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"A carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) approach requires economical methods to monitor reservoir CO2 flow paths through time. I explore the use of an inexpensive surface seismic approach to monitor the time-varying response of a leaky CO2 reservoir. My site is located in east central Utah, where the Little Grand Wash fault provides a natural analogue for a failed sequestration site. This fault and related anticlinal trap provides a conduit to collect and deliver CO2 from shallow reservoir depths to the atmosphere. Elevated soil CO2 flux measurements, outgassing at the Crystal Geyser, and travertine deposits provide the surface expression of CO2 seeps along and near the fault. Borehole and past geophysical data provide a structural and stratigraphic framework for the site. Through historic and new water temperature data, I identify and characterize eruption cycles at the Crystal Geyser. I show that the frequency and duration of eruptions changes through time, and I observe an overall increase in eruption duration. With a new seismic monitoring approach, I show that a surface-based accelerated weight drop source into a stationary geophone spread is repeatable and appropriate for time-lapse seismic studies to monitor reservoir changes. I show repeated surface and body wave measurements with a 30-hour time-lapse dataset. I model seismic velocity changes with changing CO2 saturation within the main Navajo Sandstone reservoir. My models show that during initial saturations, seismically resolvable reservoir changes are possible to monitor. However, I show that a critically saturated reservoir, like that along the Little Grand Wash fault, shows travel time or amplitude changes that are below the resolving capabilities of my surface-based seismic system. While my surface based seismic approach is not appropriate for monitoring CO2 changes at my field site, this same approach could be used to monitor CO2 changes during initial CCS injection where a larger seismic response would be expected."--Boise State University ScholarWorks.
This dissertation focuses on quantitatively interpreting the elastic properties of the Cranfield reservoir for CO2 saturation. In this work, quantitative interpretation starts by examining the relationship between CO2 saturation and the elastic properties of the reservoir. This relationship comes from a rock-physics model calibrated to measured well data. Seismic data can then be inverted using a model for CO2 saturation and rock-property estimates. The location and saturation of injected CO2 are important metrics for monitoring the long-term effectiveness of carbon capture utilization and storage. Non-uniform CO2 saturation is a contributing factor to both lateral and time-lapse changes in the elastic properties of the Cranfield reservoir. In the Cranfield reservoir, CO2 saturation and porosity can be estimated from the ratio of P-wave velocity (Vp) to S-wave velocity (Vs) and P-impedance (Ip), respectively. Lower values of Ip for a given rock matrix often correlate to higher porosity. Similarly, for a given area of the reservoir, lower Vp/Vs frequently can be associated with higher CO2 saturation. If a constant porosity from the baseline to the time-lapse survey is assumed, changes in Ip over time can be attributed to changes in CO2 saturation in lieu of using Vp/Vs. Decreases in Ip between the baseline and time-lapse survey can be attributed to increases in CO2 saturation. With a rock-physics model calibrated to the reservoir, Ip and Is from a vertical seismic profile were correlated to statistical ranges of porosity and CO2 saturations. To expand the lateral interpretation of reservoir porosity and CO2 saturation, the time-variant changes in Ip between baseline and time-lapse surface seismic datasets were compared to changes in CO2 saturation calculated from the rock-physics model. Characterizing the CO2 saturation of the Tuscaloosa sandstones helped to establish a workflow for estimating reservoir properties and fluid saturation from multiple types of geophysical data. Additionally, this work helped establish an understanding for how CO2 injected into a reservoir alters and changes the elastic properties of the reservoir and the degree to which those changes can be detected using geophysical methods.
