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How many of us know what our true happiness is? Or how we can find it to stay pretually happy after that? Through this book you will find the answers to such questions while discovering a path of self love and positivity. So, let us unlock our happiness and move a step closer to live a life that most people only dream about.
Truths as Mother Teresa understood them - IN Her Own Words
If you are living paycheck to paycheck, fighting with your spouse about money, unemployed or always stressed about how to pay your bills, this book is for you. If you do not have any peace when it comes to money, this book is for you. If you believe that you are doing everything right, but you can’t quite get where you need to be financially, this book is for you. Personal finance is as easy as ABC. Most of us get the math, but it is the emotions of personal finance that we have trouble with. And since personal finance is 90% emotion and 10% math, this may explain why you are struggling. In this book, you will find everything you need to know about every aspect of personal finances and from someone who has been there. We will cover everything from buying a house to budgeting to getting out of debt. This is not a miracle program or a magic pill. This is about a lifestyle of handling money that will give you joy, peace and freedom beyond what you could ever dream of having. Live the dream!
Trista Rehn was a pediatric physical therapist moonlighting as a Miami Heat dancer when she heard about casting for a new reality show—one guy getting to know twenty-five girls in the hope of finding a fiancée. As improbable and crazy as it sounded, Trista took the chance—and had her heart broken on the very first season of The Bachelor. But the next season, as the first Bachelorette, her fairy tale fell into place during a whirlwind courtship with poetry-writing firefighter Ryan Sutter and, eventually, a dream-come-true wedding on national TV. In the midst of building a life with Ryan and raising two kids, Trista started to make a conscious effort to remember her favorite part of each day. And she's made sure to post these thoughts, her own personal expressions of gratitude, almost every night on Twitter and Facebook—even on days she was dealing with fertility issues, a difficult pregnancy, family deaths, and other challenges that many of us face. Sometimes it's the smallest gestures and the most unassuming things that can have the greatest effects. Trista is often asked her secret to being one of the rare reality-TV relationships to make it to the altar and beyond. In this heartfelt book, she shares the simple yet profound keys to finding everyday happiness: gratitude and grace. From the blink-and-you'll-miss-them moments we have with our kids, our spouses, our pets, or even strangers, to the more obvious lessons we pick up from reading the news or hearing an inspirational story, knowing how to recognize, accept, and be grateful for all of our daily blessings is truly what “happily ever after” means.
Albert Einstein said, "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." The purpose of this book is to ignite the sparks of creativity within and assist you to use your gifts. It contains helpful information and suggestions, seven writing/drawing exercises and a Relaxation/Meditation.Spelling, grammar and mistakes are not a part of this ... and somehow, fun and humor become a part. As with all learning, the process is as important if not more important than the product. Enjoy the process! Have fun! Let It Flow!
Love and Serve is composed of 377 devotions to give daily guidance in our servant ministry to reflect God's love to all around us. There are 366 devotions for every day of the year, plus eleven additional devotions for the Church year celebrations that move around the calendar because they are controlled by the changing date of Easter each year. That makes this devotional book useable year after year. By ecclesiastical rules, Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the first day of spring. There are thirty-five possible dates for Easter, from March 22 to April 25. The devotions for Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, and Pentecost can be plugged in each year on the specific date that applies for that year. Love and Serve is really a group of 377 mini-sermons to help us turn God's Word into daily action. Each devotion is headed by words from the Bible, and the devotion answers the question, "What does this mean for us in the twenty-first century?" And each devotion ends with a short prayer that is intended to help us put our words into action. This love (agape) is the kind of unconditional love that God has for each of us and the way God wants us to love each other. Agape, when done as God intended, is a verb, an action word. God calls on us to be his ambassadors here on earth. We are to represent God to our neighbors. Love and Serve, used daily, can greatly assist in this endeavor. We are called upon to love God and neighbor and to do God's work with our hands. We are called to love and serve.
My hope in writing this book is to help as many people as possible to avoid mistakes we make in our daily lives and to understand what we must do to get along with one another. I know I have made my share of mistakes, and that is okay. The problem I had as a young man was to own up to my mistakes, whether they were words or actions. Looking back, I can see where a simple apology and to ask for forgiveness would have been the easy way to go. You know what they say about hindsight.