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“This book will help you own your calendar, block time for what matters most and reclaim your life.” —Paula Rizzo, author of Listful Living: A List-Making Journey to a Less Stressed You You want more time to spend with family, to achieve big goals, and to simply enjoy life. Yet, there seem to be more and more things competing for your time, and more distractions interrupting your day. Craig Jarrow has spent many years testing time management tactics, tools, and systems and written hundreds of articles on productivity, goals, and organization, Through it all he’s learned a simple truth: Time management should be easy, not complicated and unwieldy. And it shouldn’t take up more of your precious time than it gives back! Time Management Ninja offers 21 rules that will show you an easier and more effective way to take control of your time and manage your busy life. Follow these simple principles and get more done with less effort. It’s no-stress, uncomplicated time management that works. “Read this book, apply its rules, and you’ll find freedom.” —Hyrum Smith, bestselling author of Purposeful Retirement
Already delayed at the point of origin, having missed a connecting flight, required to spend another night in an interim hotel in a foreign country, and now this! It was as if destiny was preparing him well for this journey of unknowns that he had embarked uponAs Gyana sat in the room alone and looked at the single window with bars, it felt like being in a jail, waiting to be rescued from suspicion. Will they be able to verify his paperwork and identity? Will they do it in a timely manner to enable him to continue with his travel plans? What will happen if they are not able to verify the documents? A multitude of questions played havoc on his mind, with no answers in sight. excerpt from Smile with Knowledge Describing the ground realities faced by an Indian couple when they moved from India to the United States in the early 90s in an age without internet or cell phones, this is a first hand account of the life as foreign students in the U.S., along with its myriad perks and challenges. Relating a true story of success while balancing life on a shoestring budget, this is also a tale of small hopes, small pleasures, small battles, and small victories, and yet how all these small things together formed a memorable journey that was larger than life.
In a time of global awakening, a young woman and an enigmatic man fortuitously meet far away from home. Marina and Tiger try to make ends meet and look for the best life has to offer. Soon, their expectations clash, and after a climactic conflict, they break up. As Tiger drifts away, Marina is inspired by his notes and determined to write down his story as he would have told it, learning more about herself and the true nature of love in every scribble. Tiger’s story is a turbulent tale of a sensitive man who tries to understand the world and wants to elevate it to a more humane state. He is chased by a series of strange coincidences that challenge him to adjust his view and purify his mind. With settings in some of the most beautiful places on earth, On My Way Home, dissects our world and reveals its true nature. The reader has a choice: read the book as Tiger’s rollercoaster ride into awareness or as Marina’s testimony to the challenges of unconditional love.
Let’s face it: Real-life friendship is hard! We find ourselves challenged by superficial #girltribe social media posts, so how can we really achieve authentic friendship? And is friendship even worth it? Sisterhood isn't just a trend or unreachable goal; in fact, friendship with other women is a necessity. Why? Because we’re made for it. We’re created in the image and likeness of the triune God. “Relationship” is stamped into our spiritual DNA — just as God desires to be in relationship with us, he also longs for us to be in authentic relationship with others. Whether you’re in a steady place with the women in your life or you're not confident at all when it comes to friendship with other women, each and every one of us always has room to grow in the art of friendship. In Sisterhood: Giving and Receiving the Gift of Friendship, Catholic wife, mom, author, and friend Chloe Langr offers a practical guide to discerning, developing, and keeping authentic friendships. About the Author Chloe Langr is a writer, blogger, editor, and author of Created for Love: Reflections for the Catholic Bride-to-Be and Letters to Women: Embracing the Feminine Genius in Everyday Life. She hosts the Letters to Women podcast and is passionate about the feminine genius and women's ministry. When she isn't buried under a growing stack of books, you can find her in a local coffee shop, spending time with her husband, Joseph, and their daughters Maeve and Ada.
The emergence and widespread use personal computers and network technologies have seen the development of interest in the use of computers to support cooperative work. This volume presents the proceedings of the ninth European conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). This is a multidisciplinary area that embraces the development of new technologies grounded in actual cooperative practices. These proceedings contain a collection of papers that reflect the variegated research activities in the field. The volume includes papers addressing novel interaction technologies for CSCW systems, new models and architectures for groupware systems, studies of communication and coordination among mobile actors, studies of cooperative work in complex settings, studies of groupware systems in actual use in real-world settings, and theories and techniques to support the development of cooperative applications. The papers present emerging technologies alongside new methods and approaches to the development of this important class of applications. The work in this volume represents the best of the current research and practice within CSCW. The collection of papers presented here will appeal to researchers and practitioners alike, as they combine an understanding of the nature of work with the possibility offered by new technologies.
Vera Lights is a former Broadway star whose life has taken a new direction. Now a single mother living in a hotel in midtown Manhattan with her two young children, Henry and Loretta, Vera does her best to protect and nurture them, despite her meager resources. Alone after failed marriages and with seemingly no hope for a career revival, she must rely on her inner strength to carry her through her exhausting days. While Vera works as a waitress in a Broadway diner to make ends meet, Henry and Loretta grow up in a dark, challenging world in which vagrants, pimps and drug dealers own the street corners, police turn a blind eye, and tourists avoid Times Square. But as life comes full circle and a resurrection of Broadway and midtown Manhattan begins, Vera and her children may be able to rise from the depths of despair and breathe life back into their dreams. Lights is a poignant, sweeping story of revival as a Broadway actress attempts to restore her hope, faith, and separate destinies for her family while living in a city marked by hate, ignorance, and poverty.
Engage your mathematics students at the beginning of class with this whole-class warm-up activity. This product features a step-by-step lesson, assessment information, and a snapshot of what the warm-up looks like in the classroom.