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This paper investigates the question of linkage and block theory for Lie algebras of Cartan type. The second part of the paper deals mainly with block structure and projective modules of Lies algebras of types W and K.
Kac-Moody Lie algebras 9 were introduced in the mid-1960s independently by V. Kac and R. Moody, generalizing the finite-dimensional semisimple Lie alge bras which we refer to as the finite case. The theory has undergone tremendous developments in various directions and connections with diverse areas abound, including mathematical physics, so much so that this theory has become a stan dard tool in mathematics. A detailed treatment of the Lie algebra aspect of the theory can be found in V. Kac's book [Kac-90l This self-contained work treats the algebro-geometric and the topological aspects of Kac-Moody theory from scratch. The emphasis is on the study of the Kac-Moody groups 9 and their flag varieties XY, including their detailed construction, and their applications to the representation theory of g. In the finite case, 9 is nothing but a semisimple Y simply-connected algebraic group and X is the flag variety 9 /Py for a parabolic subgroup p y C g.
This volume carries the same title as that of an international conference held at the National University of Singapore, 9OCo11 January 2006 on the occasion of Roger E. Howe''s 60th birthday. Authored by leading members of the Lie theory community, these contributions, expanded from invited lectures given at the conference, are a fitting tribute to the originality, depth and influence of Howe''s mathematical work. The range and diversity of the topics will appeal to a broad audience of research mathematicians and graduate students interested in symmetry and its profound applications. Sample Chapter(s). Foreword (21 KB). Chapter 1: The Theta Correspondence Over R (342 KB). Contents: The Theta Correspondence over R (J Adams); The Heisenberg Group, SL (3, R), and Rigidity (A iap et al.); Pfaffians and Strategies for Integer Choice Games (R Evans & N Wallach); When is an L -Function Non-Vanishing in Part of the Critical Strip? (S Gelbart); Cohomological Automorphic Forms on Unitary Groups, II: Period Relations and Values of L -Functions (M Harris); The Inversion Formula and Holomorphic Extension of the Minimal Representation of the Conformal Group (T Kobayashi & G Mano); Classification des S(r)ries Discr tes pour Certains Groupes Classiques p- Adiques (C Moeglin); Some Algebras of Essentially Compact Distributions of a Reductive p -Adic Group (A Moy & M Tadic); Annihilators of Generalized Verma Modules of the Scalar Type for Classical Lie Algebras (T Oshima); Branching to a Maximal Compact Subgroup (D A Vogan, Jr.); Small Semisimple Subalgebras of Semisimple Lie Algebras (J F Willenbring & G J Zuckerman). Readership: Graduate students and research mathematicians in harmonic analysis, group representations, automorphic forms and invariant theory."
In 1992, students of Bert Green and Angas Hurst conceived the idea of a meeting to commemorate their contributions to Mathematical Physics and to celebrate their passing the milestone of three score years and ten.In designing the scientific program there were two objectives. The first was to cover the full breadth of research in Mathematical Physics at Adelaide University since the founding of the Department of Mathematical Physics with the appointment of Professor Green in 1952. The second was to seek original contributions in areas of current interest and rapid development. The underlying theme was the interaction of mathematics and physics in the key areas of relativity, quantum field theory and statistical physics.The contributions to this volume consist of papers describing the historical development of ideas in which Adelaide mathematical physicists have played a role, surveys, research announcements and of course original research. The influence of Bert and Angas on the research results and themes developed in this volume is easily seen through the historical or survey material or because some papers describe work in which one or other is a past or indeed present collaborator.