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Despite advances in understanding the structural development of magma-poor rift margins, the temporal and thermal evolution of lithospheric hyperextension during rifting remains poorly understood. In contrast to classic pure-shear models, multi-stage rift models that include depth-dependent thinning predict significant conductive crustal reheating during the necking phase due to buoyant rise of the asthenosphere. The Santa Lucia nappe of NE Corsica is an ideal laboratory to test for lower- and upper-crustal reheating as it preserves both Permian lower crust exhumed from granulitic conditions during Tethyan rifting and upper crust in contact with syn- and post-rift Mesozoic strata. This study uses novel zircon, rutile, and apatite LA-ICP-MS depth profile U-Pb petro- and thermochronology coupled with garnet trace-element thermometry to constrain the syn-rift thermal evolution of this lower-crustal section during progressive lithospheric necking hyperextension, providing compelling evidence for significant early reheating due to dependent thinning. Jurassic reheating is best recorded in the footwall of the Belli Piani Shear Zone (BPSZ), where 200-180 Ma zircon U-Pb overgrowths on Permian core populations and preservation of stranded-diffusion profiles in garnets resorbed during D2 deformation imply that the dominant footwall fabric formed as a result of large-magnitude ductile thinning and reheating to ~800°C during Jurassic hyperextension. Conductive reheating of the upper crust in the lower hanging wall to 500-550°C was achieved due to either juxtaposition against the hot BPSZ footwall during lower crustal exhumation or wholesale crustal reheating due to conductive steepening of geothermal gradients during early rifting. Rapid post-reheating cooling in response to extensional unroofing of the footwall underscores the importance of ductile shearing and thinning during crustal hyperextension. The results of this study suggest that the thermal evolution of magma-poor rifted margins mimics their multi-phase structural evolution, beginning with diffuse rifting and tectonic subsidence. Depth-dependent thinning triggers dramatic crustal reheating at the onset of necking and hyperextension, demonstrated here in the footwall and lower hanging wall of the Belli Piani subunit. Rapid cooling and exhumation of the lower crust and extreme crustal attenuation during continued hyperextension culminates in mantle exhumation, followed by thermal relaxation and subsidence to a steady-state thermal field coeval with the start of sea-floor spreading.
This multi-author book has been prepared by an international group of geoscientists that have been active in rift research since the late 1960s. In 1984, an informal, grass-roots study group was initiated to compare individual research results and to explore in greater depth the apparent differences and similarities in the interpretations from various rift systems. The group became known as the CREST working group, an acronym of Continental Rifts: Evolution, Structure and Tectonics, which not surprisingly became the title of this book.Continental Rifts: Evolution, Structure, Tectonics presents an overview of the present state of understanding and knowledge of the processes of continental rifting from a multidisciplinary, lithospheric scale perspective. The chapters have been structured on each rift system in approximately the same synoptic sequence, so as to facilitate comparisons of rifts by the reader. The book complements its predecessors by presenting a more unified picture. It succeeds in presenting the status of a representative majority of the continental rift systems that have been at the forefront of recent research. For students and experienced researchers alike, this book will be of significant value in assessing the current state of knowledge and in serving as a framework for future research.
In this work the central area of Corsica island was studied in order to reconstruct the tectono-metamorphic history of the continental and oceanic high pressure units that occupy the structurally deeper levels of the tectonic stacking of Alpine Corsica and their stratigraphic and structural relationship with the European margin (Hercynian Corsica). The study includes the geological mapping, the mesoscale and microscale structural analysis, the acquisition of chemical analyzes and micromaps with the microprobe, thermobarometric estimation through specific methodologies for metapelites, U-Th-Pb dating of zircons and allanites. The results obtained allows to reconstruct the geodynamic model of this sector of the Alpine belt from the Permian to the Burdigalian.
