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A systematic and comprehensive investigation was performed to provide detailed data on the three dimensional viscous flow phenomena downstream of a modem turbine rotor and to understand the flow physics such as origin, nature, development of wakes, secondary flow, and leakage flow. The experiment was carried out in the Axial Flow Turbine Research Facility (AFTRF) at Penn State, with velocity measurements taken with a 3-D LDV System. Two radial traverses at 1% and 10% of chord downstream of the rotor have been performed to identify the three-dimensional flow features at the exit of the rotor blade row. Sufficient spatial resolution was maintained to resolve blade wake, secondary flow, and tip leakage flow. The wake deficit is found to be substantial, especially at 1% of chord downstream of the rotor. At this location, negative axial velocity occurs near the tip, suggesting flow separation in the tip clearance region. Turbulence intensities peak in the wake region, and cross- correlations are mainly associated with the velocity gradient of the wake deficit. The radial velocities, both in the wake and in the endwall region, are found to be substantial. Two counter-rotating secondary flows are identified in the blade passage, with one occupying the half span close to the casino and the other occupying the half span close to the hub. The tip leakage flow is well restricted to 10% immersion from the blade tip. There are strong vorticity distributions associated with these secondary flows and tip leakage flow. The passage averaged data are in good agreement with design values. Lakshminarayana, B. and Ristic, D. and Chu, S. Glenn Research Center AXIAL FLOW TURBINES; BLADE TIPS; BOUNDARY LAYER SEPARATION; FLUID DYNAMICS; SPATIAL RESOLUTION; THREE DIMENSIONAL FLOW; VISCOUS FLOW; VORTICITY; WAKES; COUNTER ROTATION; FLOW DISTRIBUTION; RADIAL VELOCITY; SECONDARY FLOW; SEPARATED FLOW; TURBINES; VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION; VELOCITY MEASUREMENT...
The objective of this investigation is experimental and computational study of three dimensional viscous flow field in the nozzle passage of an axial flow turbine stage. The nozzle passage flow field has been measured using a two sensor hot-wire probe at various axial and radial stations. In addition, two component LDV measurements at one axial station (x/c(sum m) = 0.56) were performed to measure the velocity field. Static pressure measurements and flow visualization, using a fluorescent oil technique, were also performed to obtain the location of transition and the endwall limiting streamlines. A three dimensional boundary layer code, with a simple intermittency transition model, was used to predict the viscous layers along the blade and endwall surfaces. The boundary layers on the blade surface were found to be very thin and mostly laminar, except on the suction surface downstream of 70% axial chord. Strong radial pressure gradient, especially close to the suction surface, induces strong cross flow components in the trailing edge regions of the blade. On the end-walls the boundary layers were much thicker, especially near the suction corner of the casing surface, caused by secondary flow. The secondary flow region near the suction-casing surface corner indicates the presence of the passage vortex detached from the blade surface. The corner vortex is found to be very weak. The presence of a closely spaced rotor downstream (20% of the nozzle vane chord) introduces unsteadiness in the blade passage. The measured instantaneous velocity signal was filtered using FFT square window to remove the periodic unsteadiness introduced by the downstream rotor and fans. The filtering decreased the free stream turbulence level from 2.1% to 0.9% but had no influence on the computed turbulence length scale. The computation of the three dimensional boundary layers is found to be accurate on the nozzle passage blade surfaces, away from the end-walls and the secondary flow region. On ...
This book presents the state of the art in the analyses of three-dimensional flow over rotating wind turbine blades. Systematic studies for wind turbine rotors with different sizes were carried out numerically employing three different simulation approaches, namely the Euler, URANS and DDES methods. The main mechanisms of the lift augmentation in the blade inboard region are described in detail. The physical relations between the inviscid and viscous effects are presented and evaluated, emphasizing the influence of the flow curvature on the resulting pressure distributions. Detailed studies concerning the lift augmentation for large wind turbine rotors are considered as thick inboard airfoils characterized by massive separation are desired to stronger contribute to power production. Special attention is given to the analyses of wind turbine loads and flow field that can be helpful for the interpretation of the occurring physical phenomena. The book is aimed at students, researchers, engineers and physicists dealing with wind engineering problems, but also for a wider audience involved in flow computations.
Presented at the International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden, Jun 2-5, 1998.
Presented at the International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition Birmingham, UK - June 10-13, 1996.
Three dimensional flow field measurements are presented for a large scale transonic turbine blade cascade. Flow field total pressures and pitch and yaw flow angles were measured at an inlet Reynolds number of 1.0 x 10(exp 6) and at an isentropic exit Mach number of 1.3 in a low turbulence environment. Flow field data was obtained on five pitchwise/spanwise measurement planes, two upstream and three downstream of the cascade, each covering three blade pitches. Three hole boundary layer probes and five hole pitch/yaw probes were used to obtain data at over 1200 locations in each of the measurement planes. Blade and endwall static pressures were also measured at an inlet Reynolds number of 0.5 x 10(exp 6) and at an isentropic exit Mach number of 1.0. Tests were conducted in a linear cascade at the NASA Lewis Transonic Turbine Blade Cascade Facility. The test article was a turbine rotor with 136 deg of turning and an axial chord of 12.7 cm. The flow field in the cascade is highly three dimensional as a result of thick boundary layers at the test section inlet and because of the high degree of flow turning. The large scale allowed for very detailed measurements of both flow field and surface phenomena. The intent of the work is to provide benchmark quality data for CFD code and model verification.
This paper presents an exhaustive experimental documentation of the three-dimensional nature of the flow in a one-and-one-half stage axial turbine. The intent was to examine the flow within, and downstream of, both the stator and rotor airfoil rows so as to delineate the dominant physical mechanisms. Part 1 of this paper presented the aerodynamic results. Part 2 presents documentation of the mixing, or attenuation, of a simulated spanwise inlet temperature profile as it passed through the turbine, including: (1) the simulated combustor exit-turbine inlet temperature profile, (2) surface measurements on the airfoils and endwalls of the three airfoil rows, and (3) radial-circumferential distributions downstream of each airfoil. Although all three rows contributed to profile attenuation, the impact of the rotor was strongest.