authors own personal experience with the Son of God is revealed. 9. A glimpse of the night before the crucifixion . 10. Reasons why we dance in celebration.
Deep within, every woman longs for her own Cinderella experience: to rise from her humble past, discover the best in herself, and be appreciated by a true, lasting love. Yet, her own efforts to fill the yearning often end in tatters. And no man can rescue her. In Dancing in the Arms of God, the Cinderella fairy tale provides a powerful allegory for women's deepest hopes and dreams and the God who longs to fill them. It's a message proved true in the life of author Connie Neal. For all of us who have wrestled with disillusionment, abandonment, our own limitations, and the lies that whisper we're not beautiful, Connie's true-life insights reveal what it means to dance with God . . . following his lead until every promise he's ever made proves true.
Honest-to-goodness miracle workers were not welcomed by the Pastor of Rome County Kentucky’s snake-handling church. Josiah David Fitzpatrick Sr. was averse to being shown up by anyone, especially his blood-crying son, JoJo. Growing up in the Ku Klux Klan, in the 1970s, with a sociopathic father and a child-molesting stepmother was a daily struggle all by itself. But the day six-year-old JoJo gave sight to his eyeless best friend, Larissa, in the presence of his father’s church, the need to escape Rome County became a matter of life and death. JoJo had to leave to save himself and his older brother, Judas, and stepsister, Ruth. The journey would open JoJo’s spiritual eyes to his own darkness and teach him that the meaning of life is, and always has been, to dance with God. A story of the supernatural, To Dance with God introduces us to the blood criers in the world, that see beyond the darkness of man with an impossible love not their own. The story transcends organized religion with the underlying truth of us all—that we are the most alive when we love each other. The author can be reached at [email protected].
Journey with Ann Stevenson as she leads you step by step through the mysteries of the divine beauty of dance as choreographed by the Creator Himself. Where does dance fit into worship, warfare, and wholeness? Learn the foundational biblical truths vital to the fullness of God's created purpose for dance. A dancer since the age of three, Ann now directs one of the nation's largest Christian dance ministries and wants to teach you how to release yourself into the worship that God has called for you. Learn how to reclaim and restore dance to its rightful place in the Kingdom of God. Oppose the enemy's efforts to keep dance in his worldly kingdom, and let discernment, wisdom, and maturity win the day against our ancient foe. Corporate worship in the church will never complete or accomplish its original purpose to the satisfaction of God's heart without the divine element of dance functioning in its proper place.Dance! sets a high standard for the education and restoration of dance according the Word of God.
Dancing With God is an exploration of the divine gifts of courage and grace in the face of evil. Moreover, it is a doctrine of God as the source of that courage. Baker-Fletcher presents an understanding of the work of the Trinity with regard to the problem of crucifixion, a metaphor she uses for unnecessary violence. She develops a process of relational, womanist theology that considers the empathetic omnipresence of God in the midst of unnecessary suffering and the healing power of God in movement of the Holy Spirit. She engages the contributions of a diversity of theologians like Paul Tillich, Karl Barth, Gordon Kaufman, John Cobb, Jr., Majorie Suchocki, Charles Hartshorne, Andrew Sung Park, and Katie Cannon in her discussion of the dance of the Trinity in creation, and the problem of sin, evil, and suffering. Through creative works like that of Alice Walker's The Color Purple and journalist Joyce King's account of the James Byrd, Jr. murder in Jasper County, Texas, Baker-Fletcher reveals the healing, encouraging power of the Holy Spirit in the lives of survivors of unnecessary violence.
How do we really connect with God so that our prayers move from the head to the heart? In its wisdom, Jewish tradition has created what can only be understood as a dance that, if done properly, can lift the participant into an intimate encounter with the Divine. How is Jewish prayer a dance? One sits and stands, moves one's hands, moves backward and forward, bows and rises up; one chants and sings and embraces God. Each movement is pregnant with meaning. Taken together, Jewish prayer is nothing short of a most intimate dance with the Creator. This book was written to help the reader learn how to "dance" in such a way that he will connect with God every time he prays.
Time to Dance is a weekly devotional for Christian dancers of all levels. The devotional is applicable for budding artists to professional dancers and can be done individually or as a group, using the questions for discussion. Time to Dance follows a read it, learn it, live it format, which starts with Scripture and follows up with questions and a challenge for the week. This format allows for acknowledging the Scripture, understanding its significance, and living out the message. Subjects that are covered include the purposes of dance, how dance reflects Gods character, the history of dance, the importance of purity, how each style of dance can glorify God, and how dance can be used as a tool of evangelism. If you are a dancer seeking to deepen your relationship with Christ and use your gifts to glorify his name, Time to Dance can take you on that journey.