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The notion of a single political organization encompassing the whole of humanity—a world state—has intrigued mankind since earliest recorded history. This book provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of the history of world government, and questions whether political globalization, in the form of a federal world government, could and should complement the ongoing processes of economic and cultural globalization. While the potential peacekeeping advantage of such a state is obvious, the consensus judgment has always been against it, because it could lead to totalitarian tyranny. Yunker examines whether this judgment is still correct, considering that nuclear weapons of unimaginable destructiveness now exist, capable of destroying human civilization as we know it. Summarizing the lessons of history, the author suggests that while the conventional world federalist concept of an unlimited world government is still impractical in today’s world, there may be a role for a limited federal world government that would go well beyond the existing United Nations, thereby providing a stronger institutional basis for the evolutionary development of genuinely effective global governance. This book is an important resource for all students and scholars of global governance, international relations and international organizations.
By intelligence officials for intelligent people
This book is the last title of the seven holy book series written simultaneously in thirty-four months by a born prophet, seasoned and reputable spiritual scientist and consultant on issues related to nature and the universe at large, His Lordship Bishop Bassey Effiong Orok. After his consecration as bishop on Sunday, April 12, 2009, he was taken away by the Holy Spirit, passing through several borders and nations. And on the twelfth month after he was consecrated a bishop, he was given authority to settle down, being hidden from public sight, and the Holy Spirit led him to write the seven holy books series, namely, Holy Book of Revelations; Everlasting Arts and Sciences volumes 1 and 2; and Eternal Mysteries of Nations volumes 1, 2, and 3, including this very title. However, The Final World Government contains unimaginable and extraordinary knowledge. It is beyond human description and interpretation as it unveils the coming new world administration where only one governing system, one currency, one understanding, one belief and one language will be enforced globally, thereby bringing to an end all existing governments, organizations, groups, religions, tradition, beliefs, customs, and kingdoms irrespective of nation, language, continent, or colour. It announces the coming unavoidable global change (far from the present) as it unveils a world void of all political, civil, economic, food crises, agony, anger, catastrophe, blame, earthquakes, war, pain, enmity, insecurity, insurgency, terrorism, wickedness, danger, evil, sorrow, sickness and death. It gives in-depth and first-time knowledge on the natural origin of the different governments currently operating globally and moving ahead in unveiling the system of their final departure from the surface of the earth. It also unveils unprecedented mysteries concerning all continents, governments, organizations, religions, tribes, tongues, colours and every human race, even as it reveals how the entire earth and the heavens will be shaken thus causing man and other creations to run for their safety.
This book rants against Freemasonry, Satan, international banks, Napoleon and more. It makes a series of unsubstantiated claims against Jews and possibly substantiated ones against the Rothschilds of his time. If one can put the authors personal biases aside, there remains some good historical information about government, religion, world power and money. The publishers do not agree with the authors biased opinions, but wish to make the remaining facts available to those interested. Conspiracy buffs will enjoy it immensely. The book, in its entirety, should not be taken at face valuethe truth that exists within it must be carefully extracted.
Humanity faces grave dangers that can be avoided only by international cooperation The world does not need a world government to govern itself. Roberto Mangabeira Unger argues that there is an alternative: to build cooperation among countries to advance their shared interests. We urgently need to avert war between the United States and China, catastrophic climate change, and other global public harms. We must do so, however, in a world in which sovereign states remain in command. The opportunity for self-interested cooperation among nations is immense. Unger shows how different types of coalitions among states can seize on this opportunity and avoid the greatest dangers that we face. Unger offers a way of thinking about international relations as well as a transformative program: a realism with hope and a way to develop the international diversity that we want without the international anarchy that we fear. His ideas challenge the disillusionment and fatalism that threaten to overwhelm us.
This volume presents a significantly different interpretation of society and international relations compared with existing political ideas. The world of 2019 can be associated with a number of terms, including nuclear weapons; population growth; climate change; deforestation; artificial intelligence; nationalism; refugees; democracy and its difficulties; starvation; diseases; corruption; fake news; racism; migration; war; populism; smartphones; and digitalization, among others. This volume highlights the route to release the world from most of these problems and to assure the survival of humankind and germinate life quality for all. It points the way towards a future characterised by disarmament and demobilization; secure forces for daily safety; food and medicine supply; energy and water supply; global equality; education; and housing and healthcare for all.
Presents the arguments for the establishment of a world government to answer pressing global issues such as war, global injustices and environmental problems.
The 21st century may be the age of globalism, with such nongovernmental organizations as the International Red Cross, Greenpeace, and Amnesty International serving the world without regard to nationalities. Is the next step a federal world government?The pros and cons of a democratic federal world government are carefully reasoned here, as are the basic concepts of such a federation, and the relationship of law and government. The author's analysis brings one to the conclusion that a global federation is inevitable despite the many obstacles.
WORLD GOVERNMENT, READY OR NOT! is the first how-to-do-it and how-it-is-being done book on the making of world peace through government of, by, and for the citizens of the world recounted in masterful detail by a veteran of over 50 years experience in the "field." WWII bomber pilot Garry Davis, in 1948 took Emery Reves (Anatomy of Peace) at his word first that "...the ideal of the nation-state is bankrupt.." and second that "There is no first step to world government. World Government is the first step." The eclectic Renaissance Man, stateless World Citizen Davis "lives" the future today treating philosophy, law, economics, travel, space, history and more with equal ease and insight. Moreover, as a world activist, he has seen the inside of over 30 national prisons. E. B.White wrote that "Davis marches to the beat of the Universe while we all march to a broken drum." "The birth pangs of the new world order are already upon us," Davis writes in the Prologue, "and as necessity knows no law but its own, we are too busy attending to that long-heralded and momentous birth to still the shrill cries of infidelity." WORLD GOVERNMENT, READY OR NOT! is a book for the 21st century and beyond.
Due to its ability to freeze a moment in time, the photo is a uniquely powerful device for ordering and understanding the world. But when an image depicts complex, ambiguous, or controversial events--terrorist attacks, wars, political assassinations--its ability to influence perception can prove deeply unsettling. Are we really seeing the world "as it is" or is the image a fabrication or projection? How do a photo's content and form shape a viewer's impressions? What do such images contribute to historical memory? About to Die focuses on one emotionally charged category of news photograph--depictions of individuals who are facing imminent death--as a prism for addressing such vital questions. Tracking events as wide-ranging as the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, the Holocaust, the Vietnam War, and 9/11, Barbie Zelizer demonstrates that modes of journalistic depiction and the power of the image are immense cultural forces that are still far from understood. Through a survey of a century of photojournalism, including close analysis of over sixty photos, About to Die provides a framework and vocabulary for understanding the news imagery that so profoundly shapes our view of the world.