Scientific understanding of the mechanics of continental breakup in the absence of voluminous magmatism has dramatically evolved over the past decades. Numerical and conceptual rift models have elucidated the temporal and spatial evolution of crustal structures and the processes operating during the onset and evolution of lithospheric extension. Critical questions remain, however, regarding the strain and thermal evolution of the lower crust during progressive rifting, particularly during hyperextension and the transition to oceanic spreading. The Gulf of Suez and Red Sea – one of the conceptually most influential continental rifts – define a Miocene rift system that preserves segments of the proximal and distal hyperextended rift margin and presents unique opportunities to study the extensional thermal history without the influence of subsequent orogenic overprinting. This study presents new basement U-Pb and (U-Th)/He data from both the proximal Egyptian margin and the distal hyperextended margin, exposed on Zabargad Island, to reconstruct the thermal evolution during progressive continental rifting. Apatite (U-Th)/He data from transects across the length of the Egyptian margin record fault-controlled rift initiation, erosional retreat of the escarpment, and necking in the proximal margin at 23-19 Ma. Integrated structural and low-temperature thermochronometric data suggest that the Northern Red Sea is a late-stage continental rift currently experiencing hyperextension caused by a kinematic shift to oblique rifting at 14 Ma. The data also suggest that the multi-phase structural evolution of the Northern Red Sea is variably influenced by inherited basement structures, with structural inheritance being more determinative in the stretching and exhumation phases, while deformation in the thinning phase cuts across older structures uniformly along strike. In the distal domain, zircon U-Pb data from Zabargad — an exhumed portion of the highly-attenuated distal margin — record coeval Miocene hyperextension at ~23-19 Ma. In contrast, rutile and apatite U-Pb data from Zabargad document a significant tectono-thermal event during the Late Miocene (~7 Ma). Integrating apatite U-Pb and trace and rare earth element (TREE) analysis with prior geochemical studies suggest that this high-temperature metamorphic event was accompanied by hydrothermal alteration in the basement. Zircon (U-Th)/He likely record cooling after the high-temperature hydrothermal pulse as the Zabargad block continues to exhume during the Pliocene. This is the first documentation of reheating of a distal continental margin incipient oceanization. These data provide critical new insights into the thermal evolution of the crust and role of reheating during the transition from initial rifting, to hyperextension, and ultimately to seafloor spreading
Direct constraints on processes associated with rifting and mantle exhumation are necessary to understand the thermal and structural evolution of continental rift systems, and the role of pre-existing crustal architecture on orogenesis and foreland basin development. This work constrains the Early Cretaceous hyperextension history along the Iberia-European margin and how rift inheritance affected the structural and foreland basin evolution of the Late Cretaceous-Oligocene Pyrenean orogeny. Chapters 1 and 2 aim to understand the thermal and structural evolution of the North Pyrenean basement massifs during Early Cretaceous rifting and hyperextension using multi-mineral thermochronometry. These chapters integrate zircon, apatite, and rutile U‐Pb ages from the Agly and Saint Barthélémy massifs that provide new constraints to understand the decoupled versus coupled extensional evolution, exhumation timing of the middle‐lower crust, and the age of juxtaposition of the upper crust granitic pluton with middle crustal gneisses, and fluid-rock interactions along a detachment fault. Novel method integration and approaches using apatite were developed and implemented in these chapters to best interpret the apatite U-Pb ages to gain the most insight into thermal, structural, and fault zone processes in the Early Cretaceous rift system’s distal margin. Chapters 3 and 4 use the sedimentary record in the pro-wedge foreland basins of inversion and orogenesis to understand the provenance, hinterland evolution, and the role of extensional inheritance on the orogenic phase of the margin. This work shows that the eastern Pyrenean foreland basin deposits were sourced from Corsica-Sardinia and the Catalan Coastal Ranges during the Late Cretaceous-Paleocene, and the Pyrenees beginning in the Eocene. Detrital mineral trends across the basins suggest that the pro-wedge foreland basin developed and remained segmented throughout the Late Cretaceous-Oligocene. The results from these chapters highlight the dominant control of inherited structures and rift basins on controlling the sediment provenance and foreland basin architecture in inverted rift systems. The dissertation aims to show the structural evolution of the Early Cretaceous rifting and thermal and structural processes that were operating within the continental crust at the rift margin, and how this inherited rift architecture affected the orogenic evolution and foreland basin development during the Pyrenean orogeny. These results add to our overall understanding of the structural and thermal evolution during rifting and continental break-up and role of rift inheritance in the evolution of superimposed orogenic systems and their associated foreland basins
Translation of the Russian edition of 1988 on peculiarities of the Arabian-Nubian Shield in the Precambrian, prerift magmatism in the Red Sea Rift zone, evolution of the crust in rift forming zones.
This book is focused on the basics of applying thermochronology to geological and tectonic problems, with the emphasis on fission-track thermochronology. It is conceived for relatively new practitioners to thermochronology, as well as scientists experienced in the various methods. The book is structured in two parts. Part I is devoted to the fundamentals of the fission-track method, to its integration with other geochronologic methods, and to the basic principles of statistics for fission-track dating and sedimentology applied to detrital thermochronology. Part I also includes the historical development of the technique and thoughts on future directions. Part II is devoted to the geological interpretation of the thermochronologic record. The thermal frame of reference and the different approaches for the interpretation of fission-track data within a geological framework of both basement and detrital studies are discussed in detail. Separate chapters demonstrate the application of fission-track thermochronology from various perspectives (e.g., tectonics, petrology, stratigraphy, hydrocarbon exploration, geomorphology), with other chapters on the application to basement rocks in orogens, passive continental margins and cratonic interiors, as well as various applications of detrital thermochronology.
Rising over 5 km along the border of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Rwenzori Mountains represent an extreme example of basement rift-flank uplift in the western branch of the East African Rift, a phenomenon common throughout the East African Rift System and characteristic of continental rift systems in general. A thermochronologic study combining (U-Th)/He and U-Pb analysis of apatite, titanite, and zircon separated from crystalline basement rocks was conducted across the Rwenzori block to characterize the timing and rate of rift-flank exhumation related to continental extension in east-central Africa. The thermochronologic data coupled with field and remote sensing observations make the case for recent and non-steady state uplift of the massif. Uranium-lead thermochronology indicate that, prior to Upper Neogene rifting, the rocks of the Rwenzori experienced a protracted history of slow cooling without major tectonothermal perturbation since at least the Paleoproterozoic (ca. 1900 Ma).
The scientific achievements of the European Geotraverse Committee (EGT) are presented in this unique study of the tectonic evolution of the continent of Europe and the first comprehensive cross section of the continental lithosphere.