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Bu çalışmada, Özellikle tıp eğitimi alanlar ve tıp uğraşısı olanların ilgileneceği bir cep sözlük olarak yüzlerce tıp teriminin İngilizce ve Türkçe anlamını bulabileceksiniz. Daha önce hazırladığım sayfa sayısı az olan cep kitap şeklindeki İNGİLİZCE - TÜRKÇE TIP TERİMLERİ SÖZLÜĞÜ'ne olan yoğun talep bu konuda ihtiyacı karşılamaya yönelik daha geniş bir çalışma yapmaya sevk etti. Ancak sözlük yazma işi oldukça kapsamlı bir uğraşı olduğundan dolayı sözlüğü HARF esasına göre hazırlamaya karar verdim. Zaman içinde bütün harflerin yer aldığı bir sözlük sizlerle olacak. Kolaylıklar dilerim. In this study, you will be able to find the English and Turkish meanings of hundreds of medical terms as a pocket dictionary that will be especially of interest to those who study medicine and those who practice medicine. Since writing a dictionary is a very comprehensive endeavor, I decided to prepare the dictionary on the basis of LETTERS. After completing the Medical Terms starting with the letter A, you will have a dictionary with all the letters in time. I wish conveniences
Sözlükte aşağıda verilen temel konulardaki başlıca terim, kısaltma ve ifadelere yer verilmiştir: private charter aviation terminology/ özel charter havacılık terminolojisi pilot controller glossary/pilot kontrolör terimleri passenger glossary/yolcu terimleri main terms used in civil aviation statistics /sivil havacılık istatistikleri temel terimler military aviation terms/askeri havacılık terimleri historic aviation terms/tarihi havacılık terimleri code words and phrases used in radio transmissions/telsiz iletişiminde kullanılan ifade kod sözcükleri certain aviation industry related terms/havacılık endüstrisine ilişkin terimler aviation, aerospace, and aeronautics/uzay ve havacılıkla ilgili terimler aviation terms and abbreviations / havacılık terimleri ve kısaltmaları airport acronyms used in FAA documents/FAA belgelerinde kullanılan havalimanı kısaltmaları glossary of flying terms/uçuş terimleri glossary for pilots and air pilot ve hava ile ilgili terimler glossary for pilots and air traffic services personel/pilotlar ve hava trafik hizmetleri personel terimleri flightpath glossary of aviation terms/uçuş güzergahı/rotası havacılık terimleri descriptive aviation glossary/tanımlayıcı havacılık terimleri aviation insurance glossary/havacılık sigorta terminolojisi aviation communications glossary/havacılık haberleşme terimleri air traffic management terms/hava trafik yönetim terimleri aerospace terminology/uzay terminolojisi glossary of flying terms/genel uçuş terminolojisi Sözlüğün hazırlık aşamasında 200’e yakın kaynağa başvurulmuş havacılık alanının tüm yan, yakın ve alt birimlerinde yer alan terim, ifade, kısaltma ve deyimler titizlikle incelenmiş ve detaylı bir şeklide ele alınmıştır. Yaklaşık 10.000’e yakın ifade, terim, deyim ve kısaltma yer almakta olup, birçoğu açıklamalarla verilmiştir.
Though Egypt was ruled by Turkish-speakers through most of the period from the ninth century until 1952, the impact of Turkish culture there remains under-studied. This book deals with the period from 1805 to 1952, during which Turkish cultural patterns, spread through reforms based on those of Istanbul, may have touched more Egyptians than ever before. An examination of the books, newspapers, and other written materials produced in Turkish, including translations, and of the presses involved, reveals the rise and decline of Turkish culture in government, the military, education, literature, music, and everyday life. The author also describes the upsurge in Turkish writing generated by Young Turk exiles from 1895 to 1909. Included is a CD containing appendices of extensive bibliographic information concerning books and periodicals printed in Egypt during this period.