This project, 'Application of Time-Lapse Seismic Monitoring for the Control and Optimization of CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery Operations', investigated the potential for monitoring CO2 floods in carbonate reservoirs through the use of standard p-wave seismic data. This primarily involved the use of 4D seismic (time lapse seismic) in an attempt to observe and map the movement of the injected CO2 through a carbonate reservoir. The differences between certain seismic attributes, such as amplitude, were used for this purpose. This technique has recently been shown to be effective in CO2 monitoring in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) projects, such as Weyborne. This study was conducted in the Charlton 30/31 field in the northern Michigan Basin, which is a Silurian pinnacle reef that completed its primary production in 1997 and was scheduled for enhanced oil recovery using injected CO2. Prior to injection an initial 'Base' 3D survey was obtained over the field and was then processed and interpreted. CO2 injection within the main portion of the reef was conducted intermittently during 13 months starting in August 2005. During this time, 29,000 tons of CO2 was injected into the Guelph formation, historically known as the Niagaran Brown formation. By September 2006, the reservoir pressure within the reef had risen to approximately 2000 lbs and oil and water production from the one producing well within the field had increased significantly. The determination of the reservoir's porosity distribution, a critical aspect of reservoir characterization and simulation, proved to be a significant portion of this project. In order to relate the differences observed between the seismic attributes seen on the multiple 3D seismic surveys and the actual location of the CO2, a predictive reservoir simulation model was developed based on seismic attributes obtained from the base 3D seismic survey and available well data. This simulation predicted that the CO2 injected into the reef would remain in the northern portion of the field. Two new wells, the State Charlton 4-30 and the Larsen 3-31, were drilled into the field in 2006 and 2008 respectively and supported this assessment. A second (or 'Monitor') 3D seismic survey was acquired during September 2007 over most of the field and duplicated the first (Base) survey, as much as possible. However, as the simulation and new well data available at that time indicated that the CO2 was concentrated in the northern portion of the field, the second seismic survey was not acquired over the extreme southern end of the area covered by the original (or Base) 3D survey. Basic processing was performed on the second 3D seismic survey and, finally, 4D processing methods were applied to both the Base and the Monitor surveys. In addition to this 3D data, a shear wave seismic data set was obtained at the same time. Interpretation of the 4D seismic data indicated that a significant amplitude change, not attributable to differences in acquisition or processing, existed at the locations within the reef predicted by the reservoir simulation. The reservoir simulation was based on the porosity distribution obtained from seismic attributes from the Base 3D survey. Using this validated reservoir simulation the location of oil within the reef at the time the Monitor survey was obtained and recommendations made for the drilling of additional EOR wells. The economic impact of this project has been estimated in terms of both enhanced oil recovery and CO2 sequestration potential. In the northern Michigan Basin alone, the Niagaran reef play is comprised of over 700 Niagaran reefs with reservoirs already depleted by primary production. Potentially there is over 1 billion bbls of oil (original oil in place minus primary recovery) remains in the reefs in Michigan, much of which could be more efficiently mobilized utilizing techniques similar to those employed in this study.
I present an approach for seismic monitoring from sparse time-lapse data, with a particular focus on leak detection from CO2 storage reservoirs. I use sparse data because it is (1) faster and (2) less expensive to acquire and to process, permitting for more frequent monitoring surveys to be carried out. This would allow for (1) early leak detection, which is what we ultimately aim for at a storage site, and (2) timely assessment of performance conformance. To account for data sparsity, I incorporate information on the underlying (injection) process (pressure and flow) into the geophysical model estimation. By process information, I mean how the geophysical model is possibly or potentially perturbed due to CO2 injection, as governed by the physics of the flow and the rock properties model. I do that by reformulating the geophysical minimization problem with Reduced-Order Basis (ROB) functions that are derived from simulated training images stochastically describing how the geophysical model is perturbed by the CO2 injection including leak possibilities, which I will refer to as ROB-inversion. Naturally, reducing the spatial sampling of the acquired data leads to reduced spatial resolution of the reconstructed subsurface model. This is the tradeoff for the increased calendar-time resolution, i.e., the shorter monitoring calendar-time interval. By reformulating the geophysical minimization problem with the process-derived reduced-order basis functions, I can improve the spatial resolution of the subsurface model—leading to approximate (or reduced-order) models. The accuracy of the reduced-order models depends on how representative the training image set is to the true model change. A key point in my implementation is the formulation of the problem in terms of the changes in model and data—not in terms of model and data. This (1) focuses the inversion on the model change, making it easy to apply restrictions and limitations on the model change during seismic inversion; the ROB-inversion essentially restricts the model change to be in terms of the (process-derived) Reduced-Order Basis functions. Furthermore, it (2) allows for the training images to be defined explicitly in terms of the time-lapse changes to the baseline model. The change is generally constrained—by the physics of the flow and the rock properties model, making a representative training image set to be reasonably attainable. An advantage of my approach over existing sparse time-lapse techniques is that it allows for fixed data acquisition configurations over calendar-time. Hence, the cost and turn-around time associated with redeployment of seismic data acquisition equipment can be minimized. In order to demonstrate my approach, I focus on borehole-based monitoring, namely, crosswell data acquisition geometry; nevertheless, it can be adapted to other geometries (surface-based or borehole-based) and other geophysical data (e.g., resistivity, electromagnetic, etc.). It can also be adapted for monitoring other processes, such as assessing the performance of Improved Oil Recovery (IOR). In this thesis, I demonstrate the practicability of my approach on synthetic and field traveltime crosswell datasets. I show, with synthetic and field data, its effectiveness for leak detection during CO2 injection.
