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“You can’t trust the Bible — it’s full of hundreds of contradictions.” Really? Just because the critic mindlessly declares it so? Don’t be so fast to believe everything you hear! In this book Dr. Jason Lisle examines 420 claims of Bible contradictions and sets the record straight. Contradiction #139 Was Abraham justified by faith or by works? Romans 4:2 - says by faith VS. James 2:21 - says by works Bifurcation fallacy. Abraham was justified both by faith and by works (James 2:24, 26). To “justify” means either to be in right moral standing or to show that one is (morally) in right standing. Abraham was justified by faith before God since God knows all things — including Abraham’s faith (James 2:23). God sees our hearts (1 Samuel 16:7), so we are justified before God by our faith alone, which God can see. But men cannot see another man’s faith. They only see the outward works that follow from inward faith. Therefore, Abraham was justified before men by the works that followed from his faith, since men cannot see faith but can see works. James explicitly teaches this (James 2:18–26).
Is the wrath of God capricious, arbitrary, irrational, unethical, partial, inexplicable...or is it the just expression of a providential God? Is His wrath true to HIs character in dealing with sinful man? In this scholarly book, the Rev. Dr. Herbert M. Haney interprets the wrath of God as exemplified in the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings. It is his view that interpretation of the Divine wrath as recorded by the Former Prophets is basic to an understanding of God's wrath as revealed in the New Testament. The term "covenant wrath" is used here because it was under the Mosaic covenant that provision was made for the wrath of God, the author explains. "The covenant wrath of God was found to be always punitive, often remedial, and sometimes condemnatory. It was always bound up in the very character of God Himself. His righteousness caused His wrath to be punitive wherever there was sin: His love caused His wrath to be remedial whenever there were repentance and faith: His faithfulness caused HIs wrath to be condemnatory wherever there were persistence unrepentance and faithlessness." Evincing a masterly sense of order in his exposition, Dr Haney interrelates each type of wrath and each subject of wrathful visitation, giving evidence that every case represented a violation of the covenant...constantly drawing from the Bible and other primary sources and from authoritative secondary sources to support his argument. THE WRATH OF GOD IN THE FORMER PROPHETS is Dr. Haney's doctoral dissertation, and it reflects the depth of thought and scholarship such a work requires. The problem with which he deals is an extremely important one for religious thinking in these days, when the notion of a wrathful God has been so tempered that this aspect of His nature is all too frequently minimized. Laymen as well as students of theology will find this book a truly inspiring aid to Bible understanding. -Publisher
God has been misrepresented by both His “followers” and His enemies. Most of the misrepresentation centers around the Biblical phrase, “the wrath of God”. This misrepresentation is due to the failure of both “defenders” and “detractors” of God to thoroughly study Scripture’s teaching on this subject. In this book we show the reader that as we allow Scripture to interpret itself we will find that God’s wrath does not equate to the angry destructive being that He is often portrayed to be nor does His wrath eliminate His love. The reader will learn that Scripture presents a consistent picture of a loving God trying to save mankind from the destructive power of our own sins.
In this second volume, Dr. Cook provides a series of articles that are part of his morning meditations on Scripture. Meditation, in the biblical sense, is an intentional filling of the mind with divine viewpoint; specifically, God’s Word. The purpose is to saturate our thinking with Scripture so that it will permeate all aspects of our reasoning and guide us into God’s will. These articles touch on subjects such as soteriology, grace, worship, righteous living, and character studies of people such as Saul and David. The overall intent of the book is to inform and inspire believers to live righteously before God.
After the Publishing of the "True Interpretation of the Revelation of John and the Bible," which can be found on Amazon and other bookstores as well as on my website at, it was time to Publish "The Seven Golden Bowls of the Wrath of God, Book one 1," since a lot of speculation has been produced and since many books have been published on this subject without any success whatsoever. People don't seem to realize, that it is not possible for anyone to Interpret the Bible and especially the Revelation of John, which is the most prophetic book of the Bible, without the assistance of the Holy Spirit, it is just not possible. Apostle Peter in his 2nd Epistle in chapter 1 verse 20 states: "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation." Because Peter foresaw that many would attempt to interpret the Scriptures purely by their own initiative and based solely upon their own effort, placed initially the phrase "Knowing this first" in order to make absolutely clear that this is something that must be definitely avoided. Unfortunately, many people did not take this into account and attempted to produce their own "private interpretation" which is something definitely wrong. As a result of this, there are so many different interpretations of the Bible and of the Revelation of John and have all been falsified by the reality of life to such an extent, that the public does not believe anything anymore. I am certain that any rational reader will be convinced after reading the book, that it contains the truth about these so powerful issues. There is also "The Seven Golden Bowls of the Wrath of God, Book two 2," which complements the present book, and which the reader will find enormously interesting.