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Experience the Witch Compass: Your Vehicle, Map, and Destination Explore the compass of the eight winds, a magical circle at the heart of Traditional Witchcraft. More than a tool for protection or raising power, this framework provides the ritual means to traverse the worlds and a mythic landscape that can be accessed at any point in time and space. Traditional Witch Ian Chambers teaches how the Witch Compass represents an entire worldview, a cosmological map, and a method for magic and revelation. He helps you develop your own compass and use it for divination, spirit work, and practical sorcery. This book shows you the world through the lens of your Witch Compass and reveals the many realms and spirits available to you.
This is the extraordinary account of Donner-Grau's experiences with doña Mercedes, an aged healer in a remote Venezuelan town known for its spiritualists, sorcerers, and mediums.
The field of witchcraft studies is continually over-turning new information and research about traditional witchcraft practices and their meanings. A Deed Without a Name seeks to weave together some of this cutting-edge research with insider information and practical know-how. Utilising her own decades of experience in witchcraft and core-shamanism Lee Morgan pulls together information from trial records, folklore and modern testimonials to deepen our understanding of the ecstatic and visionary substrata of Traditional Witchcraft. Those who identify themselves as 'Traditional' tend to read a lot of scholarly texts on the subject and yet still there remains a vast gulf between this information and knowledgeably applying it in practice; this book aims to close that gap. ,
Gemma Gary explores modern approaches to ancient practices of witches, charmers, and conjurers of the 18th and 19th centuries. The practices described within this book are rooted in the traditional witchcraft of multiple British streams, making its charms and spells adaptable for practitioners in any land. Topics include fairy faith, the underworld, the Bucca, places of power, magical tools, and more.
Discover the Hidden Depths of the Sabbath Take flight for a mesmerizing exploration of an event long shrouded in fear and mystery—the Witches' Sabbath. Kelden presents an in-depth examination of the Sabbath's historical and folkloric development as well as its re-emergence within the modern practice of Witchcraft. From discussions on the folklore of flight and the events of nocturnal gatherings to enchanting rituals and recipes, you'll find everything you need to not only understand the nature of the legendary Sabbath, but also journey there yourself. Offering impressive research and compelling stories from across Europe and the early American colonies, this book is the ultimate resource for discovering an oft misunderstood and overlooked aspect of Witchcraft. Includes a foreword by Jason Mankey, author of The Horned God of the Witches
With the lo p'an, the art of feng shui becomes a true science. The result of over thirty years of research and practice, The Guide to the Feng Shui Compass is the first book in English to explain what the lo p'an is, how it works, and how to read and use it for luck, happiness, and an improved life. It includes a history of feng shui and a detailed description of the seventy-five rings of the lo p'an. Featuring clear explanations and instructions, this groundbreaking guide will turn anyone into an expert with any lo p'an, ancient or modern.
A Witch's Book of Silence will help you deepen your practice and increase the efficacy of your magic. Silence is the space from which creative impulse flows. In silence we touch the power we call God/dess and become attuned to wisdom beyond our own. We learn to commune with the spirits of land, our ancestors and others of the unseen realms. We enter the ineffable mystery sought by ancient and contemporary mystics alike. Through silent communion we attain ecstatic union with the Divine. The book addresses some of the most pressing and controversial concerns of the Craft as both a modern-day movement and private, religious system. A Witch's Book of Silence is a mirror for us individually and collectively. Here we see reflected our beauty and power as well as our fear and foibles. Divided into three segments. The first defines terms, explores concepts and discusses how and why we resist the practice of silence. The second segment offers practices leading the seeker into the heart of silence where the mysteries are revealed . The final segment offers a glimpse of what awaits us should we dare to steep ourselves in the cauldron of transformation. A Witch's Book of Silence is born out of decades of studying, practicing and teaching the art of Witchcraft during which time the author noted the impact of the internet on the transfer of once closely guarded information. The Witch's Pyramid became unbalanced as the powers to Know, Will and Dare were highly sought after while Keeping Silent fell out of fashion--a silly, scary and inconsequential relic of the past. The Witch must confront and overcome her fear and resistance to entering the realms of silence. Keeping silent is necessary to build power, perform effective magic and engage deeply with the mysteries. While written from the perspective of a Feri Witch, the concerns, practices and resolutions offered will be equally valuable when applied to any spiritual path requiring the practitioner develop self-awareness, personal integrity, cognizant communication with spirit and the use of meaningful speech imbued with creative force.
In 1852 two sisters leave Scotland alone, amid fear of persecution as witches. They are only teenagers but they are leaving behind everything they know and heading for a new world so that they can start living without fear...One of the sisters, my great great great grandmother, Euphemia Grieve, left her homeland under unusual circumstances as a young girl. She came to Canada where she married William MacKenzie and they started a new life together. They were advised by family friend Emily Stowe (one of Canada's very first female doctors) to build a home in Muskoka Ontario, which they did. An octagonal home, built by 8 Scottish carpenters. A powerful, natural, magick Circle, my childhood home. They were practicing theosophists, whose mandate includes the re-awakening of humanities psychic gifts, and to investigate the unexplained laws of Nature and the powers latent in humankind. Some consider the modern day New Age movement to be based on theosophical teachings, and even in the new world one couldn't openly declare oneself a witch in 1886. In Muskoka they planted a huge perennial garden full of witches herbs and flowers which still existed when I was growing up there, steeped in tradition. I am a 6th generation practicing witch among the matrimonial line in my family. Initiated by family and raised in traditional witchcraft. Although I was baptized as a Christian for propriety's sake (most of the men in the family are not initiated or even aware of the Craft, although this is changing) I have always been aware of the truth and intrinsic rightness of the Craft of the Wise. I was always allowed and encouraged to explore other religions and make my own choice but there has only ever been one way for me. I consider myself very well-read on the subject, and well-versed in the different traditions that make up modern day Wicca and neo-paganism, and as a teenager I attended Wiccan church in Toronto. Today, as all the woman in my family I am a fully initiated third degree solitary practitioner.And in this book I am including 200 years of real accumulated knowledge to enable others to fulfill their lives.
An enduring classic since its publication in 1970, Mastering Witchcraft is one of the best how-to manuals for those wishing to practice traditional European Witchcraft as a craft rather than a New Age religion. Starting from first principles, Huson instructs the novice step by step in the arts of circle casting, blessing and banning, the uses of amulets and talismans, philters, divination, necromancy, waxen images, knots, fascination, conjuration, magical familiars, spells to arouse passion or lust, attain vengeance, and of course, counter-spells to exorcize and annul the malice of others. "A genuine vade mecum."-The Catholic Herald.