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Renew your passion and discover deeper commitment to God in just 21 days.
The Wesley Covenant Prayer has been used in Methodist services around the world on the first Sunday of the year since John Wesley introduced it in 1755. Wesley expected that people would pray this prayer as a way of remembering, renewing, and surrendering themselves in complete trust to God. When we pray it, we are to remember what living like Jesus looks like and what loving God with all our heart, soul, and mind and loving our neighbor as ourselves requires of us. In The Wesley Prayer Challenge, author Chris Folmsbee invites readers to consider words from the Wesley Covenant Prayer each day for three weeks while reflecting on their meaning in the context of the larger piece. Each day’s reading will include scripture, prayer, and a challenge for daily life. Additional components for a three-week study include a comprehensive leader guide and a DVD featuring author Chris Folmsbee.
How can we introduce younger lay people to the practical and accessible Wesley? In The Wesley Challenge Participant Book small groups or whole churches will spend three weeks working through 21 questions that will engage their physical, spiritual and emotional lives and their relationship with God and others. With fast-paced emphasis on graphics and short content bits, the challenge will inspire us to a new kind of commitment—one that is more authentic, vulnerable and soul shaping resulting in thousands of people who have a renewed passion to discover deeper levels of commitment to God and others. Additional components for a three-week study include a comprehensive leader guide and a DVD featuring author Chris Folmsbee, and a youth study guide.
Visions of Development presents first-hand stories of groups and movements from many different religious and spiritual traditions that are working with impoverished communities in Africa, Asia and Latin America. It provides unique insights into how people
A beautiful meditation on grief, memory, and the seasons of life. To Embroider the Ground with Prayer is a portrait of poet Teresa J. Scollon’s several worlds, as she accompanies her father through his illness and death and records the richness of family and community life in her Michigan town. These poems enjoy reverence and irreverence in equal measure as grief appears side by side with playfulness and humor. Scollon employs a wide range of poetic styles and voices: elegies, narratives, and persona poems are organized in recursive circles that evoke family, village, local characters, and the author’s adult life beyond her hometown. The collection begins with personal history and is rooted in a regional voice and focus, but Scollon skillfully transforms her experiences into larger concerns that resonate deeply and universally. Readers will get to know Scollon’s father, in fragile health but still so vital to those around him; trace Scollon’s many paths into and out of grief; and follow her travels as she confronts the pull of memory and once again forges her way in the external world. Throughout, Scollon records her understanding with fidelity, clarity, and reverence for story, and finds beauty in small everyday acts of devotion, patience, and humility. As Scollon writes, "To capture story is one way of giving thanks, of paying attention, to know where we are." Although this is her first full-length collection, Scollon’s stirring work is situated in the tradition of American poetry that includes the likes of Ruth Stone, Wendell Berry, Ted Kooser, James Wright, Carl Sandberg, and Edgar Lee Masters. Readers interested in contemporary poetry will be grateful for this profound collection.
Yet many who sit next to us in the pew at church fit that description, says author Wesley Hill. As a celibate gay Christian, Hill gives us a glimpse of what it looks like to wrestle firsthand with God's ''No'' to same-sex relationships. What does it mean for gay Christians to live faithful to God while struggling with the challenge of their homosexuality? What is God's will for believers who experience same-sex desires? Those who choose celibacy are often left to deal with loneliness and the hunger for relationships. How can gay Christians experience God's favor and blessing in the midst of a struggle that for many brings a crippling sense of shame and guilt? Weaving together reflections from his own life and the lives of other Christians, such as Henri Nouwen and Gerard Manley Hopkins, Hill offers a fresh perspective on these questions. He advocates neither unqualified ''healing'' for those who struggle, nor their accommodation to temptation, but rather faithfulness in the midst of brokenness. ''I hope this book may encourage other homosexual Christians to take the risky step of opening up their lives to others in the body of Christ,'' Hill writes. ''In so doing, they may find, as I have, by grace, that being known is spiritually healthier than remaining behind closed doors, that the light is better than the darkness.
The compact size and page-a-day format give readers a quick inspirational thought from the Bible to brighten each day.
Life...As I See It! is a compilation of over 200 quotations that convey the authors thoughts and opinions on such matters as leadership, love, politics, government, music, and life in general. The quotes in this book are based on the authors vast experiences, travels, and observations over the past 30 years and are intended to inspire readers to think deeply about their own lives, the lives of others, and the world around them. Retiring as a Senior Master Sergeant in the United States Air Force and serving as a senior intelligence, business, and knowledge management consultant throughout the Washington, D.C. area, Mr. Wickey provides a unique perspective on a wide range of matters affecting all individuals interested in bettering themselves. Whether you are in the twilight of your years or are a young person seeking answers to lifes many questions, this book will enlighten you, make you think, and inspire you to reach your full potential.
The Pauline letters bear witness to the prominent role that suffering played both in the life of Paul and in the lives of the communities to whom he writes. Startlingly, Paul does not express alarm or frustration at suffering's presence, but instead identifies it as an essential and defining feature for faithful Christ-followers. Paul grounds his account of suffering in the concept of "participation with Christ." This book explores the connection forged between suffering and participation by engaging in close readings of texts, resourcing letters usually dismissed because of doubts about authenticity, and pulling together an overall characterization of "Paul's thought" on the basis of common patterns of reference that emerge. Utilizing a tripartite reading strategy of "exegesis," "canon," and "theology" offers nuance for and yields fresh insight into a central Pauline motif.
" ... An exciting, five-session, adult-formation resource for those seeking a richer understanding of issues in contemporary Christian practice and theology: Who was Jesus? Who is God? What is salvation? How do we practice our faith? How do we live in community?"--Container.