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The Buddha explains the purpose of his teachings by means of an analogy of an elder who tries to rescue five hundred children who are absorbed in play in a burning house.
In Chapter Seventeen, the Buddha describes for Maitreya Bodhisattva the extent of the merit and virtue of one who, having heard of the Buddha's life span, brings forth faith and understanding. Chapter Eighteen describes how one who upholds this sutra will gain merit and virtue pertaining to the mouth. Chapter Nineteen describes how one who upholds this sutra will gain merit and virtue pertaining to the ears.
In Chapter Twelve, the Buddha reveals that Devadatta was once his teacher in a former life, and then bestows a prediction of Buddhahood on him. The eight-year-old Dragon Girl becomes a Buddha. In Chapter Thirteen, the Buddha bestows predictions of Buddhahood on Bhikshunis.
Four of the Buddha's foremost Arhat disciples relate a parable about a prodigal son to express their joy upon hearing that they, too, can become Buddhas in the future.
This is the extended and annotated edition including * an extensive annotation of more than 10.000 words about the history and basics of Buddhism, written by Thomas William Rhys Davids The Lotus Sūtra is one of the most popular and influential Mahāyāna sūtras, and the basis on which the Tiantai and Nichiren schools of Buddhism were established. This sutra is known for its extensive instruction on the concept and usage of skillful means – the seventh paramita or perfection of a Bodhisattva – mostly in the form of parables. It is also one of the first sutras to use the term Mahāyāna, or "Great Vehicle", Buddhism. Another concept introduced by the Lotus Sutra is the idea that the Buddha is an eternal entity, who achieved nirvana eons ago, but willingly chose to remain in the cycle of rebirth (samsara) to help teach beings the Dharma time and again. (courtesy of Contents: Buddhism The Lotus Sutra (Saddharma-Pundarîka) Chapter I. Introductory. Chapter Ii. Skilfulness Chapter Iii. A Parable. Chapter Iv. Disposition. Chapter V. On Plants. Chapter Vi. Announcement Of Future Destiny. Chapter Vii. Ancient Devotion. Chapter Viii. Announcement Of The Future Destiny Of The Five Hundred Monks. Chapter Ix. Announcement Of The Future Destiny Of Ânanda, Rahula, And The Two Thousand Monks. Chapter X. The Preacher. Chapter Xi. Apparition Of A Stûpa. Chapter Xii. Exertion. Chapter Xiii. Peaceful Life. Chapter Xiv. Issuing Of Bodhisattvas From The Gaps Of The Earth. Chapter Xv. Duration Of Life Of The Tathâgata. Chapter Xvi. Of Piety. Chapter Xvii. Indication Of The Meritoriousness Of Joyful Acceptance. Chapter Xviii. The Advantages Of A Religious Preacher. Chapter Xix. Sadâparibhûta. Chapter Xx. Conception Of The Transcendent Power Of The Tathâgatas. Chapter Xxi. Spells. Chapter Xxii. Ancient Devotion Of Bhaishagyarâga. Chapter Xxiii. Gadgadasvara. Chapter Xxiv. Chapter Called That Of The All-Sided One, Containing A Description Of The Transformations Of Avalokitesvara. Chapter Xxv. Ancient Devotion. Chapter Xxvi. Encouragement Of Samantabhadra. Chapter Xxvii. The Period (Of The Law, Dharmaparyâya).
The Lotus Sutra is regarded as one of the world's great religious scriptures and most influential texts. It's a seminal work in the development of Buddhism throughout East Asia and, by extension, in the development of Mahayana Buddhism throughout the world. Taking place in a vast and fantastical cosmic setting, the Lotus Sutra places emphasis on skillfully doing whatever is needed to serve and compassionately care for others, on breaking down distinctions between the fully enlightened buddha and the bodhisattva who vows to postpone salvation until all beings may share it, and especially on each and every being's innate capacity to become a buddha. Gene Reeves's new translation appeals to readers with little or no familiarity with technical Buddhist vocabulary, as well as long-time practitioners and students. In addition, this remarkable volume includes the full "threefold" text of this classic.