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This book aims to examine the use of antidumping laws as “temporary adjustment” safety valves. That is, domestic industries suddenly exposed to international competition need some measures to help them cope with the new market conditions. The book is divided into six chapters: The introductory chapter first examines the definition of dumping and antidumping. it then evaluates antidumping regulation both at the national and WTO level; The second chapter reviews current WTO antidumping law; The third and fourth chapters look at the antidumping experience of two developing countries: Egypt and India. The fifth chapter examines how current competition law deals with the practice of dumping. Accordingly, price discrimination law and predatory pricing law of both major competition law jurisdictions, the US and the EU are examined. This chapter aims to answer the question of whether competition law in its current form can replace antidumping law; and Finally, the sixth chapter looks at economies of scale as barriers to effective competition.
Since the 1995 inception of the World Trade Organization (WTO), developing countries have become some of the most frequent users of the WTO-sanctioned antidumping trade policy instrument. This paper exploits newly available data to examine the pattern of actual industrial use of antidumping in nine of the major "new user" developing countries - Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Peru, Turkey and Venezuela. For these countries we are able to match data from two newly available sources: data on production in 28 different 3-digit ISIC industries from the Trade, Production and Protection Database to data on antidumping investigations, outcomes and imports at the 6-digit Harmonized System (HS) product level from the Global Antidumping Database. Our econometric analysis is to estimate a two-stage model of the industry-level decision to pursue an antidumping investigation and the national government's decision of whether and how much antidumping import protection to provide. First, we find evidence consistent with the theory of endogenous trade policy: larger industries that face substantial import competition are more likely to pursue an antidumping investigation, and larger and more concentrated industries receive greater antidumping protection from imports. Second, we find that industries that use antidumping are more likely to face the changing economic conditions specified by the technical evidentiary criteria of the WTO Antidumping Agreement: industries that face rapidly falling import prices are more likely to pursue an investigation, and industries that are more susceptible to cyclical dumping due to greater capital investment expenditures and that face rapidly increasing competition from imports receive greater antidumping protection.
Now available as an eBook for the first time, this 1998 book from the Melland Schill series looks at The World Trade Organization, which was set up at the conclusion of the Uruguay Round of Trade Negotiations and came into force on 1 January 1995, forming a pillar of the international trading system. This book explains the legal framework established by the WTO, and explores how it can be made to work in practice. Asif H. Qureshi provides a basic guide to the new WTO code of conduct, and then focuses on implementation. First, he explains the institutional provisions of the WTO through an examination of GATT 1994 and the results of the Uruguay Round. Part Two covers techniques of implementation, and the third section covers the issues and problems of implementation relating to both developing countries and trade "blocs". Finally, Qureshi presents a complementary documentary appendix, including a complete copy of the Marrakesh Agreement establishing the WTO.
The WTO is one of the most important intergovernmental organizations in the world, yet the way in which it functions as an organization and the scope of its authority and power are still poorly understood. This comprehensively revised new edition of the acclaimed work by an outstanding team of WTO law specialists provides a complete overview of the law and practice of the WTO. The authors begin with the institutional law of the WTO (such as the sources of law and remedies of the dispute settlement system), then tackle the principal substantive obligations of the WTO regime (including tariffs, quotas, and MFN). They then move on to consider unfair trade, regional trading arrangements, and developing countries. In its final section the book deals with the consequences of globalization: first, where free trade is seen to be incompatible with environmental protection and, second, where WTO law confronts legal regimes governing issues of competition and intellectual property.
Abstract: Poor countries are rarely challenged in formal World Trade Organization trade disputes for failing to live up to commitments, reducing the benefits of their participation in international trade agreements. This paper examines the political-economic causes of the failure to challenge poor countries, and discusses the static and dynamic costs and externality implications of this failure. Given the weak incentives to enforce World Trade Organization rules and disciplines against small and poor members, bolstering the transparency function of the World Trade Organization is important for making trade agreements more relevant to trade constituencies in developing countries. Although the paper focuses on the World Trade Organization system, the arguments also apply to reciprocal North-South trade agreements.
An analysis of developing countries' current trade policies and market access problems is used as a basis for recommending positions for these countries in the new round of multilateral negotiations under the World Trade Organization.
The WTO Secretariat reports that during the period from 1995 to June 30, 2007 WTO members initiated 3097 anti-dumping investigations. Of these, 474 were put forward by India, which made it the largest user of this measure among WTO Members. The traditional argument of developing countries was that loopholes or absence of clear definitions in the anti-dumping rules have increased the possibility of abuses and discretionary practices against them. Now, many developing countries like India have become frequent users of this measure. For a better understanding of the various provisions of the WTO's Anti-dumping Agreement (ADA) a critical investigation of the resulting jurisprudence is a necessity. To that end, this timely work has a fivefold aim: and• To explore the jurisprudence that has emerged around the anti-dumping regime and how it affected developing countries; and• To assess how effectively and to what extent the WTO's Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) is able to analyze the violations of ADA provisions; and• To examine domestic compliance with DSB decisions; and• To study the Indian cases which come before the nation's Customs, Excise andamp; Sales Tax Appellate Tribunal, various High Courts and the Supreme Court of India; and and• To offer recommendations for the improvement of the anti-dumping regime from a developing country perspective.
The eight major sections in this volume focus on the increasing use of anti-dumping measures in a wide range of sectors by both developed and developing countries. In recent years, tariff reforms, the use of the provision in intra-developing country trade, and analysis of anti-dumping cases lodged at the WTO dispute settlement body indicate, the guide explains, a policy substitution to protect domestic industries.
This unique volume presents published and hitherto unpublished works by leading international trade lawyer and academic, Gary Horlick. The value of his insights comes from his mix of government, professional and academic experience in trade proceedings in the WTO, in NAFTA, in Mercosur, and in over 20 countries. The unpublished material includes information not previously available on the origins and rationales of important areas of antidumping (such as zeroing), subsidies and countervailing duties (such as specificity), and new key areas of WTO Dispute Resolution (in particular, the role of science). This invaluable book will provide readers with information useful to practicing lawyers involved in antidumping, countervailing duty, and WTO cases; researchers interested in the origins and meaning of obscure aspects of international trade law, and students looking for explanations behind some of the texts.