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Medjugorje Complete: The Definitive Account of the Visions and Visionaries looks at the alleged visions of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Medjugorje, their origins, and their impact on the Catholic Church. It is an expanded, revised, and updated version of two previous works, Understanding Medjugorje and Medjugorje Revisited, published in 2006 and 2011 respectively. Medjugorje Complete focuses on the transcripts of the original tapes of the visionaries made in June 1981. It also looks at the credibility of the visions and the visionaries, demonstrating serious problems in accepting Medjugorje as genuine. It also examines the role of theologians and the Hercegovina Franciscans in promoting Medjugorje, and its tangled historical and religious background, as well as its links with the Charismatic Renewal. In sum, it examines all the relevant evidence about Medjugorje, and concludes that, despite some "good fruits," it does not appear to be genuinely supernatural. If you want to know the truth about Medjugorje, then-forty years after the story began-Medjugorje Complete offers the definitive account.
A study of the Virgin Mary as the Mother of God, her lifelong virginity, and the veneration due her from all of mankind. This work is divided into sections: ?The Theotokos in the New Testament, ? ?The Theotokos in the Old Testament, ? ?The Theotokos in the Writings of Church Fathers, ? and ?The Theotokos according to the Third Ecumenical Counci
This book forms part of the Evergetis Project which aims to investigate all surviving texts associated with the Monastery of the Theotokos Evergetis founded in 1049 near Constantinople. A book-length introduction sets out the historical significance of the house for the development of Byzantine monasticism and discusses its administration, liturgy and way of life. An English translation of the Hypotyposis (the monastery's foundation document) is provided, accompanied by detailed notes. Previous scholarship on the authorship of the Hypotyposis and the evolution of the text is discussed and linguistic analysis used to suggest that traces of the original foundation document by Paul Evergetinos can be identified within it. The Hypotyposis was widely used as a model for later Byzantine and Slavonic typika and the precise relationship of these documents one to the other is demonstrated in detail. The volume also includes prosopographical material on the known patrons of the monastery, a discussion of its library, English translations of later Greek and Latin texts referring to the monastery and a suggested reconstruction of Paul Evergetinos' original foundation document.
The Great Paraklesis to the Most Holy Theotokos is a supplicatory service chanted in the Orthodox Christian Church during the first 14 days of August when the Fast of the Theotokos (Mother of God) is celebrated or during any day of soul tribulation. The Great Paraklesis was composed by Emperor Theodore I Ducas Lascaris in the 13th century.
“Wealth without work Pleasure without conscience Science without humanity Knowledge without character Politics without principle Commerce without morality Worship without sacrifice. On August 28 we celebrate one of the main holidays of the [ecclesial] year Of the Most Blessed Theotokos we know mainly thanks to the Holy Tradition. The main sources here are two apocrypha – Jacob's Proto-Gospel and ‘The Book of the Nativity of the Most Blessed Mary and the Childhood of the Savior’. These monuments have not been included in the New Testament canon because of their late origin, however they reflect the view of the Theotokos that existed from the very first days of the Church's existence.
“Wealth without work Pleasure without conscience Science without humanity Knowledge without character Politics without principle Commerce without morality Worship without sacrifice. About the Meaning of Life. Theological Miniatures. 11 From the editors. 12 Archpriest Nikolai Ivanov. Short biography. 13 On the essence of Christianity. 18 Did Christ Exist?. 23 About the Russian Orthodox icon. 34 Person! Does that sound proud ?! 41 Christ is buried ?! Can He Resurrect?. 47 Christian and universal 52 If God exists, then why does He not suppress evil with violence?. 54 Has Christianity "succeeded" or "failed"? 56 About the expediency of nature. 59 About the meaning of life. 61 Learn more about the meaning of life and eternity. 64 About the Fate of Man. 65 Man and Humanity. 69 The Meaning of Being. 71 Eternal Life Instinct. 74 Common Sense. 78 The Pursuit of Excellence. 82 What is my "I"?. 84 Higher Laws. 86 Death and time. 89 Faith. 93 Feat. 95 The Resurrection of Christ and Our Resurrection. 97 Conclusion. 101 And God said ... Biblical Ontology and Biblical Anthropology. 106 SELECTED PHILOSOPHICAL WORKS. 107 Content 107 Oneness of Truth: Revelation and Science. 118 1. Revelation as a gift from God. 118 2. Science: the path of the human mind. 127 3. The relationship between Revelation and science. 131 4. The special meaning of the first three chapters of Genesis. 139 5. How to Understand the Symbolic Language of Revelation. 148 Part I. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth ...". Biblical ontology. 160 Chapter 1. Prologue of the first chapter of the Book of Genesis. Cosmic aspect 160 1. Biblical Revelation on the Principle of Creation. 160 2. "In the beginning" ("Breshit") 169 3. "Heaven" and "earth" as two archetypes of the created world. 173 4. "Heaven" and "Earth", as the dual unity of the world. 