This dissertation addresses a seismic reservoir characterization study and time-lapse feasibility of reservoir monitoring of carbon dioxide using seismic data, via rock physics models, global and local nonlinear inversions. It also aims to investigate the value of data integration, the relative impact of elastic and electrical rock physics model parameters on inverted petrophysical properties, and the feasibility of using resistivity data from time-lapse electromagnetic survey to monitor the displacement of carbon dioxide in the subsurface. This study focuses on the identification of target storage and sealing lithologies for a future carbon dioxide (CO2) monitoring project at the Rock Springs Uplift (RSU), Wyoming, USA. Seismic reservoir characterization aims to estimate reservoir rock and fluid properties such as porosity, fluid saturation, lithology, which are important properties for hydrocarbon exploration as well as carbon dioxide sequestration and monitoring projects. These petrophysical properties affect elastic attributes which in turn, affect the seismic response. Estimating reservoir properties therefore constitutes an inverse problem. Geophysical inverse problems are challenging because of the noise in recorded data, the nonlinearity of the inverse problem, the nonuniqueness of the solutions, etc. Depending upon the complexity of the problems, we can either use a local or a global optimization scheme to solve the specific problem. In this dissertation, we use a multilevel parallelization of a global prestack waveform inversion to three-dimensional seismic data with sparse well-information, to estimate subsurface elastic attributes like P-, S-wave velocity and density. This study contributes to the inversion of 3D large seismic data volume in an efficient computational time while providing high-resolution structural images of the subsurface compared to amplitude-variation-with-offset/angle (AVO/AVA) inversion. Following prestack waveform inversion, we use rock physics models to relate elastic attributes to reservoir properties and apply a local nonlinear least squares inversion scheme based on the trust-region algorithm, to invert elastic attributes for petrophysical properties like porosity and volumetric fractions of minerals. We apply this approach on well log data to validate the method, followed by applying it to the volumes of inverted elastic attributes obtained from prestack waveform inversion, to provide reservoir characterization away from the well. Because a carbon dioxide sequestration project is planned at the Rock Springs Uplift, we also investigate the feasibility of a time-lapse reservoir monitoring for the area using seismic data, by simulating the pressure and fluid effects on elastic velocities and synthetic seismograms. In the final part of this dissertation, we investigate the value of data integration by combining elastic and electrical attributes in a joint petrophysical inversion for reservoir rock and fluid properties. We illustrate the methodology using well log data sets from the Barents Sea and the Rock Springs Uplift, and show that the estimation of reservoir properties can be improved by combining multiple geophysical data. Despite the geological information we might have on a study area, there is often uncertainty in the choice of an adequate rock physics model and its input parameters not only at the well location, but also in areas with sparse well control. This study therefore helps understand the impact of such model parameters on inverted petrophysical properties and how it could affect reservoir interpretation. Next, we use a simple sharp interface model in order to provide a preliminary assessment of the extent of the CO2 plume, and thus address potential leakage risks. We also simulate the spatial distribution of CO2 after injection and compute corresponding resistivity datasets at different spatial resolutions, which we invert for water saturation. This synthetic study helps investigate the ability of monitoring the CO2 displacement using geophysical data.
An overview of the geophysical techniques and analysis methods for monitoring subsurface carbon dioxide storage for researchers and industry practitioners.
Including more than 70 papers, this invaluable source for researchers and students contains an editors' introduction with extensive references and chapters on seismic interferometry without equations, highlights of the history of seismic interferometry from 1968 until 2003, and offers a detailed overview of the rapid developments since 2004.
