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These notes present new as well as classical results from the theory of theta functions on Riemann surfaces, a subject of renewed interest in recent years. Topics discussed here include: the relations between theta functions and Abelian differentials, theta functions on degenerate Riemann surfaces, Schottky relations for surfaces of special moduli, and theta functions on finite bordered Riemann surfaces.
The investigation of the relationships between compact Riemann surfaces (al gebraic curves) and their associated complex tori (Jacobi varieties) has long been basic to the study both of Riemann surfaces and of complex tori. A Riemann surface is naturally imbedded as an analytic submanifold in its associated torus; and various spaces of linear equivalence elasses of divisors on the surface (or equivalently spaces of analytic equivalence elasses of complex line bundies over the surface), elassified according to the dimensions of the associated linear series (or the dimensions of the spaces of analytic cross-sections), are naturally realized as analytic subvarieties of the associated torus. One of the most fruitful of the elassical approaches to this investigation has been by way of theta functions. The space of linear equivalence elasses of positive divisors of order g -1 on a compact connected Riemann surface M of genus g is realized by an irreducible (g -1)-dimensional analytic subvariety, an irreducible hypersurface, of the associated g-dimensional complex torus J(M); this hyper 1 surface W- r;;;, J(M) is the image of the natural mapping Mg- -+J(M), and is g 1 1 birationally equivalent to the (g -1)-fold symmetric product Mg- jSg-l of the Riemann surface M.
There are incredibly rich connections between classical analysis and number theory. For instance, analytic number theory contains many examples of asymptotic expressions derived from estimates for analytic functions, such as in the proof of the Prime Number Theorem. In combinatorial number theory, exact formulas for number-theoretic quantities are derived from relations between analytic functions. Elliptic functions, especially theta functions, are an important class of such functions in this context, which had been made clear already in Jacobi's Fundamenta nova. Theta functions are also classically connected with Riemann surfaces and with the modular group $\Gamma = \mathrm{PSL (2,\mathbb{Z )$, which provide another path for insights into number theory. Farkas and Kra, well-known masters of the theory of Riemann surfaces and the analysis of theta functions, uncover here interesting combinatorial identities by means of the function theory on Riemann surfaces related to the principal congruence subgroups $\Gamma(k)$. For instance, the authors use this approach to derive congruences discovered by Ramanujan for the partition function, with the main ingredient being the construction of the same function in more than one way. The authors also obtain a variant on Jacobi's famous result on the number of ways that an integer can be represented as a sum of four squares, replacing the squares by triangular numbers and, in the process, obtaining a cleaner result. The recent trend of applying the ideas and methods of algebraic geometry to the study of theta functions and number theory has resulted in great advances in the area. However, the authors choose to stay with the classical point of view. As a result, their statements and proofs are very concrete. In this book the mathematician familiar with the algebraic geometry approach to theta functions and number theory will find many interesting ideas as well as detailed explanations and derivations of new and old results. Highlights of the book include systematic studies of theta constant identities, uniformizations of surfaces represented by subgroups of the modular group, partition identities, and Fourier coefficients of automorphic functions. Prerequisites are a solid understanding of complex analysis, some familiarity with Riemann surfaces, Fuchsian groups, and elliptic functions, and an interest in number theory. The book contains summaries of some of the required material, particularly for theta functions and theta constants. Readers will find here a careful exposition of a classical point of view of analysis and number theory. Presented are numerous examples plus suggestions for research-level problems. The text is suitable for a graduate course or for independent reading.
This monograph presents many interesting results, old and new, about theta functions, Abelian integrals and kernel functions on closed Riemann surfaces. It begins with a review of classical kernel function theory for plane domains. Next there is a discussion of function theory on closed Riemann surfaces, leading to explicit formulas for Szegö kernels in terms of the Klein prime function and theta functions. Later sections develop explicit relations between the classical Szegö and Bergman kernels and between the Szegö and modified (semi-exact) Bergman kernels. The author's results allow him to solve an open problem mentioned by L. Sario and K. Oikawa in 1969.