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Because God created all things with coherent unity, everything can be understood from the perspective of everything else. We experience the world in the context of our own bodies, but every day we broaden our understanding through the perspectives of others. Meanwhile, our omniscient God is also omniperspectival. Through his revelation, he allows us a glimpse of his own divine perspective. What does this mean for us? One valuable dimension of this reality is that theological issues can also be helpfully viewed from multiple perspectives without compromising their unity and truth. In this accessible introduction to his Bible study and theological method, John Frame teaches us to approach doctrine with situational, normative, and existential perspectives modeled on the Trinity.
Paul of Tarsus, the Pharisee who tried to destroy the church of God, experienced a conversion to faith in Jesus Christ that was to turn his life upside down and lead to his becoming one of the greatest missionaries and theologians of all time. His theology is highly controversial and has both inspired and appalled his listeners. Richard Bell presents the major themes in Paul’s theology and also asks what he got right, what he got wrong, and what in his theology needs reinterpreting for the twenty-first century. The book thereby shows the ongoing relevance of Paul’s thought for today. To accompany this volume, a website of music designed to add an experiential dimension in discovering Paul’s message for the world can be found at
An invitation to vital Christianity through an exploration of the practical implications of the doctrine of the Trinity, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the preaching, teaching, and healing ministry of Christ through His Body, the church. Praise for Christianity in 3D The Word, the Spirit, and the Community of Faith guide Hart’s heart in this endeavor. The reader will discover a God of infinite dimensions who desires to redeem, transform, and empower us and to involve us in the work of his kingdom—preaching, teaching, and healing. Hart as an author is a scholar and an evangelist. His commitment to truth and his passion for souls merge in this volume. Indeed truth is aflame here! —Dr. Thomson Mathew, Dean, College of Theology and Ministry, Oral Roberts University The life of faith is not supposed to be a dental appointment interrupted every now and again by falling asleep. Dr. Larry Hart calls us to put on the right glasses, turn them on and watch the adventure leap off the screen. Hart is a bold heart! And he summons us into the fray. A terrific book—if you’re not afraid of 3D! —Dr. Mark Rutland, Founder and President of Global Servants, Founder and Director of the National Institute of Christian Leadership Larry Hart of Oral Roberts University is one the most cheerful and positive Christians I have ever known. His new book, Christianity in 3D, glows with his personality and his joyful love of theology. A very good writer, Hart connects with the reader with a most readable summary of just who God is. If you love the Lord, you will love this book. —Dr. Vinson Synan, Dean Emeritus, Regent University School of Divinity
Do you struggle to connect the dots between the Bible and your life? While Christians instinctively want to apply Scripture, we encounter difficulties that can discourage us and diminish our engagement with God’s Word. Indeed, biblical application has suffered in various ways in the church—everything from neglect to abuse to contempt. Responding to such challenges, Beyond Chapter and Verse provides a biblically based rationale for the practice of application and then proposes a biblically consistent method for application. The book is substantive but accessible, relevant for believers generally as well as preachers. It begins by sketching the broad theological context of Bible application, relating it to the gospel generally and to sanctification specifically. The heart of the study then synthesizes key Old and New Testament passages relative to the process of application. Building on this foundation, the book sets forth a sensible approach for arriving at legitimate applications of Scripture. A rich assortment of positive and negative case studies illustrates the method, motivating believers to apply the Scriptures for themselves.
Recent discussion of biblical law sees it either as a response to socio-economic factors or as an intellectual tradition. In either case it is viewed as the product of elites that form an international community drawing on a common culture.
The third volume of Frame's Theology of Lordship series, this book focuses on biblical ethics. In an age of ethical relativism and suspicion of authority, how can we know what is good, virtuous, or just? Frame surveys non-Christian ethical traditions before setting forth a solidly Christian ethical method. By clarifying biblical norms, life situations, and personal dimensions, he presents a model for decision making that honors God in all aspects of life. Discussions range from natural law and conflict of duties to detailed explorations of the Ten Commandments in connection with questions surrounding worship, the Sabbath, church and state, respect for life and truth, sexuality, and the relation of Christ to culture.
To understand the Trinity one must think in terms of three dimensions of existence; dimensions that include eternity-past, earth time-present, and eternity-present/future. The reason is because God the Son is identified in all three dimensions by different terminology, e.g., God; the Word of God; the Son of God; Jesus of Nazareth and Melchizedek. When God the Son was in the Father (John 1:1), He was the Word of God; when the Word of God came out of the Father to stand at the Father's side, He was identified as the Only begotten (Son) of God (John 1:2,18); when God the Word came to earth, he was clearly identified as the One and Only Son of God (John 3:16). Therefore, in eternity-past, when the Son of God created Heaven and the Universe, clearly, He was not the man Jesus of Nazareth; however, in sequential time events, when the Son of God left Heaven to inhabit a human body, He was identified as the God-man, Jesus of Nazareth, and later was identified with Melchizedek as the eternal Priest of God Most High (Heb.7). All three dimensions involve(ed) sequential events, so that the Son of God is clearly manifested in each dimension to indicate His preexistent mission and work throughout eternity-past/present, present-time and eternity-future. (FIRST DIMENSION) (SECOND DIMENSION) (THIRD DIMENSION) ETERNITY-PAST - (Thru) - EARTH-TIME - (Into) - FUTURE-TIME (Generally unknown) (Knowable) (Somewhat knowable) Robert W. Fuller is an ordained Minister (ret.) having received his BA degree in the Biblical Field (with studies in NT Greek) from Abilene Christian University and a M. Ed from the University of North Texas. Mr. Fuller also received his LCDC (Licensed Chemical Dependence Counselor) in 1989 and served as an Addictions Abuse Counselor. From this experience came his first book on that subject, titled "The Baby King Must Die!" Other books by the author are: "When God the Son Became the Son of God" and "Demythologizing Jesus of Nazareth." Mr. Fuller states: "The purpose for the present book is to clearly identify God the Son, The Word of God, the Son of God, Melchizedek and Jesus of Nazareth as the same person who lived in three dimensions. Order from: or
The first volume of Paul Tillich's most important work, his Systematic Theology. Volumes 2 and 3 are also available.
Leading evangelical scholar Millard Erickson offers a new edition of his bestselling textbook, now substantially updated and revised throughout. This edition takes into account feedback from professors and students and reflects current theological conversations, with added material on the atonement, justification, and divine foreknowledge. Erickson's comprehensive introduction is biblical, contemporary, moderate, and fair to various positions, and it applies doctrine to Christian life and ministry.
"Is your gospel 3D? Western theology emphasizes legal forgiveness of sins, but people in the Majority World seek honor or spiritual power. In today's globalized world, Christians need a three-dimensional gospel. Learn how the Bible speaks to cultures of guilt, shame, and fear, and enhance your cross-cultural ministry among the nations! The 3D Gospel is a concise book explaining the world's three primary culture types and how Christians can fruitfully minister cross-culturally. To equip believers with a dynamic view of gospel, The 3D Gospel explains the following aspects of guilt, shame, and fear cultures: The main cultural characteristics; How people function in everyday life; The biblical narrative of salvation; Doctrines of original sin and the atonement of Jesus; Definitions of 40+ theological categories; Key verses from scripture; Two separate evangelistic approaches; A contextualized form of Christian witness; Practical tips for relationships and communication."