The Delhi Field, located in northeastern Louisiana, is an onshore Gulf Coast oil field currently undergoing a tertiary CO2 flood of the Holt-Bryant reservoir. This reservoir consists of the Cretaceous aged Paluxy and Tuscaloosa sandstones. Analysis of 86 well logs along with core and seismic data indicates that the depositional origin and sandstone body architecture in the study area differs from those inferred from previous studies. The reservoir within the study area consists of seven sandstone units deposited within one and half 3rd order sequence-stratigraphic sequences. The heterogeneity of the reservoir is controlled by progradational, fluvial-deltaic sandstone and shale units and transgressive, backstepping shoreline sandstone and shale units. Higher frequency regressive parasequences within the transgressive sandstones create a complex reservoir in which compartmentalization and connectivity of the sandstone units will define CO2 flow paths. To better understand the complexity of the reservoir sandstone body architecture within the study area, a 3-D geologic model was built using 3-D seismic, well logs, and cluster analysis. Nine facies were able to be distinguished from the well logs using cluster analysis. These facies matched core-derived facies and followed core permeability trends. Based on the geologic architectural relationships shown in the 3-D modeling, CO2 is expected to flow updip and along the angular unconformity that forms the updip seal for the field. The middle section of the Paluxy sandstone may also be bypassed due to the connectivity of stratigraphically higher sandstone units While initial results from 4-D time-lapse seismic show anomalies that follow predicted CO2 travel paths, further work needs to be done by using the 3-D model in reservoir simulation to accurately classify CO2 flow paths. The significance in being able to model and predict CO2 flow paths during a tertiary CO2 flood is a better field sweep efficiency resulting in higher petroleum recovery. There are numerous onshore depleted oil fields that will be productive if a CO2 flood is implemented, and research from this study could help enhance successful CO2 floods in these fields.
A time-lapse Offset Vertical Seismic Profile (OVSP) data set was acquired as part of a subsurface monitoring program for geologic sequestration of CO2. The storage site at Cranfield, near Natchez, Mississippi, is part of a detailed area study (DAS) site for geologic carbon sequestration operated by the U.S. Dept. of Energy’s Southeast Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (SECARB). The DAS site includes three boreholes, an injection well and two monitoring wells. The project team selected the DAS site to examine CO2 sequestration multiphase fluid flow and pressure at the interwell scale in a brine reservoir. The time-lapse (TL) OVSP was part of an integrated monitoring program that included well logs, crosswell seismic, electrical resistance tomography and 4D surface seismic. The goals of the OVSP were to detect the CO2 induced change in seismic response, give information about the spatial distribution of CO2 near the injection well and to help tie the high-resolution borehole monitoring to the 4D surface data. The VSP data were acquired in well CFU 31-F1, which is the 3̃200 m deep CO2 injection well at the DAS site. A preinjection survey was recorded in late 2009 with injection beginning in December 2009, and a post injection survey was conducted in Nov 2010 following injection of about 250 kT of CO2. The sensor array for both surveys was a 50-level, 3-component, Sercel MaxiWave system with 15 m (49 ft) spacing between levels. The source for both surveys was an accelerated weight drop, with different source trucks used for the two surveys. Consistent time-lapse processing was applied to both data sets. Time-lapse processing generated difference corridor stacks to investigate CO2 induced reflection amplitude changes from each source point. Corridor stacks were used for amplitude analysis to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) for each shot point. Spatial variation in reflectivity (used to ‘map’ the plume) was similar in magnitude to the corridor stacks but, due to relatively lower S/N, the results were less consistent and more sensitive to processing and therefore are not presented. We examined the overall time-lapse repeatability of the OVSP data using three methods, the NRMS and Predictability (Pred) measures of Kragh and Christie (2002) and the signal-to-distortion ratio (SDR) method of Cantillo (2011). Because time-lapse noise was comparable to the observed change, multiple methods were used to analyze data reliability. The reflections from the top and base reservoir were identified on the corridor stacks by correlation with a synthetic response generated from the well logs. A consistent change in the corridor stack amplitudes from pre- to post-CO2 injection was found for both the top and base reservoir reflections on all ten shot locations analyzed. In addition to the well-log synthetic response, a finite-difference elastic wave propagation model was built based on rock/fluid properties obtained from well logs, with CO2 induced changes guided by time-lapse crosswell seismic tomography (Ajo-Franklin, and others, 2013) acquired at the DAS site. Time-lapse seismic tomography indicated that two reservoir zones were affected by the flood. The modeling established that interpretation of the VSP trough and peak event amplitudes as reflectivity from the top and bottom of reservoir is appropriate even with possible tuning effects. Importantly, this top/base change gives confidence in an interpretation that these changes arise from within the reservoir, not from bounding lithology. The modeled time-lapse change and the observed field data change from 10 shotpoints are in agreement for both magnitude and polarity of amplitude change for top and base of reservoir. Therefore, we conclude the stored CO2 has been successfully detected and, furthermore, the observed seismic reflection change can be applied to Cranfield’s ...