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Do you believe in miracles? Walking on water. Multiplying the fish and the loaves. Raising Lazarus from the dead. The miracles of Jesus may be well known, but they're often misunderstood. In The Wonder-Working God, pastor Jared Wilson wants to help us see that there's more than meets the eye when it comes to the miraculous events recorded in the Gospels. From the humble wonder of the incarnation to the blinding glory of the transfiguration, this book shows how Jesus's miracles reveal his divinity, authority, and ultimate mission: restoring us and this world to a right relationship with God.
The wonder and glory of God's word can never be completely told in a man's life time. Every thing is new every day. And just as the manna we need to have this word every day to prove his doctrine and to hear it out of the word of God (John 17: 8) say's he gave his word to the men that the Father gave him and Jesus prayed for them that they will show God's glory to the world that they are one as he is one with the Father. Jesus said I have manifested thy name unto them and they have kept thy word and your Word is everlasting life and they are sanctified through thy truth I have kept them in thy name. The wonder and the glory inside the Ark of the Covenant will show the lawgiver, the manna and the tree of life. He gives us the witness of death and taxes and the resurrection of the just and the unjust. He tells us the wages of sin is death, and the gift of God is eternal life our debt is paid in full. The greatest mystery.( I Timothy 3:16 ) And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness; God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory (I John 1:2) For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, Comfort one another with these words this day could be the day in Jerusalem.
"A fine collection of probing and imaginative discussions on the relation between the Incarnation and the arts." --Nicholas Wolterstorff, Yale Divinity School
The miracles you would like are impossible for you but would be easy for Me. The new birth does not repair the 'old man, ' but makes everything within us brand new! God never lets His promised blessings be stamped out by time. I cannot take your heart against your will or make you totally commit unto Me. These are just a few of the words that God has spoken to author Anita Hashim in her new devotional, Oh the Wonder and Glory of it All. To those who will take time to hear His voice, God still speaks to individuals today, but He often sets apart those He chooses to bring forth special messages. So He has done with Anita Hashim. As you read through the devotionals, open your heart to the words that God has spoken and allow Him to teach to you through Oh the Wonder and Glory of it All.
Rediscover the heart of the Advent season As the year comes to a close and the stress and busyness of the consumer Christmas holiday grows, it can be easy to lose sight of what the season really calls us to: worship. In today’s world, is it even possible to slow down, to ponder, to wonder in the coming birth of Christ? This Advent, recapture the mystery and beauty of the season with The Wonder of Advent Devotional. In this insightful and thought-provoking book, beloved devotional author Chris Tiegreen brings you into a deeper experience of this integral time in the church calendar. After completing a week of short readings to prepare your heart for the Advent season, you’ll journey through December with daily Scripture readings, prompts for reflection, and guided prayer to help you savor this remarkable divine story. With each day, The Wonder of Advent Devotional will reconnect you with what happened in Bethlehem long ago—and experience it anew in your life right now.
How do we know and speak about God's relation to this world? Does God reveal himself through his creation? This book recaptures a Christian vision of all reality: that the world is full of divine signs that are openings into God's glory. Bringing together insights from some of the tradition's greatest thinkers--Edwards, Newman, and Barth--Gerald McDermott resurrects a robust theology of creation for Protestants. He shows how and where meaning can be found outside the church and special revelation in various realms of creation, including nature, science, law, history, animals, sex, and sports.