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1907 the Bible Founded on Astrology. "The old testament and astrology or religion keeps pace with the sun through the great zodiac. the story of the Sun God and the story of the Son of God are one and the same. Man made in the image of his creator, th.
This comprehensive guide to traditional and modern astrology is a treasure trove that brings together everything you need to know about the subject, including its meaning, correspondences and how to practise it. If you are a beginner, this book will help you to use astrology to choose the right path in life, understand yourself and others, find love or select a career. If you already have astrological skills, it will deepen and expand your knowledge of zodiac lore.
“Darlison elucidates the zodiac’s significant place in the Gospels, most specifically in the Book of Mark . . . An intriguing leap into faith” (Kirkus Reviews). For millennia the world has been driven by the differences between the great patriarchal religions. Western civilization—or Christendom, as it was once called—received its values and its confidence from a belief in God, the Father, and Jesus, his only son. But what if this conviction were founded on an error? Who is the man in the factually inconsistent Gospel stories? And who is the man who makes a brief appearance carrying a jar of water? This extraordinary study by a Unitarian minister suggests that Jesus never existed historically; he was simply a representation of an astrological theology—a representation, simply put, of the zodiac sign of Aquarius. In The Gospel & the Zodiac, Rev. Bill Darlison demonstrates that all the other signs are present too, in perfect zodiacal order. The Gospel story is not the product of historians or eyewitnesses, but an older, mystical text produced by an ancient, esoteric school as a guide to the Age of Pisces. Every bit as revelatory and controversial as it sounds, The Gospel & the Zodiac will shake up the religious status quo, and in doing so, provide both a new look at a religious icon and a deeper understanding of the faith that binds millions together. “Darlison begins by looking at different scholarly approaches to the gospels, then outlines his astrological interpretation logically and lucidly, matching the zodiacal signs to the narrative of Mark.” —Fortean Times
The Secret Astrology of the Bible by Michael Ledo is a landmark book that will change the way the scholarly community and the general public views the Bible, history and myth. Epic in scope, this provocative book explores the connections between religious belief and cosmic theory, even as it attempts to explain contradictions and irregularities in the text. The Bible, states Ledo, was constructed as a living document, with much of its text expanded as time went on. If readers stripped away this added material, they could actually be left with an Early Bronze Age text, over a thousand years older than what is currently accepted by scholars. This text, suggests Ledo, would be a veritable cosmic myth which follows the constellations with stories in a contiguous fashion that combine both history and myth. Originally sold as "On Earth as it is in Heaven, The Cosmic Roots of the Bible."
Some years ago it was my privilege to enjoy the acquaintance of Miss Frances Rolleston, of Keswick, and to carry on a correspondence with her with respect to her work, Mazzaroth: or, the Constellations. She was the first to create an interest in this important subject. Since then Dr. Seiss, of Philadelphia, has endeavoured to popularize her work on the other side of the Atlantic; and brief references have been made to the subject in such books as Moses and Geology, by Dr. Kinns, and inPrimeval Man; but it was felt, for many reasons, that it was desirable to make another effort to set forth, in a more complete form, the witness of the stars to prophetic truth, so necessary in these last days. To the late Miss Rolleston, however, belongs the honour of collecting a mass of information bearing on this subject; but, published as it was, chiefly in the form of notes, unarranged and unindexed, it was suited only for, but was most valuable to, the student. She it was who performed the drudgery of collecting the facts presented by Albumazer, the Arab astronomer to the Caliphs of Grenada, 850 a.d.; and the Tables drawn up by Ulugh Beigh, the Tartar prince and astronomer, about 1650 a.d., who gives the Arabian Astronomy as it had come down from the earliest times. Modern astronomers have preserved, and still have in common use, the ancient names of over a hundred of the principal stars which have been handed down; but now these names are used merely as a convenience, and without any reference to their significance. This work is an attempt to popularize this ancient information, and to use it in the interests of truth. For the ancient astronomical facts and the names, with their signification, I am, from the very nature of the case, indebted, of course, to all who have preserved, collected, and handed them down; but for their interpretation I am alone responsible. It is for the readers to judge how far my conclusions are borne out by the evidence; and how far the foundation of our hopes of coming glory are strengthened by the prophecies which have been written in the stars of heaven, as well as in the Scriptures of truth.
Warnings are found in the Scripture: God’s people must not seek guidance from the stars, nor worship them. Satan’s deception has influenced multitudes to attempt to foretell their futures through the evils of astrology. As a result, God’s Own people have ignored His first words about the stars, “and let them be for signs...” In his wisdom, God placed stars in the cosmos for one reason: to tell His perfect plan of redemption. In them lies the story of Jesus from His birth to the final judgment ahead. Signs in the Heavens shatters and exposes every lie of satanic deception about the stars. Learn about Old Testament men who caught visions of God’s plan through the stars, and also named them. You’ll see the story of your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, presented in the stars before Scripture was ever written. It’s time God’s people know the truth. You won’t be the same after Marilyn sets startling precept upon precept to bring you the Greatest Story Ever Told. Take this heavenly journey: discover the Signs in the Heavens!
Written by a leading authority on the history and practice of Chinese astrology, this comprehensive new entry in the continuing Bible series brings together all the basics on this ancient form of divination. Filled with color photographs and beautiful illustrations, it covers everything from the 12 animals of the zodiac to calculating your sign to creating a detailed analysis of your chart based on the exact time of your birth. There’s also advice on developing your horoscope further, as well as using Chinese astrology in conjunction with Eastern medicine and feng shui.