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"Are we living in an age of moral decay or moral growth?" James Kenney asks his audiences in talks in the U.S. and abroad. The pessimists win out, citing everything from road rage to economic crisis, religious fanaticism, global violence, and environmental disasters. But the good news, says Kenney, is that what we see is not what we get. We misperceive things because we’re in a period of accelerated cultural evolution, or "sea change." The last one being 300 years ago, it’s no wonder we may not grasp what’s happening now. Kenney illustrates using two intersecting waves: A dominant wave, representing worn-out values such as patriarchy, racial inequality, the inevitability of war, exploitation of nature, and materialism, is on the decline. Another wave, representing more evolved values such as gender equality, nonviolence, spirituality, ecology, human rights, is on the rise. At this point in time, the influence of the two waves is about equal. It is a crosscurrent marked by chaotic change, uncertainty, identity crisis, and extremism. But it is also enriched by new understanding, energy, commitment, and spiritual growth. Kenney not only provides a historical perspective on the phenomenon, he ends the book with 12 principles for personal growth.
The United States is suffering its greatest upheaval since the Civil War—politically, economically, socially, religiously. With elegant, sweeping vision, Gus diZerega explores the complex causes leading us to this point, comparing them to giant fault lines that, when they erupt, create enormous disturbance and in time new landscapes. He traces the disruption, first, to America's first countercultural movement originating in the antebellum South and coming into later conflict with the "counterculture" of the 60s that continues now in phenomena like Burning Man; and second, to the crumbling of the moral foundation birthed by the Enlightenment, leading to today’s nihilism. But within the loss resides hope: diZerega sees promise of a new society based more in equality, sacred feminine values, and spiritual immanence. Whether the prevailing oligarchy will abort this transformation is the question of our time. This book enables those of us now living through it to understand the powerful forces shaping our lives and calling on us for a response.
Christian theology of religions remains a central component of the Christian response to global religious diversity. In the face of theological refusals to engage with issues of religious absolutism and new impressions from interreligious encounters, this book seeks to inject fresh energy into a debate that has stalled in recent years. The encounter between Christians and people of different religious persuasions raises questions of how to interpret Christian absolutism for a new and developing consciousness that values the experience of the religious other. This book argues that interreligious dialogue, interreligious ethical collaboration, and comparative studies all point to a pluralist future, where we are obliged to recognize the spiritual authenticity of the experience animating many religions. Building friendly relations between faith communities is to be applauded but it is insufficient in the face of the many challenges confronting the global human community. Whether we are speaking of cooperation in civil society, peace in the world, or the overarching ecological crisis encompassing the planet as a whole, the acceptance of the diversity of religions as a positive religious value will strengthen the sense of global responsibility that is needed.
The most valuable gift you can give yourself or others is feeling lighthearted. Ute Devika shows that setting our emotional landscape on happy mode is an easy practice that feels good. She offers precious insights into a variety of ways to live an enchanted life while building resilience to anxiety. Coaching, HeartMath, Energy Medicine, Laughter Yoga and Meditation are empowering paths she describes with passion. Lighthearted is an enriching book offering knowledge as well as practical exercises bound to ignite the zest that helps with breaking free from heaviness. Devika connects dots between disciplines, and weaves together a multitude of ideas and stories. She alternates among two styles: Reflections on essential practices, as well as a personal narration of her own stories exploring them. This colorful mix brings her message alive. In each chapter Devika takes you on a journey that is about discovering another facet of the art of shifting into uplifting emotions. She brilliantly argues why this is the most essential skill to develop at this point in time. Have you ever asked yourself how to break free from feeling bogged down? Then this book is for you. Have you wondered what it would take to evolve into a competent Life Coach, Yoga Teacher, or practitioner of energy healing? Reading about Devika’s transition inspires courage to go for it.
Einstein said, “I want to know the mind of God, the rest are details.” This book is therapist Arnold Mindell’s response. By processmind he means an earth-based experience of the universal state of consciousness that, he argues, pervades all reality. It is perhaps our most basic, least known, and greatest power, combining the nonlocality of modern physics with altered states of consciousness found in peak experiences. What makes this book unique is that it offers some experience of this mind-state to the reader. Mindell does so by connecting cosmic patterns seen in physics with experiences occurring in psychology and world spiritual traditions. He draws together ideas about Aboriginal totem spirits, quantum entanglement, and nonlocality to describe the “structure of God experiences.” Enhancing his clear presentation are around 80 illustrations and 30 experiential exercises based on tested approaches that actualize our deepest, unitive consciousness. Through rational thinking and earth-based, inner experience, the reader can sense how the processmind’s self-organizing intelligence helps with dreams, body symptoms, relationships, and large-group conflict issues. Altogether, the book is a kind of user’s guide to tapping into an immense power that can benefit our own individual life and, ultimately, the world.
CALL FOR A PHASE TRANSITION Only an Economic Social Political Philosophical Religious Mind-Change Can Save Us How could the most clever and brilliant primate ever to evolve on Planet earth be bringing this extinction dilemma upon itself? Do we biologically psychologically neurologically have the ability to remove our Neurotic Psychotic Imperfection and enter into a Phase Transition? Then will we have the strength and cohesiveness cooperatively to move on into an integrative societal form that will assure our continuation on Planet earth? For description of this societal form see Appendix # II Our Future??
Cross Current combines historical facts with real life experiences to weave a tale of friendship, war, and family. Set on the northern coast of California, Cross Current centers around two 14-year-old friends, Brick Burton, who is white, and Toby Yamoto, who is Japanese-American. Early in world War II, the Japanese Empire attempted to bring the conflict closer to America, through probing subs, floating explosives, and later, incendiary balloons, which created fear and suspicion. Brick and Toby s relationship has to weather storms of turmoil and discrimination towards the native Japanese living in the community. The two boys witness the demise of a romance between Toby s sister, Rose, and their white neighbor, Mike Hamilton. When Mike joins the military, and asks Rose to marry him, they are condemned by the community, and their families are in an uproar. Toby and Rose s father, Shiro Yamoto, a successful rancher and prize-winning photographer, becomes a hate target, rumored as a possible spy. Rose breaks off her engagement to Mike and loses her job because of her race. Meanwhile, Brick s parents are on the verge of divorce and his family is beginning to dislike the Yamoto s in reaction to the spreading racism. Armed, Mr. Yamoto ultimately resists interment to a relocation camp. Cross Current highlights an important, relatively forgotten chapter of American history and gives the reader an accurate portrayal of friendship, biases, and racial strife in 1940 s wartime. "
Cross Current For Seychelle Sullivan, life is all about making a living, making love, and keeping her eye on the beauty that still remains in her beloved Florida. Then her life takes a turn when her tug intercepts with a swamped fishing boat in the Gulf Stream. Inside the boat are a murdered woman and a little girl in a white dress. Seychelle returns to shore with a traumatized Haitian girl named Solange in her cabin. Determined to protect Solange, and somehow keep her from being sent back to Haiti, Seychelle becomes obsessed with the forces that nearly killed the girl–and left her speechless with terror. Exploring the hidden world of Florida’s Haitian community, Seychelle realizes that Solange is still in great danger–and that one killer has claimed dozens of lives. With a murderer stalking the child, Seychelle is racing to unravel dangerous truths. But to get the answers she needs, she must return to where it all started: in the waters of the Gulf Stream, where people died for their dreams of freedom– and a man with a machete did the work of the devil himself.