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An answer for the economist is a question for a policy maker. Most economists are confronted daily with the practical question of how the world is organised and how the global economy performs? When economists conclude they can grasp certain aspects scientifically, they offer an answer, which becomes, in turn, a question to the policy makers, keen on changing the world for the better. The unique approach presented in the book is the combination of the theoretical considerations with the policy viewpoint analysis, due to the author's own experience with policy-making as deputy premier and finance minister of Poland (twice and very successful as an architect of Polish reforms). Another important feature is a vast, yet comprehensive and deep discussion of the interactions between technology change and society and the economy both, in the world economy and in emerging markets, especially the post-communist ones. Of great importance for sustained development are the institutions. They are not only created and built, but also need to be learnt. Not only theoretical arguments, but also the practical experience demonstrates that faster economic growth is attained by those countries which take greater care to foster the institutional reinforcement of market economy and civic society. Yet progress in market-economy institution building is not in itself sufficient to ensure durable and fast growth. Another indispensable component is an appropriately designed and implemented economic policy, which must not confuse the means with the aims.
Originally published in 2004. The collapse of the USSR and the emergence of 15 new states from its ashes presents another challenge to the global economy: how to reintegrate the post-Soviet space into the international economy. The spread of liberal market ideology and integration of national economic spaces into a global marketplace faces unique difficulties in the former USSR. This insightful volume explains these challenges, showing how Soviet legacies have worked against a smooth re-entry of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus into the global economy. It also demonstrates how and why global economic forces have had very uneven effects in the area, how the area differs from other parts of the post-communist world where reintegration has proceeded more smoothly, and what the future prospects and political implications are for the region in the global economy.
The author argues that with the collapse of communism, world leaders must now answer the question about the kind of capitalism that is going to replace bankrupt economies. This book highlights the success of a mixed economy that combines a free market with state responsibility for infrastructure.
Offering a single, coherent framework of the political, economic, and social phenomena that characterize post-communist regimes, this is the most comprehensive work on the subject to date. Focusing on Central Europe, the post-Soviet countries and China, the study provides a systematic mapping of possible post-communist trajectories. At exploring the structural foundations of post-communist regime development, the work discusses the types of state, with an emphasis on informality and patronalism; the variety of actors in the political, economic, and communal spheres; the ways autocrats neutralize media, elections, etc. The analysis embraces the color revolutions of civil resistance (as in Georgia and in Ukraine) and the defensive mechanisms of democracy and autocracy; the evolution of corruption and the workings of “relational economy”; an analysis of China as “market-exploiting dictatorship”; the sociology of “clientage society”; and the instrumental use of ideology, with an emphasis on populism. Beyond a cataloguing of phenomena—actors, institutions, and dynamics of post-communist democracies, autocracies, and dictatorships—Magyar and Madlovics also conceptualize everything as building blocks to a larger, coherent structure: a new language for post-communist regimes. While being the most definitive book on the topic, the book is nevertheless written in an accessible style suitable for both beginners who wish to understand the logic of post-communism and scholars who are interested in original contributions to comparative regime theory. The book is equipped with QR codes that link to, which contains interactive, 3D supplementary material for teaching.
Early transition was characterized by debate over shock therapy and gradualism as alternative reform strategies. Other important debates concerned the nature of the former USSR. Was it ever Socialist and what were its laws of motion? What implications does the old system have for the course of post-communist reforms? These are among the key issues analysed in this book, through a mix of conceptual analysis and an interesting selection of country studies.
The publication brings together a series of essays offering an institutional analysis of economic and social change in Central and Eastern Europe and the new independent states. Available in image format, hypertext HTML, and as Adobe Acrobat PDF files.
The collapse of communism was widely heralded as the dawn of democracy across the former Soviet region. However, the political outcome has been much less uniform. The post-communist states have developed political systems from democracy to dictatorship. Using examples and empirical data collected from twenty-six former Soviet states, Graeme Gill provides a detailed comparative analysis of the core issues of regime change, the creation of civil society, economic reform and the changing nature of post-communism. Within these individual cases, it becomes clear that political outcomes have not been arbitrary, but directly reflect the circumstances surrounding the birth of independence. Students of Comparative Politics, International Relations and Russian and Post-Soviet Studies should find this book essential reading.
In this collection of essays David A Dyker explores some of the most difficult and fascinating aspects of the process of transition from autocratic “real socialism” to a capitalism that is sometimes democratic, sometimes authoritarian. The stress is on the economic dimension of transformation, but the author sets the economic drama firmly within a political economy framework and a historical perspective. Trends in key economic variables are analysed against the background of the struggle between different social and political groups for power and command over resources. While the book pays due attention to topical issues like EU enlargement, the underlying perspective is a long-term one. Transition is viewed not as a set of once-and-for-all institutional changes or a process of short-term stabilisation, but as a historic opportunity to solve the inherited problem of poverty and underdevelopment in Central-East Europe and the former Soviet Union. The book ends with a critical assessment of how economics, as a discipline, has coped with the challenge of that historic opportunity.
Transition from central planning to a market economy, involving large-scale institutional change and reforms at all levels, is often described as the greatest social science experiment in modern times. As more than two decades have passed since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union, it is now an excellent time to take stock of how the transition process has turned out for the economies that have moved on from socialism and the command economy. This new handbook assembles a team of leading experts, many of whom were closely involved in the transition process as policymakers and policy advisors, to explore the major themes that have characterized the transition process. After identifying the nature of initial conditions and the strengths and weaknesses of institutions, the varying paths and reforms countries have taken are fully analyzed – from the shock therapy, privatization or gradualism of the early years to the burning issues of the present including global integration and sustainable growth. Topics covered include the socialist system pre-transition, economic reforms, institutions, the political economy of transition, performance and growth, enterprise restructuring, and people and transition. The country coverage is also extensive, from the former socialist countries of the USSR and the satellite states of Central and Eastern Europe to the Asian countries of China, Vietnam and others. The rise of China as a key actor in the drama is chronicled, along with the emergence of a new, more confident, oil-rich Russia. The comparative prosperity of the Central European countries such as Poland and the Czech Republic is contrasted with the mixed fortunes of the former USSR, where some countries are stagnating while others boom. This Handbook of the Economics and Political Economy of Transition is the definitive guide to this new order of things in the former Communist world.
This book offers a comparative analysis of value and identity changes in several post-Soviet countries. In light of the tremendous economic, social and political changes in former communist states, the authors compare the values, attitudes and identities of different generations and cultural groups. Based on extensive empirical data, using quantitative and qualitative methods to study complex social identities, this book examines how intergenerational value and identity changes are linked to socio-economic and political development. Topics include the rise of nationalist sentiments, identity formation of ethnic and religious groups and minorities, youth identity formation and intergenerational value conflicts.