177 5. "Earth", as a symbol of matter: "The earth was formless and empty, and darkness over the abyss" 182 6. Time and eternity: "the earth was (haeta) ..." 186 7. Revelation about the Life-giving Spirit of God: "The Spirit of God hovered over the water ..." 191 Chapter 2. Biblical Revelation about the "days" of creation and building up of the world through the spoken Word of God. 198 1. What is meant by the word “day” in Genesis?. 198 2. Necessary Anthropomorphism of Biblical Speech. 203 3. Biblical Revelation on the principle of the formation of the main forms of the universe. 207 4. Cosmic plan (aspect) of Revelation: "days" of the origin of the entire Cosmos as a whole. 211 5. The planetary aspect of the biblical Revelation - the origin of our Earth. 223 Chapter 3. Creation of man as the crown of the universe. 243 1. Biblical texts on the creation of man. 243 2. Man in the Universe. 250 Chapter 4. One "day" of creation. 256 Part 2. "And God created man ..." Biblical anthropology. 264 Chapter 1. Old Testament Revelation about man. 267 1. Creation [of the world] and Creation of Man. 267 A. The spiritual world of man, his deep self, as the image of the absolute God. 269 B. Creation of man. 274 2. Logical analysis of the word "Adam" in the text of the first chapters of the Book of Genesis. 278 "Adam" means "special" 284 "Adam" means "one" 285 3. Theological anthropology. 286 A. Humanity. 286 B. Part and whole. 287 C. On the materiality of the concept of "humanity" 289 4. Paradise. A. Text research. 294 "Gun" - Paradise. 294 "Eden" (In Russian translation: "We are going") 295 "Mik-kedem" - "In the East" 296 B. Two Trees in Paradise: the Tree of Life and the Tree of Good and Evil 297 B. Rivers and Lands. 308 A) Rivers. 308 B) Earth. Havilah land. 310 Land "Kush" 312 D. Bringing all animals to man to give them names. 317 5. Creation of Eve - the mother of all living. God's Plan for the Creation of Woman. 319 "Assistant" 320 "Tardema" – Sound Sleep. 322 "Edge" 327 "One flesh" 330 "Tardema" and "Extasis" 332 The primordial nakedness of man. 334 6. The Fall. A. Necessary Foreword: Conversation with an Unbelieving Contemporary. 339 B. Exploring Bible Texts about the Fall of Man. 349 "Snake" 349 Snake voice. 355 Snake lie. 358 Fall 363 Lust 366 Condemnation of a person. 369 Expulsion of Adam the All-Kind from Paradise. 379 7. Chapter Four of Genesis: Biblical Philosophy of History. 389 A. Revelation of the beginning and course of human history. 389 B. Abel and Cain. 389 C. Freedom and willfulness. The secret of love. 392 D. The Way Without God. 397 E. Methistory of the development of culture and civilization. 401 E. Song of Lamech. 404 J. Sif 406 General conclusions after reading the fourth chapter 408 Chapter 2. Old Testament Revelation about man in the light of the New Testament 414 1. Old Testament text in the light of the New Testament 414 2. The nature of the spirit world. 415 3. The nature of the enemy of the human race. 417 4. Adam in the light of the New Testament 423 A. About a person in his ideal 423 B. "Ben Adam" - Son of Man. 429 "Son of Man" in the texts of the Old Testament 429 "Son of man" in the texts of the Gospel 430 "Son of Man" in the Farewell Conversation of Jesus Christ and His High Priestly Prayer 432 5. "Paradise in Eden in the East" 434 A. "Paradise" 434 B. "Let's go" ("Eden") 439 C. "In the east" - "mik-kedem" 443 6. The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the light of the New Testament 446 7. Biblical text about rivers and lands in the light of the New Testament 448 Chapter 3. "Paradise in Eden in the East" in the light of the New Testament 463 Appendix. 473 On the philosophical and scientific understanding of the world. 473 What Is Proved and What Is Not Proved. 485 Revolution in the Science of the Universe in the Twentieth century. The Collapse of Faith in the Stationarity of the Cosmos. 498 List of works of Archpriest Nikolai Ivanov. 516 Biography. 521 About the Holy Spirit as the Divine Hypostasis 536
In explaining the Church doctrine, the Pope points out that everything about Mary is related to Christ. Marian devotion is meant to lead the faithful ever closer to Jesus. Throughout these talks Mary appears under many aspects---as an example of faith and
This groundbreaking book looks at the major approved Marian apparitions of the last five centuries and relates them to important historical moments: the Reformation, the French and Russian Revolutions, the rise of Nazism. These Marian apparitions, and particularly Fatima, are not historically unimportant events, but rather follow a preordained plan: they have a crucial role in helping us to see how the modern world, with all its problems, has developed. Donal Foley makes clear the fascinating and intriguing connections between Marian apparitions and the Scriptural types of Mary found in the Bible, a crucial element in the theology and exegesis of the early Church Fathers. By understanding these biblical types and their symbolism we see that each of the apparitions has a much greater significance for both the Church and the modern world than has generally been recognised. Here is a convincing demonstration that the future of the Church, and the papacy, is intimately bound up with a proper understanding of the role of Mary: there will only be true peace in the world when her message is accepted and lived. If you thought you really understood how the modern world developed, and the role and meaning of Marian apparitions, then this book will make you think again. 'Donal Foley has written a book with an extraordinary message.' Aidan Nichols, O.P.