Take your understanding to a whole new level with Pageburst digital books on VitalSource! Easy-to-use, interactive features let you make highlights, share notes, run instant topic searches, and so much more. Best of all, with Pageburst, you get flexible online, offline, and mobile access to all your digital books. Make learning medical terminology faster and more fun with Quick & Easy Medical Terminology, 6th Edition! Featuring CDs with interactive games and audio pronunciations, this book helps you begin reading, writing, and speaking medical terms in the shortest time possible. Small chunks of information are always followed immediately by exercises, so students will be learning "every minute!" The many puzzles, activities, and games make it easier to understand and remember terminology. Written in a clear, conversational style by Peggy C. Leonard, MT, MEd, this book gives you the tools to communicate effectively in the health care environment. A companion CD reinforces learning with fun, interactive exercises, including medical reports and Hear It/Spell It exercises. Two audio CDs let you listen to correct pronunciations of medical terms and encourage you to pronounce each term aloud. A flexible, body systems organization lets you go through the material in any order after completing the orientation chapters, making it easy to coordinate your study with other courses such as anatomy and physiology. The programmed learning approach presents content in small blocks called 'frames' that allow you to learn the content and get immediate feedback on your progress before proceeding. Diverse learning styles are accommodated by a wide variety of exercises -- labeling diagrams, writing terms, choosing pronunciation accents, recognizing misspelled terms, matching word parts, interpreting terms within health reports, and categorizing terms. Unique! A conversational writing style makes the book more readable and enjoyable. Unique! Thorough explanations of terms help you understand and remember the material by presenting terminology in a medical context. A consistent format to body systems chapters uses categories to simplify the learning of terms, with each chapter including function; structure; diseases, disorders, and diagnostic terms; and surgical and therapeutic interventions. Healthcare reports and case studies allow you to apply your knowledge to real-life situations. A review of anatomy and physiology at the beginning of each body systems chapter provides a context for understanding the medical terminology. Drug information is integrated into the body systems chapters, with detailed information on specific drugs on CD. Caution boxes alert you to confusing terms. Spanish translations of key terms are listed in each chapter to help you communicate with Hispanic patients; glossaries are included in the appendix. Comprehensive end-of-chapter reviews correspond to the learning objectives at the beginning of the chapter. A bookmark includes a quick-reference guide to pronouncing terms plus a list of pronunciation symbols. A companion Evolve website includes study tips, electronic flashcards, Body Spectrum coloring pages, an English/Spanish glossary, learning activities that include Spanish term exercises, updates, and links to related sites. More short exercises include Find the Clue and Connections puzzles, letting you check your learning more often and stay on track. Procedures and terminology updates keep you current with new technologies and terms you'll encounter in the workplace. Quick Tips in the margins add essential information and interesting, fun facts. Games add fun and competition to exercises on the companion CD. More medical reports with exercises are included on the CD, allowing you to use terms in real-life situations.
This dictionary is, in the very best sense, a good read.It explains the meanings and derivations of the medical terms, abbreviations, mnemonics, and slang used by doctors, nurses, and health-care professionals publicly and privately. It defines, for instance, the abbreviations doctors use in writing prescriptions and explains the Latin and Greek derivations of medical terms. The author writes clearly and often humorously, not hesitating to voice his personal opinions. He guides his readers through the world of medical language like a good friend-clarifying, cautioning, and teaching with wit and laughter. About the Author: Fritz Spiegl has written many books, including Dead Funny, The Joy of Words, and The Guinness Book of Musical Blunders (in prep.), and is a popular BBC radio commentator, especially revered for his mastery of the English language.
Make learning medical terminology faster and more fun with Quick & Easy Medical Terminology, 6th Edition! Featuring CDs with interactive games and audio pronunciations, this book helps you begin reading, writing, and speaking medical terms in the shortest time possible. Small chunks of information are always followed immediately by exercises, so students will be learning "every minute!" The many puzzles, activities, and games make it easier to understand and remember terminology. Written in a clear, conversational style by Peggy C. Leonard, MT, MEd, this book gives you the tools to communicate effectively in the health care environment. A companion CD reinforces learning with fun, interactive exercises, including medical reports and Hear It/Spell It exercises. Two audio CDs let you listen to correct pronunciations of medical terms and encourage you to pronounce each term aloud. A flexible, body systems organization lets you go through the material in any order after completing the orientation chapters, making it easy to coordinate your study with other courses such as anatomy and physiology. The programmed learning approach presents content in small blocks called 'frames' that allow you to learn the content and get immediate feedback on your progress before proceeding. Diverse learning styles are accommodated by a wide variety of exercises -- labeling diagrams, writing terms, choosing pronunciation accents, recognizing misspelled terms, matching word parts, interpreting terms within health reports, and categorizing terms. Unique! A conversational writing style makes the book more readable and enjoyable. Unique! Thorough explanations of terms help you understand and remember the material by presenting terminology in a medical context. A consistent format to body systems chapters uses categories to simplify the learning of terms, with each chapter including function; structure; diseases, disorders, and diagnostic terms; and surgical and therapeutic interventions. Healthcare reports and case studies allow you to apply your knowledge to real-life situations. A review of anatomy and physiology at the beginning of each body systems chapter provides a context for understanding the medical terminology. Drug information is integrated into the body systems chapters, with detailed information on specific drugs on CD. Caution boxes alert you to confusing terms. Spanish translations of key terms are listed in each chapter to help you communicate with Hispanic patients; glossaries are included in the appendix. Comprehensive end-of-chapter reviews correspond to the learning objectives at the beginning of the chapter. A bookmark includes a quick-reference guide to pronouncing terms plus a list of pronunciation symbols. A companion Evolve website includes study tips, electronic flashcards, Body Spectrum coloring pages, an English/Spanish glossary, learning activities that include Spanish term exercises, updates, and links to related sites.