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Is the wrath of God capricious, arbitrary, irrational, unethical, partial, inexplicable...or is it the just expression of a providential God? Is His wrath true to HIs character in dealing with sinful man? In this scholarly book, the Rev. Dr. Herbert M. Haney interprets the wrath of God as exemplified in the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings. It is his view that interpretation of the Divine wrath as recorded by the Former Prophets is basic to an understanding of God's wrath as revealed in the New Testament. The term "covenant wrath" is used here because it was under the Mosaic covenant that provision was made for the wrath of God, the author explains. "The covenant wrath of God was found to be always punitive, often remedial, and sometimes condemnatory. It was always bound up in the very character of God Himself. His righteousness caused His wrath to be punitive wherever there was sin: His love caused His wrath to be remedial whenever there were repentance and faith: His faithfulness caused HIs wrath to be condemnatory wherever there were persistence unrepentance and faithlessness." Evincing a masterly sense of order in his exposition, Dr Haney interrelates each type of wrath and each subject of wrathful visitation, giving evidence that every case represented a violation of the covenant...constantly drawing from the Bible and other primary sources and from authoritative secondary sources to support his argument. THE WRATH OF GOD IN THE FORMER PROPHETS is Dr. Haney's doctoral dissertation, and it reflects the depth of thought and scholarship such a work requires. The problem with which he deals is an extremely important one for religious thinking in these days, when the notion of a wrathful God has been so tempered that this aspect of His nature is all too frequently minimized. Laymen as well as students of theology will find this book a truly inspiring aid to Bible understanding. -Publisher
This narrative as a whole is a compelling example of ancient historiography incorporating many different literary sources from different times, spanning the period of seven hundred years, from the conquest of Canaan to the exile when Israel lost the land.
Carol Dempsey's The Prophets provides a liberation-critical reading of Israel's prophetic books, including overviews of each book and discussions of specific passages. Her approach allows her to plumb the depths of the texts' potential for liberation as well as provide a critique of the tradition.
Waiting for the Rest That Still Remains. A Biblical Theology of the Former Prophets focuses on Israel's squandering of God's gift of rest from the enemy all around by worshiping at the altars of other gods, and its ultimate consequences: a second exile, this time from the landed presence of the Lord. Where land is the Pentateuch's promised future, the Former Prophets proffer a future tied to the Lord's dynastic covenant with David and Solomon's dedicatory prayer. Pleas that God hear in heaven the prayers his people direct toward the temple in Jerusalem express hope for the good life in the land, but the culmination of Solomon's prayer pleads that upon repentance their captors be compassionate to them in the land of their captivity; there is no plea for return to the land from exile. Outside of God's promise to David Joshua-Kings do not identify an earthly place, like Noah's ark or the land filled with God's presence, to which they might return. Israel awaits the fulfillment of God's promise to David.
This book seeks to get the attention of the Christian community that calls themselves the body of Christ, because the revelation that God has given author Howard Bean concerning this book is to open the blinded eyes of those that have become hardhearted, rebellious, and backslidden, to what God says in his Word. The prophets that have been used in this book present a clear picture of the type of apostasy that we have today, which are those who twist his Word and disobey the word of God. This book is to warn the church of the apostasy that they have gotten themselves into as Israel had done against God, years ago in the Old Testament. If we, as children of God, will open his Word and asked him to open our blinded eyes in the name of Jesus for the truth that is not being preached today in many churches, then he will do so as Jesus saidask and you shall receive. In many ways, this book can be used as a guide to help Christians study the Word of God, but it is not to replace the Word as many have and caused error in the church. It also can be used in Sunday school as a tool to help teach students, from teenagers to adults, the truth of how God expects his children to live for him and have faith, as the prophets of the Old Testament shows every one today.
The series Beihefte zur Zeitschrift f r die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (BZAW) covers all areas of research into the Old Testament, focusing on the Hebrew Bible, its early and later forms in Ancient Judaism, as well as its branching into many neighboring cultures of the Ancient Near East and the Greco-Roman world.
Interpretive study of the prophetic tradition of ancient Israel.