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Photo acceleration has dominated the theoretical plasma physics area in recent years and has found application in all subjects where waves in continuous media are studied - plasma physics, astrophysics, and optics. This theory will provide a modern understanding of photon interaction with matter, helping to develop novel accelerators based on laser-plasma interactions, new radiation sources, and even new models for astrophysical objects. Written by a major player in the field, this book describes the general theory of photo acceleration, which allows fluid, kinetic, quantum, and classical electrodynamical approaches to be formulated. It includes examples from plasma physics, cosmology, fiber optics, mathematical physics, particle accelerator physics, and radiation physics.
Photo acceleration has dominated the theoretical plasma physics area in recent years and has found application in all subjects where waves in continuous media are studied - plasma physics, astrophysics, and optics. This theory will provide a modern understanding of photon interaction with matter, helping to develop novel accelerators based on laser-plasma interactions, new radiation sources, and even new models for astrophysical objects. Written by a major player in the field, this book describes the general theory of photo acceleration, which allows fluid, kinetic, quantum, and classical electrodynamical approaches to be formulated. It includes examples from plasma physics, cosmology, fiber optics, mathematical physics, particle accelerator physics, and radiation physics.
From the early wave-particle arguments to the mathematical theory of electromagnetism to Einstein's work on the quantization of light, different descriptions of what constitutes light have existed for over 300 years. This book examines the photon phenomenon from several perspectives. It demonstrates the importance of studying the photon as a concept belonging to a global vacuum (matter-free space). The book explains the models and physical and mathematical descriptions of light and examines the behavior of light and its interaction with matter.
Microwave radiation has been upshifted in frequency and compressed in duration by more than a factor of five via its interaction with a relativistically propagating, underdense ionization front. The experimental observations are in good agreement with theoretical predictions.
This book is about Maxwell's electromagnetic theory of light. First, it is a fully relativistic theory without having a non-relativistic limit. There arise many difficulties in quantising the electromagnetic field and in the physical interpretation of the wavefunction of its quanta. Further, the first quantisation of the Maxwell equations similar to quantisation of classical mechanics by the Schrodinger method, has not been discussed in most books on quantum mechanics. Second, the Maxwell field is the simplest gauge field possessing symmetry with respect to Poincare group of transformations in addition to scale, duality and special conformal transformations whose local versions give rise to new interaction of photons through new gauge fields. One of these gauge fields couples to the spin density of the photon and other particles and can bind fermion-antifermion pairs to give transverse photons. Another interesting aspect of the electromagnetic field is its coherence properties and their interpretation in terms of quantised theory.
Focusing on the unresolved debate between Newton and Huygens from 300 years ago, The Nature of Light: What is a Photon? discusses the reality behind enigmatic photons. It explores the fundamental issues pertaining to light that still exist today. Gathering contributions from globally recognized specialists in electrodynamics and quantum optics, the book begins by clearly presenting the mainstream view of the nature of light and photons. It then provides a new and challenging scientific epistemology that explains how to overcome the prevailing paradoxes and confusions arising from the accepted definition of a photon as a monochromatic Fourier mode of the vacuum. The book concludes with an array of experiments that demonstrate the innovative thinking needed to examine the wave-particle duality of photons. Looking at photons from both mainstream and out-of-box viewpoints, this volume is sure to inspire the next generation of quantum optics scientists and engineers to go beyond the Copenhagen interpretation and formulate new conceptual ideas about light–matter interactions and substantiate them through inventive applications.
Energy and Mass in Relativity Theory presents about 30 pedagogical papers published by the author over the last 20 years. They deal with concepts central to relativity theory: energy E, rest energy E0, momentum p, mass m, velocity v of particles of matter, including massless photons for which v = c. Other related subjects are also discussed. According to Einstein's equation E0 = mc2, a massive particle at rest contains rest energy which is partly liberated in the nuclear reactions in the stars and the Sun, as well as in nuclear reactors and bombs on the Earth. The mass entering Einstein's equation does not depend on velocity of a body. This concept of mass is used in the physics of elementary particles and is gradually prevailing in the modern physics textbooks. This is the first book in which Einstein's equation is explicitly compared with its popular though not correct counterpart E = mc2, according to which mass increases with velocity. The book will be of interest to researchers in theoretical, atomic and nuclear physics, to historians of science as well as to students and teachers interested in relativity theory.
This book focuses on the physics of laser plasma interactions and presents a complementary and very useful numerical model of plasmas. It describes the linear theory of light wave propagation in plasmas, including linear mode conversion into plasma waves and collisional damping.
Particle Accelerator Physics covers the dynamics of relativistic particle beams, basics of particle guidance and focusing, lattice design, characteristics of beam transport systems and circular accelerators. Particle-beam optics is treated in the linear approximation including sextupoles to correct for chromatic aberrations. Perturbations to linear beam dynamics are analyzed in detail and correction measures are discussed, while basic lattice design features and building blocks leading to the design of more complicated beam transport systems and circular accelerators are studied. Characteristics of synchrotron radiation and quantum effects due to the statistical emission of photons on particle trajectories are derived and applied to determine particle-beam parameters. The discussions specifically concentrate on relativistic particle beams and the physics of beam optics in beam transport systems and circular accelerators such as synchrotrons and storage rings. This book forms a broad basis for further, more detailed studies of nonlinear beam dynamics and associated accelerator physics problems, discussed in the subsequent volume.