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This book covers the Young Earth Creation Model, everything from predictions, differences between the evolutionary model and the creation model. This book shows that the YEC model is far superior when it comes to science. No one can read this book without coming away knowing what we believe and why. I show the clear trajectory man and animal are headed in and its not what evolution teaches. I shows the clear contrast between the two models and detail exactly why ours is superior, without question. I show that through genetics we can prove Noah's Ark was a true event and happened recently.
This book covers the Young Earth Creation Model, everything from predictions, differences between the evolutionary model and the creation model. This book shows that the YEC model is far superior when it comes to science. No one can read this book without coming away knowing what we believe and why. I show the clear trajectory man and animal are headed in and its not what evolution teaches. I shows the clear contrast between the two models and detail exactly why ours is superior, without question. I show that through genetics we can prove Noah's Ark was a true event and happened recently.
This book covers the Young Earth Creation Model, everything from predictions, differences between the evolutionary model and the creation model. This book shows that the YEC model is far superior when it comes to science. No one can read this book without coming away knowing what we believe and why. I show the clear trajectory man and animal are headed in and it's not what evolution teaches. I show the clear contrast between the two models and detail exactly why ours is superior, without question. I show that through genetics we can prove Noah's global flood was a true event and yes, happened recently.The only valid reasons people believe the earth is old is that of radiometric dating and the fossil record. However both of these are easy to explain from a YEC perspective and in this book the evidence ends the debate on those topics . Now let's look at evidence in support of Young Earth 🌍 We have biological evidence, genetic evidence, historical evidence, geological evidence, linguistic evidence, coral growth rate evidence, migration evidence, speciation rate evidence, tree ring dating evidence, helium diffusion rates, magnetic decay rates, racemization rates, thermoluminescence dating, continental erosion rates, underground oil pressure, a single paternal and maternal parent for all humanity evidence, worldwide low genetic diversity evidence, mutation rate and substitution rate evidence and more, all validating the Earth and life is young. Not to mention DNA in Dinosaurs including ancient extinct flora and fauna DNA which still exists even though DNA's upper limit is just 10,000 years old. It's an open and shut case, Evolutionism died this decade. The problem is, the theory is protected by law so it will get pushed on kids for a long time because of politics. Inside the book I cover YEC predictions, animals that went on the Ark and came off, speciation rates, and most importantly how our model works v.s. the evolutionary model. Do creationists really believe in rapid evolution? Do creationists use "God did it" as the answer to answer any of these questions? Find out in this book.
Is the earth billions of years old, or just thousands? Does it Matter? Did God create our world in six literal days, or did it evolve on its own over countless eons of time? The age of the earth - a key question in the creation/evolution debate - has been portrayed as an issue of science versus religion, but is it really that simple? The answers to these questions are vital to understanding not just earth science, but also the biblical record. Dr. John Morris - The Young Earth scientifically examines the evidence to see what the earth actually reveals about itself. This classic and definitive work, newly revised and expanded, demonstrates that the Bible can be trusted in questions of science and history. The Young Earth offers both compelling scientific analysis and effective biblical exposition. A powerful resource, it also includes a CD with PowerPoint presentations that illustrate such key concepts as salt levels in the oceans, the age of the atmosphere, the accumulation of ocean sediments, and much more. Great for presentations and personal study Organized for teaching to groups of all sizes Illustrated slides illuminate important points Scientifically, irrefutably, the truth of God's world proclaims the truth of God's Word.
"Twenty-somethings once faithfully attended church. What made them stop? While most said they still believe that the Bible is God's Word, they also said that the idea that the earth is millions of years old was one thing that caused them to doubt the bible? The crumbling foundation of the church takes a devastating toll on future generations. Therefore, churches must reclaim the historical truth found in Genesis and apply the Bible's authority to every area of life." -Ken Ham, President Answers in Genesis As the modern Church struggles to find a place of relevancy for a new generation that already has massive demands on its time and attention, more and more young people raised in the Church are leaving it - failing to find the answers to their questions of faith and life, beset with doubts raised by issues that the Church chooses not to address. Opting to skirt the controversy of Genesis as literal history, the biblical authority of the Holy Word is called into question and reduced to a collection of mere stories. More popularly considered an issue for schools or in the public realm, the conflicting views on the age of the earth also remain a pivotal issue within the Church - as it has for over two centuries. Was the Creation week literally six days? Does science really point to an old earth? Does the issue really matter for Christians? Should this issue even be discussed within the Church? Join authors Dr. Jason Lisle and Tim Chaffey as they put forth a case against an old-earth interpretation of Scripture. A comprehensive biblical, theological, and scientific critique of old-earth creationism, the book presents its compelling testimony in layman's terms to create a powerful debate that leads to unquestionable truth.
For Christians, the issues raised by the different views on creation and evolution are challenging. Can a "young earth" be reconciled with a universe that appears to be billions of years old? Does scientific evidence point to a God who designed the universe and life in all its complexity? Three Views on Creation and Evolution deals with these and similar concerns as it looks at three dominant schools of Christian thought. Proponents of young earth creationism, old earth creationism, and theistic evolution each present their different views, tell why the controversy is important, and describe the interplay between their understandings of science and theology. Each view is critiqued by various scholars, and the entire discussion is summarized by Phillip E. Johnson and Richard H. Bube. The Counterpoints series provides a forum for comparison and critique of different views on issues important to Christians. Counterpoints books address two categories: Church Life and Bible and Theology. Complete your library with other books in the Counterpoints series.
This book deals with all the important aspects of the creation-evolution question from a strictly scientific point of view, attempting to evaluate the physical evidence from the relevant scientific fields without reference to the Bible or other religious literature. It demonstrates that the real evidences dealing with origins and ancient history support creationism rather than evolutionism. This General Edition (rather than the Public School Edition) includes a chapter, "Creation According to Scripture," which places the scientific evidence in its proper Biblical and theological context.
The present creation-evolution debate is often cast as a choice between two positions: naturalistic evolution over millions of years or miraculous creation six thousand years ago. When simplified, this choice is often presented as one between science and the Bible, a choice that leaves much ground between the two views yet to be discussed. A Biblical Case for an Old Earth seeks to address the gap between theistic evolutionism and young-earth creationism by finally paying due attention to the biblical aspect of the debate. Both a scientist and a preacher, David Snoke presents a theological study of several themes in the evolution discussion, including the balance theme of Scripture and the day-age interpretation. Complete with an appendix that gives a literal translation of Genesis 1-11, this intriguing study will interest both scientists and lay Christians who want to dig into the faith-science intersection.
In the increasingly secular age in which we live, it is all too easy to forget that the major disciplines of science were founded