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The world is living dangerously - either because it has little choice or because it is making the wrong choices -- Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland WHO Director-General
The report describes the amount of disease, disability and death in the world today that can be attributed to a selected number of the most important risks to human health and also calculates how much of this present burden could be avoided in the next couple of decades if the same risk factors were reduced. It shows how some of those possible reductions can be achieved in a range of cost-effective ways--P. xiii.
The report describes the amount of disease, disability and death in the world today that can be attributed to a selected number of the most important risks to human health and also calculates how much of this present burden could be avoided in the next couple of decades if the same risk factors were reduced. It shows how some of those possible reductions can be achieved in a range of cost-effective ways--P. xiii.
This report issues a call for urgent action to combat the growing epidemic of obesity, which now affects developing and industrialized countries alike. Adopting a public health approach, the report responds to both the enormity of health problems associated with obesity and the notorious difficulty of treating this complex, multifactorial disease. With these problems in mind, the report aims to help policy-makers introduce strategies for prevention and management that have the greatest chance of success. The importance of prevention as the most sensible strategy in developing countries, where obesity coexists with undernutrition, is repeatedly emphasized. Recommended lines of action, which reflect the consensus reached by 25 leading authorities, are based on a critical review of current scientific knowledge about the causes of obesity in both individuals and populations. While all causes are considered, major attention is given to behavioural and societal changes that have increased the energy density of diets, overwhelmed sophisticated regulatory systems that control appetite and maintain energy balance, and reduced physical activity. Specific topics discussed range from the importance of fat content in the food supply as a cause of population-wide obesity, through misconceptions about obesity held by both the medical profession and the public, to strategies for dealing with the alarming prevalence of obesity in children. "... the volume is clearly written, and carries a wealth of summary information that is likely to be invaluable for anyone interested in the public health aspects of obesity and fatness, be they students, practitioner or researcher." - Journal of Biosocial Science
The World health statistics 2020 report is the annual compilation of health statistics for 194 Member States. It summarizes trends in life expectancy and causes of death and reports on progress towards the health and health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and associated targets.
The global burden of disease: 2004 update is a comprehensive assessment of the health of the world's population. It provides detailed global and regional estimates of premature mortality, disability and loss of health for 135 causes by age and sex, drawing on extensive WHO databases and on information provided by Member States.--Publisher description.
The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) provides systematic epidemiological estimates for an unprecedented 150 major health conditions. The GBD provides indispensable global and regional data for health planning, research, and education.