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This volume by the greatest of the Puritan theologians contains the following books and chapters: Book I. Chapter I. General Principles Concerning the Holy Spirit and His Work Chapter II. The Name and Titles of the Holy Spirit Chapter III. Divine Nature and Personality of the Holy Spirit Proved and Vindicated Chapter IV. Peculiar Works of the Holy Spirit in the First or Old Creation Chapter V. Way and Manner of the Divine Dispensation of the Holy Spirit Book II. Chapter I. Peculiar Operations of the Holy Spirit Under the Old Testament Preparatory for the New Chapter II. General Dispensation of the Holy Spirit With Respect Unto the New Creation Chapter III. Work of the Holy Spirit With Respect Unto the Head of the New Creation - The Human Nature of Christ Chapter IV. Work of the Holy Spirit in and on the Human Nature of Christ Chapter V. The General Work of the Holy Spirit in the New Creation With Respect Unto the Members of That Body Whereof Christ Is the Head Book III. Chapter I. Work of the Holy Spirit in the New Creation by Regeneration Chapter II. Works of the Holy Spirit Preparatory Unto Regeneration Chapter III. Corruption or Depravation of the Mind by Sin Chapter IV. Life and Death, Natural and Spiritual, Compared Chapter V. The Nature, Causes, and Means of Regeneration Chapter VI. The Manner of Conversion Explained in the Instance of Augustine Book IV. Chapter I. The Nature of Sanctification and Gospel Holiness Explained Chapter II. Sanctification a Progressive Work Chapter III. Believers the Only Object of Sanctification, and Subject of Gospel Holiness Chapter IV. The Defilement of Sin, Wherein It Consists, With Its Purification Chapter V. The Filth of Sin Purged by the Spirit and the Blood of Christ Chapter VI. The Positive Work of the Spirit in the Sanctification of Believers Chapter VII. Of the Acts and Duties of Holiness Chapter VIII. Mortification of Sin, the Nature and Causes of It Book V. Chapter I. Necessity of Holiness From the Consideration of the Nature of God Chapter II. Eternal Election a Cause of and Motive Unto Holiness Chapter III. Holiness Necessary From the Commands of God Chapter IV. Necessity of Holiness From God’S Sending Jesus Christ Chapter V. Necessity of Holiness From Our Condition in This World
'John Owen on the Work of the Holy Spirit', as the work has generally been called, is perhaps one of the best known, and most highly esteemed of Owen's treatises. 'We are favoured with many excellent books in our tongue', wrote John Newton to a correspondent, 'but I with you agree in assigning one of the first places as a teacher to Dr Owen. I have just finished his discourse on the Holy Spirit which is an epitome, if not the masterpiece of his writings.'
'Owen on the Holy Spirit', as this work has been known to generations of Christians, was written by the greatest theologian of the Puritan era. It is, without question, one of the truly great Christian books. Originally published in 1674 as Pneumatologia, or A Discourse concerning the Holy Spirit, it is a massive work, taking up 650 pages in the Banner of Truth edition of Owen's Works (Volume 3). It deals with the name, nature, personality and operations of the Spirit, and urges the necessity of gospel holiness as distinct from mere human morality. The work is both doctrinal and pastoral in character. The very length and exhaustiveness of the original book could easily deter us from attempting to read it, but this abridged and modernized version prepared, like the earlier volumes in the series, (Apostasy from the Gospel, Communion with God and The Glory of Christ), by Dr. R. J. K. Law will make Owen's teaching more accessible to modern readers.
Teaching Outline + Study Guide for The Attributes of God
Communion with God, or in full, "Of communion with God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost each person distinctly, in love, grace, and consolation; or, the saints' fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost unfolded," is John Owen's finest devotional treatise. This work expounds "the most glorious truth that believers may have distinct communion with the three persons Father, Son, and Spirit," and being addressed to the "Christian reader" is simpler than much of Owen's theology. (Unabridged. Includes all footnotes.)
How do Christians come to the certainty that the Bible is the Word of God, and gain an understanding of His mind and will from it? How do they acquire the ability to pray, and lead others in prayer? how are they comforted and supported in all the difficulties they meet? And how can the church be led, taught and guided aright, when Christ is not here on earth? According to the great Puritan leader John Owen, the answer to all these questions is the same: by the gracious and powerful work of the Holy Spirit. He it is who convinces, assures, teaches, comforts and equips the church and all its members for all the work they are called to do. In an age when many think Christianity is nothing more than human effort, based on fallible human conclusions, Owen calls the church back to divine certainty and divine resources. The style in which the Puritans wrote can present difficulties for modern readers, but this updated abridgement of by Dr. R.J.K. Law of The Spirit and the Church will allow Owen to speak to Christians today on a theme which remains as vitally important for the well-being of the church in the twenty-first century as it was when Owen first wrote.